Fixed capital formation by type of capital good;national accounts 1995-2015

Fixed capital formation by type of capital good;national accounts 1995-2015

Regions Periods Total fixed capital formation (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Dwelling stock (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Industrial buildings (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Civil engineering (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Transport (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Machinery and equipment (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Cultivated biological resources (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Transfer costs of ground (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Computers software and databases (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Research and development (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Other fixed assets (million euros)
The Netherlands 2015 135,984 23,651 18,029 17,269 13,182 17,417 355 2,245 19,096 12,284 12,456
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2015 12,669 2,357 1,763 1,581 744 2,832 96 175 1,328 880 912
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2015 24,178 3,842 3,766 3,335 3,091 2,598 75 417 3,104 2,017 1,934
West-Nederland (LD) 2015 70,239 12,368 8,398 8,842 7,178 7,547 90 1,187 10,955 6,665 7,010
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2015 26,358 5,084 4,101 2,520 2,166 3,524 94 465 3,650 2,722 2,032
Extra-Regio (LD) 2015 2,540 2 991 3 916 1 59 0 568
Groningen (PV) 2015 5,523 754 718 769 291 1,702 36 57 516 342 338
Friesland (PV) 2015 4,303 995 695 364 295 699 46 67 470 319 352
Drenthe (PV) 2015 2,843 608 350 448 157 431 14 51 342 220 222
Overijssel (PV) 2015 7,300 1,256 1,574 843 459 816 23 126 958 650 596
Flevoland (PV) 2015 3,600 167 332 201 1,858 241 10 41 331 195 224
Gelderland (PV) 2015 13,277 2,419 1,860 2,291 774 1,540 42 250 1,816 1,172 1,114
Utrecht (PV) 2015 11,856 1,963 1,207 2,085 1,489 939 14 206 1,980 892 1,080
Noord-Holland (PV) 2015 26,078 4,489 2,888 2,087 3,374 2,223 30 475 4,542 2,740 3,231
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2015 29,592 5,298 3,927 4,414 2,014 3,965 34 461 4,163 2,803 2,514
Zeeland (PV) 2015 2,713 617 376 256 301 420 11 45 270 230 186
Noord-Brabant (PV) 2015 18,742 3,629 2,657 1,625 1,810 2,441 79 338 2,713 1,966 1,483
Limburg (PV) 2015 7,616 1,455 1,443 895 356 1,083 15 127 936 756 549
Oost-Groningen (CR) 2015 751 89 307 54 32 88 4 12 68 52 45
Delfzijl en omgeving (CR) 2015 349 64 35 50 45 55 18 4 27 34 17
Overig Groningen (CR) 2015 4,423 601 376 665 214 1,560 14 40 421 256 276
Noord-Friesland (CR) 2015 2,483 626 394 280 106 434 9 34 262 150 188
Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2015 671 148 144 28 41 83 31 14 69 58 55
Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2015 1,150 221 157 56 149 181 6 19 139 111 110
Noord-Drenthe (CR) 2015 1,221 262 149 209 54 207 5 21 144 76 94
Zuidoost-Drenthe (CR) 2015 883 226 101 115 55 131 6 15 94 73 69
Zuidwest-Drenthe (CR) 2015 739 120 101 124 48 93 4 15 104 71 59
Noord-Overijssel (CR) 2015 2,708 504 393 431 166 344 11 44 363 225 228
Zuidwest-Overijssel (CR) 2015 1,101 225 394 60 51 87 2 17 117 82 66
Twente (CR) 2015 3,492 527 787 352 243 386 9 66 478 342 303
Veluwe (CR) 2015 4,400 752 699 534 303 496 15 88 684 451 379
Achterhoek (CR) 2015 2,063 518 307 158 103 276 11 45 257 219 168
Arnhem/Nijmegen (CR) 2015 5,431 837 640 1,521 240 600 6 84 684 366 454
Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2015 1,383 313 214 78 128 169 10 31 191 136 113
Utrecht (CR) 2015 11,856 1,963 1,207 2,085 1,489 939 14 206 1,980 892 1,080
Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2015 2,252 616 363 271 164 199 16 42 259 164 158
Alkmaar en omgeving (CR) 2015 1,283 220 142 191 121 137 4 31 210 109 117
IJmond (CR) 2015 958 90 120 84 70 196 4 21 168 127 78
Agglomeratie Haarlem (CR) 2015 1,403 472 186 162 67 84 0 33 195 96 107
Zaanstreek (CR) 2015 868 113 221 67 53 94 1 17 118 125 60
Groot-Amsterdam (CR) 2015 17,817 2,579 1,752 1,208 2,843 1,426 5 287 3,321 1,953 2,443
Het Gooi en Vechtstreek (CR) 2015 1,497 399 104 104 55 87 1 43 271 166 267
Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek (CR) 2015 2,412 635 380 164 173 203 4 54 370 205 226
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage (CR) 2015 8,778 2,133 1,414 1,943 377 372 1 115 1,284 492 647
Delft en Westland (CR) 2015 2,004 328 522 170 112 294 12 34 234 144 155
Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2015 1,565 297 216 147 98 200 7 40 247 162 153
Groot-Rijnmond (CR) 2015 12,767 1,639 1,164 1,834 1,002 2,607 6 177 1,672 1,513 1,154
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2015 2,066 266 231 156 253 289 4 43 356 288 179
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2015 956 265 107 37 177 173 4 12 65 79 37
Overig Zeeland (CR) 2015 1,757 353 269 219 124 248 7 33 205 151 148
West-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2015 4,763 645 531 431 852 722 9 80 639 506 348
Midden-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2015 2,979 564 555 233 274 335 35 59 412 264 247
Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2015 4,864 937 865 516 339 582 18 91 669 456 392
Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2015 6,136 1,483 707 445 346 801 16 108 994 740 496
Noord-Limburg (CR) 2015 1,983 307 535 173 93 263 9 36 229 180 159
Midden-Limburg (CR) 2015 1,593 364 318 229 65 174 4 28 176 132 102
Zuid-Limburg (CR) 2015 4,040 784 591 493 198 646 3 63 531 443 288
Flevoland (CR) 2015 3,600 167 332 201 1,858 241 10 41 331 195 224
Utrecht-West (CP) 2015 708 192 84 28 52 72 4 19 112 79 66
Stadsgewest Amersfoort (CP) 2015 1,871 302 183 141 294 131 2 43 378 194 203
Stadsgewest Utrecht (CP) 2015 8,560 1,371 823 1,810 1,103 670 4 124 1,366 548 741
Zuidoost-Utrecht (CP) 2015 717 98 118 106 41 66 3 20 124 71 70
Amsterdam (CP) 2015 10,822 2,157 909 900 565 550 0 201 2,234 1,353 1,952
Overig Agglomeratie Amsterdam (CP) 2015 1,174 135 164 103 39 140 1 26 303 128 135
Edam-Volendam en omgeving (CP) 2015 775 174 106 41 145 115 2 15 76 53 47
Haarlemmermeer en omgeving (CP) 2015 5,046 112 573 164 2,094 620 2 44 707 420 309
Aggl.'s-Gravenhage excl. Zoetermeer (CP) 2015 8,150 2,080 1,317 1,840 350 331 0 101 1,127 425 578
Zoetermeer (CP) 2015 628 53 96 103 26 41 1 14 157 67 70
Rijnmond (CP) 2015 11,938 1,434 1,052 1,774 928 2,516 1 155 1,567 1,422 1,089
Overig Groot-Rijnmond (CP) 2015 830 205 113 60 74 91 5 21 105 91 65
Drechtsteden (CP) 2015 1,179 101 99 120 149 164 1 24 227 176 118
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CP) 2015 887 165 132 36 103 125 3 19 129 112 61
Stadsgewest 's-Hertogenbosch (CP) 2015 2,582 552 357 402 203 201 6 48 390 218 203
Overig Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CP) 2015 2,282 385 507 114 135 381 12 43 278 238 188
Almere (CP) 2015 2,525 80 92 99 1,778 83 0 19 172 89 114
Flevoland-Midden (CP) 2015 643 6 109 88 50 97 7 15 120 73 79
Noordoostpolder en Urk (CP) 2015 432 81 131 15 31 61 4 8 39 33 31
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Fixed capital formation by groups of provinces, province and COROP region.
This table concerns regional figures on fixed capital formation (gross) by type of capital good.
The regional figures are in accordance with the national accounts, figures on gross fixed capital formation from production and imports (so, excluding sales of existing assets).

