Households; size, composition, position in the household, 1 January

Households; size, composition, position in the household, 1 January

Periods Persons by household position Total of the Netherlands (number) Persons by household position Men Other member of household (number) Persons by household position Men Persons in institutional households (number) Persons by household position Women Other member of household (number) Persons by household position Women Persons in institutional household (number) Private households By household size Total private households (number) Private households By household size One-person households (number) Private households By household size Average household size (number) Private households By household size Multi-person households Total multi-person households (number) Private households By household size Multi-person households 2 persons (number) Private households By household size Multi-person households 3 persons (number) Private households By household size Multi-person households 4 persons (number) Private households By household size Multi-person households 5 persons or more (number)
1995 15,424,122 128,613 85,180 121,201 162,555 6,468,682 2,109,149 2.35 4,359,533 2,058,363 903,381 957,174 440,615
1996 15,493,889 120,358 85,873 112,245 161,604 6,517,804 2,123,782 2.34 4,394,022 2,097,196 898,954 952,641 445,231
1997 15,567,107 120,974 84,922 113,095 156,615 6,580,943 2,157,561 2.33 4,423,382 2,136,268 893,037 948,593 445,484
1998 15,654,192 119,153 84,431 111,911 152,311 6,655,891 2,201,317 2.32 4,454,574 2,175,326 889,811 943,693 445,744
1999 15,760,225 120,720 82,489 113,581 148,046 6,745,411 2,254,631 2.30 4,490,780 2,215,304 892,410 938,934 444,132
2000 15,863,943 127,606 80,553 118,538 143,575 6,801,008 2,272,219 2.30 4,528,789 2,242,256 897,408 943,509 445,616
2001 15,987,074 132,482 79,209 122,298 139,838 6,866,954 2,307,075 2.30 4,559,879 2,258,102 901,442 950,980 449,355
2002 16,105,283 134,551 79,635 124,092 137,154 6,934,263 2,344,903 2.29 4,589,360 2,275,136 903,225 959,431 451,568
2003 16,192,572 136,531 79,897 125,814 134,878 6,995,724 2,383,580 2.28 4,612,144 2,292,761 903,778 964,621 450,984
2004 16,258,032 136,318 80,904 127,223 134,008 7,049,280 2,423,950 2.28 4,625,330 2,302,372 904,913 969,062 448,983
2005 16,305,526 137,098 80,956 128,533 132,246 7,090,965 2,449,378 2.27 4,641,587 2,317,627 905,839 973,043 445,078
2006 16,334,210 135,970 79,128 127,415 129,525 7,146,088 2,502,084 2.26 4,644,004 2,328,134 902,872 973,351 439,647
2007 16,357,992 135,259 79,898 127,252 126,834 7,190,543 2,536,891 2.25 4,653,652 2,347,504 900,559 972,325 433,264
2008 16,405,399 137,991 80,879 129,308 125,985 7,242,202 2,571,014 2.24 4,671,188 2,371,615 900,475 971,097 428,001
2009 16,485,787 141,248 81,777 132,339 125,226 7,312,579 2,619,394 2.23 4,693,185 2,396,462 901,234 971,092 424,397
2010 16,574,989 143,102 83,328 133,279 125,359 7,386,144 2,669,516 2.22 4,716,628 2,417,798 907,781 970,519 420,530
2011 16,655,799 126,852 90,406 130,182 128,909 7,443,801 2,708,251 2.21 4,735,550 2,439,795 904,504 972,431 418,820
2012 16,730,348 125,705 91,574 129,034 127,650 7,512,824 2,761,764 2.20 4,751,060 2,455,421 909,274 971,486 414,879
2013 16,779,575 124,135 90,457 127,022 124,327 7,569,371 2,802,182 2.19 4,767,189 2,474,729 914,480 967,899 410,081
2014 16,829,289 121,998 107,426 125,685 142,516 7,590,228 2,803,852 2.18 4,786,376 2,498,744 920,496 964,012 403,124
2015 16,900,726 124,852 107,863 128,728 136,931 7,665,198 2,867,797 2.17 4,797,401 2,512,123 923,286 961,010 400,982
2016 16,979,120 125,663 114,786 129,031 140,102 7,720,787 2,906,334 2.17 4,814,453 2,530,437 924,877 958,746 400,393
2017 17,081,507 131,479 111,503 131,919 133,799 7,794,075 2,961,228 2.16 4,832,847 2,540,703 926,964 961,007 404,173
2018 17,181,084 129,793 112,221 129,519 136,551 7,857,914 2,997,617 2.15 4,860,297 2,565,256 929,901 959,802 405,338
2019 17,282,163 130,497 112,839 129,832 133,822 7,924,691 3,037,622 2.15 4,887,069 2,586,739 932,959 960,878 406,493
2020 17,407,585 130,421 119,677 130,081 139,186 7,997,800 3,079,778 2.14 4,918,022 2,610,601 938,515 961,314 407,592
2021 17,475,415 133,351 121,009 132,238 137,751 8,043,443 3,097,117 2.14 4,946,326 2,640,717 940,588 958,249 406,772
2022 17,590,672 132,860 123,361 131,764 139,178 8,138,591 3,172,564 2.13 4,966,027 2,661,105 942,346 956,266 406,310
2023 17,811,291 136,318 130,993 136,742 145,031 8,270,244 3,266,042 2.12 5,004,202 2,677,788 956,719 959,324 410,371
2024 17,942,942 143,076 141,331 143,699 147,845 8,374,404 3,340,560 2.11 5,033,844 2,706,372 968,419 953,582 405,471
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about the progress of the households in the Netherlands by size and composition and persons by household position, on 1 January.

