Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Economic activities and other items Periods Environment and macro-economic figures Environmental goods and services sector Gross value added at basic prices (mln euros) Environment and macro-economic figures Macro-economic key figures Value added from the output Value at current prices Output basic prices (mln euros) Environment and macro-economic figures Macro-economic key figures Value added from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices (mln euros) Environment and macro-economic figures Macro-economic key figures Value added from the output Value at prices of 2010 Output at basic prices (mln euros) Environment and macro-economic figures Macro-economic key figures Value added from the output Value at prices of 2010 Gross value added basic prices (mln euros)
Total 2013* . 1,236,446 578,536 1,184,441 569,246
Total Dutch economy 2013* . 1,236,446 578,536 1,184,441 569,246
A-U All economic activities 2013* . 1,234,776 578,536 1,182,839 569,246
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2013* . 31,173 11,392 28,191 10,917
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2013* . 346,286 101,758 316,549 96,345
B Mining and quarrying 2013* . 25,185 21,052 20,786 16,845
C Manufacturing 2013* . 294,173 70,082 269,719 68,637
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2013* . 62,383 13,316 54,739 11,977
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2013* . 3,576 1,185 3,325 1,130
16-18 Man. wood en paperprod., printing 2013* . 12,600 3,958 12,496 4,158
16 Manufacture of wood products 2013* . 2,382 797 2,337 807
17 Manufacture of paper 2013* . 5,897 1,547 5,676 1,519
18 Printing and reproduction 2013* . 4,321 1,614 4,479 1,831
19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2013* . 33,658 1,469 25,661 909
20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2013* . 54,142 10,750 48,012 10,928
20 Manufacture of chemicals 2013* . 48,618 8,218 42,516 8,212
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2013* . 5,524 2,532 5,516 2,716
22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2013* . 13,079 4,272 12,417 4,201
22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2013* . 7,620 2,489 7,135 2,419
23 Manufacture of building materials 2013* . 5,459 1,783 5,275 1,781
24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2013* . 26,235 7,997 25,815 8,000
24 Manufacture of basic metals 2013* . 8,232 1,538 8,271 1,774
25 Manufacture of metal products 2013* . 18,003 6,459 17,536 6,234
26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2013* . 33,370 6,031 33,672 6,953
28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2013* . 24,752 8,784 24,098 8,514
29-30 Transport equipment 2013* . 12,455 3,583 12,089 3,515
31-33 Other manufacturing and repair 2013* . 17,923 8,737 17,183 8,258
D Electricity and gas supply 2013* . 17,886 7,168 16,748 7,024
E Water supply and waste management 2013* . 9,042 3,456 9,100 3,584
F Construction 2013* . 80,313 26,420 79,875 27,040
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering 2013* . 223,085 112,209 218,019 112,291
J Information and communication 2013* . 49,927 26,743 50,858 27,394
K Financial institutions 2013* . 76,439 47,494 74,086 45,264
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2013* . 71,350 29,992 68,819 33,278
M-N Business services 2013* . 136,224 77,331 134,278 76,392
O-Q Government and care 2013* . 193,293 130,074 186,216 125,986
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 2013* . 26,686 15,123 25,455 14,316
Total private households 2013*
Other domestic origin 2013*
Total from abroad 2013*
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains key figures from the environmental accounts and the National Accounts. It shows contributions to various environmental issues such as global warming, acidification, environmental costs and environmental taxes by industries. In addition, some economic characteristics of the National accounts are included for comparison, e.g. gross value added and the number of employee jobs converted to full-time equivalents.
The environmental accounts are consistent with the concepts and definitions of the National Accounts. This implies that, for physical material flows, the direct relationship with the Dutch economy is the focal point. Material flows are attributed to the economic activities where the actions actually take place, they are registered according to the residence principle. This means that all air pollution caused by Dutch transport companies is taken into account for the Netherlands, but that air pollution caused by transport companies from abroad within the Dutch territory is not.
The environmental accounts are based on figures from the environmental statistics. These data are based on the territory principle, however, everything that happens within the Dutch territory. Because of the consistency between the environmental accounts and the National Accounts, Dutch environmental indicators can be compared directly to the main economic indicators. Due to the difference in approach between environmental accounts and environmental statistics, results may vary somewhat.

Data available from: 2001-2013

Status of the figures:
his table contains figures from various sources. For figures related to the National Accounts: most recent reference period has status Provisional, whereas the reference period prior to that has the status Revised Provisional. After two years the data become Definite. Data for 2001-2010 are still regarded as Provisional, as the Dutch National Accounts are currently being revised to comply with the European System of National and Regional Accounts 2010 (ESR 2010). Data based on the environmental accounts will be revised over a longer period of time, because of adjustments in the data sources used. This to maintain the closest relation possible to the environmental statistics.