The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union.
It is in use for the year 2008 onwards.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2015.

Status of the figures:
The figures from 1995 up to the year 2015 are final. This table has been discontinued.

Changes as of 21th December 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Fixed capital formation by type of capital good, region; national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Total fixed capital formation
Total fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good
Fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Dwelling stock
Buildings that are used entirely or primarily as residences, including any associated structures, such as garages, and all permanent fixtures customarily installed in residences. Houseboats, barges, mobile homes and caravans used as principal residences of households are also included, as are public monuments identified primarily as dwellings. Costs of site clearance and preparation are also included. Examples include residential buildings, such as one- and two-dwelling buildings and other residential buildings intended for non-transient occupancy. Uncompleted dwellings are included to the extent that the ultimate user is deemed to have taken ownership, either because the construction is on own- account or as evidenced by the existence of a contract of sale/purchase. Dwellings acquired for military personnel are included because they are used, as are dwellings acquired by civilian units, for the production of housing services. The value of dwellings is net of the value of land underlying dwellings, which is included in land if separately classified.
Industrial buildings
Buildings other than dwellings, including fixtures, facilities and equipment that are integral parts of the associated structures and costs of site clearance and preparation. Public monuments (see AN.1122) identified primarily as non-residential buildings are also included. Public monuments are identifiable because of particular historical, national, regional, local, religious or symbolic significance. They are described as public because they are accessible to the general public, not due to public sector ownership. Visitors are often charged for admission to them. Consumption of fixed capital on new monuments, or on major improvements to existing monuments, should be calculated on the assumption of appropriately long service lives. Other examples of buildings other than dwellings include warehouse and industrial buildings, commercial buildings, buildings for public entertainment, hotels, restaurants, educational buildings, health buildings.

Civil engineering
Structures other than residential structures, including the costs of the streets, sewers and site clearance and preparation. Also included are public monuments not classified as dwellings or buildings other than dwellings; shafts, tunnels and other structures associated with mining mineral and energy reserves; and the construction of sea-walls, dykes and flood barriers intended to improve land adjacent but not integral to them. Examples include highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways; bridges, elevated highways, tunnels and subways; waterways, harbours, dams and other waterworks; long-distance pipelines, communication and power lines; local pipelines and cables, ancillary works; constructions for mining and manufacture; and constructions for sport and recreation.
Equipment for moving people and objects. For examples motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, and other transport equipment.
Machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment including weapons systems.
Cultivated biological resources
Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. and vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products that are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units, as defined below. Immature cultivated assets are excluded unless produced for own use.
Transfer costs of ground
The costs of transfer of ownership of land.
Computers software and databases
Computer programs, program descriptions and supporting materials for both systems and applications software. Included are the initial development and subsequent extensions of software as well as acquisition of copies that are classified as computer software assets.
Files of data organised to permit resource-effective access and use of the data. For databases created exclusively for own use the valuation is estimated by costs.
Research and development
Consists of the value of expenditure on creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. The value is determined in terms of the economic benefits expected in the future. Unless the value can be reasonably estimated it is, by convention, valued as the sum of the costs, including those of unsuccessful research and development. Research and development that will not provide a benefit to the owner is not classified as an asset and is instead recorded as intermediate consumption.
Other fixed assets
Machinery and equipment, and other tangible and intangible assets not elsewhere classified.