Labour participation; attachment to the labour market, 2003-2022

Labour participation; attachment to the labour market, 2003-2022

Sex Personal characteristics Periods Labour force and not in the labour force (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not in the labour force Not in the labour force (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not in the labour force Seeking work, but not available (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not in the labour force Available to work, but not seeking Because of other reason (x 1.000) Not employed labour force Not in the labour force Not seeking work, not available Doesn’t want to or can’t work Because of other reason (x 1.000)
Total male and female Total persons 2022 1st quarter 13,175 3,407 104 170 81
Total male and female Age: 15 to 24 years 2022 1st quarter 2,137 429 30 74 7
Total male and female Age: 25 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 4,356 451 37 32 28
Total male and female Age: 25 to 34 years 2022 1st quarter 2,259 202 19 16 16
Total male and female Age: 35 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 2,097 249 18 16 12
Total male and female Age: 45 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 6,683 2,528 38 64 46
Total male and female Age: 45 to 54 years 2022 1st quarter 2,345 287 15 16 14
Total male and female Age: 55 to 64 years 2022 1st quarter 2,403 614 17 22 27
Total male and female Age: 65 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 1,934 1,626 6 26 6
Total male and female Level of educ: 1. Low 2022 1st quarter 3,394 1,460 36 70 30
Total male and female Level of educ: 2 Intermediate 2022 1st quarter 4,883 1,141 33 61 24
Total male and female Level of educ: 3 High 2022 1st quarter 4,804 766 33 37 24
Total male and female Level of educ: unknown 2022 1st quarter 94 40 1 2 2
Male Total persons 2022 1st quarter 6,595 1,445 50 96 35
Male Age: 15 to 24 years 2022 1st quarter 1,086 225 16 45 4
Male Age: 25 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 2,193 147 13 18 12
Male Age: 25 to 34 years 2022 1st quarter 1,144 76 6 10 6
Male Age: 35 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 1,049 71 7 8 6
Male Age: 45 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 3,316 1,073 20 32 19
Male Age: 45 to 54 years 2022 1st quarter 1,167 102 9 6 6
Male Age: 55 to 64 years 2022 1st quarter 1,200 221 7 11 11
Male Age: 65 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 949 750 4 15 2
Male Level of educ: 1. Low 2022 1st quarter 1,703 590 21 36 14
Male Level of educ: 2 Intermediate 2022 1st quarter 2,473 505 15 39 10
Male Level of educ: 3 High 2022 1st quarter 2,371 336 14 19 9
Male Level of educ: unknown 2022 1st quarter 47 14 0 2 2
Female Total persons 2022 1st quarter 6,581 1,962 54 74 46
Female Age: 15 to 24 years 2022 1st quarter 1,050 204 14 29 3
Female Age: 25 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 2,163 304 24 14 15
Female Age: 25 to 34 years 2022 1st quarter 1,115 126 12 5 10
Female Age: 35 to 44 years 2022 1st quarter 1,048 178 11 8 6
Female Age: 45 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 3,367 1,455 17 32 28
Female Age: 45 to 54 years 2022 1st quarter 1,178 184 6 10 8
Female Age: 55 to 64 years 2022 1st quarter 1,203 394 10 11 17
Female Age: 65 to 74 years 2022 1st quarter 985 876 1 11 3
Female Level of educ: 1. Low 2022 1st quarter 1,691 870 15 34 16
Female Level of educ: 2 Intermediate 2022 1st quarter 2,410 636 19 22 14
Female Level of educ: 3 High 2022 1st quarter 2,433 430 19 18 15
Female Level of educ: unknown 2022 1st quarter 46 26 1 0 1
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains quarterly and yearly figures on labour participation in the Netherlands. The population of 15 to 74 years of age (excluding the institutionalized population) is divided into the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force and those not in the labour force. The employed labour force is subdivided on the basis of the professional status, and the average working hours. A division by sex, age and level of education is available.

Due to changes in the survey design and the questionnaire of the Labour Force Survey (LFS), a revision of the figures for 2021 was carried out in the first quarter of 2022.
As a result, the numbers of 2021 and later will not be comparable to the years 2003-2020.

Data available for 2003-2022

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of August 17, 2022:
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be released?
Not applicable. This table has been replaced, see paragraph 3 for a link to the new table.

Description topics

Labour force and not in the labour force
People who are part of the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force or who are not in the labour force.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not employed labour force
People who don't have paid work.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. The non-employed population consists of the unemployed labour force and the people not in the labour force. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not in the labour force
People who don’t have paid work, who haven’t recently looked for work recently or are not directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not in the labour force
People who don’t have paid work, who haven’t recently looked for work recently or are not directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Available to work, but not seeking
Person is directly available for work, but hasn’t recently looked for work.
Because of other reason
Person is directly available for work, but hasn’t recently looked for work because of other reason than expecting little result.

Up to and including 2014, it was assumed that for people who do not want to work for 12 hours or more a week and who report a certain reason for this, the same reason applies if they wanted to work less than 12 hours a week but did not look for work. The questionnaire has now been adapted so that the respondent can also report another reason not to look for work for less than 12 hours a week. The group that reports discouragement as the reason for not looking for work, therefore, appears to be larger in size than before and the remaining group that has not looked for work for other reasons is therefore (equally) lower.
Seeking work, but not available
Person is not directly available for work, but has recently looked for work.
Not seeking work, not available
Person is not directly available for work and also hasn’t recently looked for work.
Doesn’t want to or can’t work
Person is not directly available for work, hasn’t recently looked for work and also doesn’t want to or can’t have paid work.
Because of other reason
Person is not directly available for work, hasn’t recently looked for work and also doesn’t want to or can’t have paid work because of another reason.