Changes as of 8 June 2016:
This table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table is discontinued.

Description topics

Environment and macro-economic figures
Key figures relating to the environment and the economy.
Environmental goods and services sector
The environmental goods and services sector consists of a group of companies and authorities involved in activities with respect to measuring, preventing, limiting, minimalizing or correcting environmental damage to water, air and soil, and problems related to waste, noise and ecosystems. This definition includes 'cleaner technologies 'and 'cleaner goods and services' which reduce environmental risk and minimize the use of natural resources and pollution. The definition of the environmental goods and services sector is determined on European level and is used by EU-countries accordingly.
Gross value added at basic prices
The value of all goods and services produced (‘production value’ or ‘output’), minus those that have been intermediately used upon production. Value added is rated at basic prices, the prices experienced by the producer. Included is the value added generated by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, including those that are foreign owned. The kind-of-activity units also include general government units and other non-commercial units.

In terms of National Accounts value added can be valued ”gross” or “net”. Gross means prior to any correction of fixed assets for loss of initial value in time (depreciation), whereas the value after depreciation of fixed capital is called “net”.
Macro-economic key figures
Macro-economics is the branch of economics that studies 'aggregates'. Aggregates are economic indicators that apply to large groups, for instance to all construction companies or all households or to the Netherlands as a whole. Examples of macro-economic indicators are GDP, labour volume, consumption, investments and international trade.
Value added from the output
The way value added is formed by underlying components in the so-called production approach. In this approach value added equals the sum of value added over all branches (including non-commercial ones). Value added is thereby registered at basic prices, the way they are perceived by producers.
Value at current prices
The values are expressed at prices of the reporting period. Alternatively, values may be expressed at constant prices. In that case, prices of a certain reference period are used.
Output basic prices
The ensemble of goods and services produced. Also called production. Three types of output are distinguished:
- market output: goods and services sold at a market or intended for sale at a market
- the own-account production of all goods that are retained by their producers for their own final consumption or gross fixed capital formation.
- non-market output: goods and services delivered for free or at economically non-significant prices to other units

Output is valued at basic prices. These are the prices experienced by the producers: product-related taxes have been subtracted from the original prices, subsidies haven been added to them. Costs of transportation, when charged separately by the producer, are not included. Changes in the values of financial and non-financial assets during the reference period are not included either.

Included is the output by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, including those that are held by foreign owners. The kind-of-activity units include general government units and other non-commercial units.
Gross value added basic prices
The value of all goods and services produced (‘production value’ or ‘output’), minus those that have been intermediately used upon production. Value added is rated at basic prices, the prices experienced by the producer. Included is the value added generated by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, including those that are foreign owned. The kind-of-activity units also include general government units and other non-commercial units.

In terms of National Accounts value added can be valued ”gross” or “net”. Gross means prior to any correction of fixed assets for loss of initial value in time (depreciation), whereas the value after depreciation of fixed capital is called “net”.
Value at prices of 2010
The values are expressed at prices of the reference period 2010 by taking account of inflation. If prices are not corrected for inflation, values are expressed at prices of the reporting period (current prices).
Output at basic prices
The ensemble of goods and services produced. Also called production. Three types of output are distinguished:
- market output: goods and services sold at a market or intended for sale at a market
- the own-account production of all goods that are retained by their producers for their own final consumption or gross fixed capital formation.
- non-market output: goods and services delivered for free or at economically non-significant prices to other units

Output is valued at basic prices. These are the prices experienced by the producers: product-related taxes have been subtracted from the original prices, subsidies haven been added to them. Costs of transportation, when charged separately by the producer, are not included. Changes in the values of financial and non-financial assets during the reference period are not included either.

Included is the output by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, including those that are held by foreign owners. The kind-of-activity units include general government units and other non-commercial units.
Gross value added basic prices
The value of all goods and services produced (‘production value’ or ‘output’), minus those that have been intermediately used upon production. Value added is rated at basic prices, the prices experienced by the producer. Included is the value added generated by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, including those that are foreign owned. The kind-of-activity units also include general government units and other non-commercial units.

In terms of National Accounts value added can be valued ”gross” or “net”. Gross means prior to any correction of fixed assets for loss of initial value in time (depreciation), whereas the value after depreciation of fixed capital is called “net”.