Data available from: 1995

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

With the information available for the reporting years 1995, 1996 and 1997 it is not easy to make an unambiguous assignment of persons in institutional households in three distinct categories of institutions. For this reason the numbers are set as unknown.

Changes as of 30 May 2024:
The figures of 1 January 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The final figures of 1 January 2025 will be added in the 4th quarter of 2025.

Description topics

Persons by household position
Private or institutional household.

Private household:
One or more persons sharing the same living space, who provide for their own everyday needs in a private, non-commercial way.

Institutional household:
Household consisting of one or more persons living in one accommodation whose housing and daily needs are provided professionally.
Included are institutions such as nursing homes, homes for the elderly, mental health institutions, forensic psychiatric institutions, institutions for mentally, physically or sensorily disabled persons, drug rehabilitation centres, shelters for the homeless, boarding schools, monasteries, prisons, military barracks, and asylum reception centres, in which persons (will) live for a longer period of time. From 2014, people in institutional households are presented in three groups, namely: homes for the elderly and nursing homes, other health care institution and other type of institution.

Household position:
Position someone has in a household in relation to the reference person of that household.

Reference person
Member of the household on whom the household positions of the other household members are based, and whose characteristics may also be characteristic for the household.
The reference person in a household is chosen as follows:
- the reference person in a heterosexual relationship is always the man;
- in homosexual relationships, the reference person is the older of the two;
- in a single-parent household the reference person is the parent;
- in 'other households' the reference person is the oldest man, or if there are no men, the oldest woman.
Total of the Netherlands
Other member of household
Person who is part of a private household other than as a partner, parent in a single-parent household or child living at home.
For example, a boarder who lives with a family, someone who forms a household together with a brother or sister, or a foster child.
Persons in institutional households
The population in institutional households consists of persons whose accommodation and daily needs are provided professionally, e.g. persons in nursing homes, mental health institutions or institutions for disabled persons.
Other member of household
Person who is part of a private household other than as a partner, parent in a single-parent household or child living at home.
For example, a boarder who lives with a family, someone who forms a household together with a brother or sister, or a foster child.
Persons in institutional household
The population in institutional households consists of persons whose accommodation and daily needs are provided professionally, e.g. persons in nursing homes, mental health institutions or institutions for disabled persons.
Private households
One or more persons sharing the same living space, who provide for their own everyday needs in a private, non-commercial way.
By household size
Number of persons in a private household.
Total private households
One-person households
Private household consisting of one person.
Multi-person households
A private household consisting of two or more persons.
Total multi-person households
2 persons
3 persons
4 persons
5 persons or more
Average household size
Average number of persons in a private household.