Caribbean Netherlands; Spoken languages and main language, characteristics

Caribbean Netherlands; Spoken languages and main language, characteristics

Personal characteristics Accuracy Caribbean Netherlands Periods Spoken languages Other (%) Main language Other (%)
Total persons Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 15.9 3.0
Total persons Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 1.8 0.8
Sex: male Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 17.7 3.8
Sex: male Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 2.6 1.3
Sex: female Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 14.0 2.1
Sex: female Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 2.4 1.0
Age: 15 to 44 years Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 14.1 4.1
Age: 15 to 44 years Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 2.4 1.4
Age: 45 years or older Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 17.7 1.9
Age: 45 years or older Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 2.6 0.9
Age: 15 to 24 years Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 9.7 3.2
Age: 15 to 24 years Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 3.8 2.3
Age: 25 to 44 years Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 15.9 4.4
Age: 25 to 44 years Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 3.0 1.7
Age: 45 to 64 years Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 18.2 2.3
Age: 45 to 64 years Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 3.1 1.2
Age: 65 years or older Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 16.4 .
Age: 65 years or older Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 4.7 .
Level of education: Low Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 6.9 2.6
Level of education: Low Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 1.7 1.0
Level of education: Intermediate/High Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 27.2 3.5
Level of education: Intermediate/High Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 3.3 1.4
Level of education: Intermediate Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 18.2 2.9
Level of education: Intermediate Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 3.7 1.6
Level of education: High Percentage/average Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 39.3 4.4
Level of education: High Reliability margin Caribbean Netherlands 2017/2018 5.5 2.3
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data on languages spoken by the population of the Caribbean Netherlands aged 15 years and older in private households. Breakdowns by sex, age and level of education are presented. These aspects are shown for the Caribbean Netherlands and also for the islands Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba separately.
The research is a sample survey. This means that the figures shown are estimates for which reliability margins apply. These margins are also included in the table.
The Omnibus survey was carried out for the first time on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius in 2013 during the month of June and the first week of July. For the second time the Omnibus survey was carried out on Bonaire during the months of October and November 2017, and on Saba and St. Eustatius in the period January to March 2018.

Data available from: 2013

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of 4 April 2019
None, this is a new table.

When will new figures be published?
New data will be published every four years.

Description topics

Spoken languages
Respondents were asked: Which language or languages do you speak? Answer possibilities: English, Papiamentu, Dutch, Spanish and other languages. More than one answer possible. The percentage indicates for each language which part of the population speaks that language.
Main language
Respondents were asked: Which language or languages do you speak? Answer possibilities: English, Papiamentu, Dutch, Spanish and other languages. More than one answer possible. If the respondent speaks more than one language, the following is asked: Which language do you speak most? The percentage indicates for each language which part of the population speaks that language most.