Labour participation; attachment to the labour market, 2003-2022

Labour participation; attachment to the labour market, 2003-2022

Sex Personal characteristics Periods Labour force and not in the labour force (x 1.000) Employed labour force Employed labour force (x 1.000) Employed labour force Want to work more hours, available (x 1.000) Employed labour force Doesn’t want more hours or not available (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not employed labour force (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Unemployed labour force Unemployed labour force (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not in the labour force Not in the labour force (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not in the labour force Seeking work, but not available (x 1.000)
Total male and female Total persons 2022 1st quarter 13,175 9,412 505 8,907 3,763 356 3,407 104
Total male and female Age: 15 to 24 years 2022 1st quarter 2,137 1,578 209 1,369 559 130 429 30
Total male and female Age: 25 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 4,356 3,787 144 3,643 569 118 451 37
Total male and female Age: 25 to 34 years 2022 1st quarter 2,259 1,981 78 1,903 278 76 202 19
Total male and female Age: 35 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 2,097 1,806 66 1,740 291 42 249 18
Total male and female Age: 45 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 6,683 4,047 152 3,895 2,636 108 2,528 38
Total male and female Age: 45 to 54 years 2022 1st quarter 2,345 2,020 82 1,938 326 39 287 15
Total male and female Age: 55 to 64 years 2022 1st quarter 2,403 1,738 58 1,680 665 51 614 17
Total male and female Age: 65 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 1,934 290 13 277 1,645 18 1,626 6
Total male and female Level of educ: 1. Low 2022 1st quarter 3,394 1,819 143 1,676 1,575 115 1,460 36
Total male and female Level of educ: 2 Intermediate 2022 1st quarter 4,883 3,614 207 3,407 1,269 128 1,141 33
Total male and female Level of educ: 3 High 2022 1st quarter 4,804 3,928 151 3,776 877 111 766 33
Total male and female Level of educ: unknown 2022 1st quarter 94 52 4 48 42 2 40 1
Male Total persons 2022 1st quarter 6,595 4,974 192 4,781 1,621 176 1,445 50
Male Age: 15 to 24 years 2022 1st quarter 1,086 797 101 697 289 64 225 16
Male Age: 25 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 2,193 1,989 47 1,942 204 57 147 13
Male Age: 25 to 34 years 2022 1st quarter 1,144 1,025 29 997 119 42 76 6
Male Age: 35 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 1,049 963 18 945 86 15 71 7
Male Age: 45 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 3,316 2,188 45 2,143 1,128 55 1,073 20
Male Age: 45 to 54 years 2022 1st quarter 1,167 1,046 16 1,030 121 19 102 9
Male Age: 55 to 64 years 2022 1st quarter 1,200 953 21 933 246 26 221 7
Male Age: 65 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 949 188 8 180 761 11 750 4
Male Level of educ: 1. Low 2022 1st quarter 1,703 1,052 64 987 652 61 590 21
Male Level of educ: 2 Intermediate 2022 1st quarter 2,473 1,907 77 1,830 566 61 505 15
Male Level of educ: 3 High 2022 1st quarter 2,371 1,983 50 1,933 389 53 336 14
Male Level of educ: unknown 2022 1st quarter 47 32 1 31 15 1 14 0
Female Total persons 2022 1st quarter 6,581 4,439 313 4,126 2,142 180 1,962 54
Female Age: 15 to 24 years 2022 1st quarter 1,050 781 108 673 270 66 204 14
Female Age: 25 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 2,163 1,799 98 1,701 365 61 304 24
Female Age: 25 to 34 years 2022 1st quarter 1,115 955 49 906 159 33 126 12
Female Age: 35 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 1,048 843 49 794 205 27 178 11
Female Age: 45 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 3,367 1,859 107 1,752 1,507 53 1,455 17
Female Age: 45 to 54 years 2022 1st quarter 1,178 974 66 908 205 20 184 6
Female Age: 55 to 64 years 2022 1st quarter 1,203 784 37 747 419 25 394 10
Female Age: 65 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 985 102 4 97 884 7 876 1
Female Level of educ: 1. Low 2022 1st quarter 1,691 767 79 689 924 54 870 15
Female Level of educ: 2 Intermediate 2022 1st quarter 2,410 1,707 130 1,577 703 67 636 19
Female Level of educ: 3 High 2022 1st quarter 2,433 1,945 101 1,843 488 58 430 19
Female Level of educ: unknown 2022 1st quarter 46 19 3 16 27 1 26 1
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains quarterly and yearly figures on labour participation in the Netherlands. The population of 15 to 74 years of age (excluding the institutionalized population) is divided into the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force and those not in the labour force. The employed labour force is subdivided on the basis of the professional status, and the average working hours. A division by sex, age and level of education is available.

Due to changes in the survey design and the questionnaire of the Labour Force Survey (LFS), a revision of the figures for 2021 was carried out in the first quarter of 2022.
As a result, the numbers of 2021 and later will not be comparable to the years 2003-2020.

Data available for 2003-2022

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of August 17, 2022:
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be released?
Not applicable. This table has been replaced, see paragraph 3 for a link to the new table.

Description topics

Labour force and not in the labour force
People who are part of the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force or who are not in the labour force.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Employed labour force
People who have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Employed labour force
People who have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Want to work more hours, available
This group consists of people who work part-time (less than 35 hours a week) in their first job and want to work more hours within six months, assuming that their earnings also change. They are immediately available for this. The comparable term used by Eurostat is underemployed.

Up to and including 2012 it was assumed that people who work 12 hours or more a week and want to work more hours, cannot start within two weeks. This group was therefore not asked if they could start within two weeks. The questionnaire has now been adjusted so that the respondent will receive this question. The number of people that can start within two weeks is therefore greater than before and the remaining part of the employed labour force that does not want to work more hours or is not available, is therefore (equally) lower.

Doesn’t want more hours or not available
This group consists of people:
- who work full-time (35 hours or more a week) in their first job;
- who work part-time (less than 35 hours a week) in their first job and do not want to work more hours within six months (assuming that their earnings also change);
- who work part-time (less than 35 hours a week) in their first job, want to work more hours within six months, but are not immediately available for this;

Up to and including 2012 it was assumed that people who work 12 hours or more a week and want to work more hours, cannot start within two weeks. This group was therefore not asked if they could start within two weeks. The questionnaire has now been adjusted so that the respondent will receive this question. The number of people that can start within two weeks is therefore greater than before and the remaining part of the employed labour force that does not want to work more hours or is not available, is therefore (equally) lower.
Not employed labour force
People who don't have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. The non-employed population consists of the unemployed labour force and the people not in the labour force. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not employed labour force
People who don't have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. The non-employed population consists of the unemployed labour force and the people not in the labour force. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Unemployed labour force
People who don’t have paid work, recently looked for work and are directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.

Unemployed labour force
People who don’t have paid work, recently looked for work and are directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not in the labour force
People who don’t have paid work, who haven’t recently looked for work recently or are not directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not in the labour force
People who don’t have paid work, who haven’t recently looked for work recently or are not directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Seeking work, but not available
Person is not directly available for work, but has recently looked for work.