Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Economic activities and other items Periods Environmental burden Net energy consumption (PJ)
23 Manufacture of building materials 2013* 24
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains key figures from the environmental accounts and the National Accounts. It shows contributions to various environmental issues such as global warming, acidification, environmental costs and environmental taxes by industries. In addition, some economic characteristics of the National accounts are included for comparison, e.g. gross value added and the number of employee jobs converted to full-time equivalents.
The environmental accounts are consistent with the concepts and definitions of the National Accounts. This implies that, for physical material flows, the direct relationship with the Dutch economy is the focal point. Material flows are attributed to the economic activities where the actions actually take place, they are registered according to the residence principle. This means that all air pollution caused by Dutch transport companies is taken into account for the Netherlands, but that air pollution caused by transport companies from abroad within the Dutch territory is not.
The environmental accounts are based on figures from the environmental statistics. These data are based on the territory principle, however, everything that happens within the Dutch territory. Because of the consistency between the environmental accounts and the National Accounts, Dutch environmental indicators can be compared directly to the main economic indicators. Due to the difference in approach between environmental accounts and environmental statistics, results may vary somewhat.

Data available from: 2001-2013

Status of the figures:
his table contains figures from various sources. For figures related to the National Accounts: most recent reference period has status Provisional, whereas the reference period prior to that has the status Revised Provisional. After two years the data become Definite. Data for 2001-2010 are still regarded as Provisional, as the Dutch National Accounts are currently being revised to comply with the European System of National and Regional Accounts 2010 (ESR 2010). Data based on the environmental accounts will be revised over a longer period of time, because of adjustments in the data sources used. This to maintain the closest relation possible to the environmental statistics.

Changes as of 8 June 2016:
This table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable. This table is discontinued.

Description topics

Environmental burden
Physical data relating to the environmental burden. Subjects include emissions to air and water, waste and the depletion of natural resources.
Net energy consumption
Energy used for economic processes, not usable in the short-term for other energetic purposes.

Net energy use is the combination of final energy use for energy purposes (use of fuels for transport) and non-energy purposes (use of naphtha in manufacturing of plastics) plus the conversion losses of energy (for example energy losses that occur when coal and gas are converted into electricity in power plants).