Regional key figures; national accounts 2010-2016

Regional key figures; national accounts 2010-2016

Regions Periods GDP (market prices) (million euros) Value added (at basic prices) (million euros)
The Netherlands 2016* 702,641 631,032
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2016* 56,803 51,014
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2016* 122,806 110,290
West-Nederland (LD) 2016* 372,612 334,638
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2016* 147,216 132,213
Extra-Regio (LD) 2016* 3,203 2,877
Groningen (PV) 2016* 24,102 21,646
Friesland (PV) 2016* 18,581 16,687
Drenthe (PV) 2016* 14,119 12,680
Overijssel (PV) 2016* 39,059 35,078
Flevoland (PV) 2016* 12,959 11,638
Gelderland (PV) 2016* 70,789 63,575
Utrecht (PV) 2016* 61,452 55,189
Noord-Holland (PV) 2016* 148,243 133,135
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2016* 150,675 135,319
Zeeland (PV) 2016* 12,242 10,994
Noord-Brabant (PV) 2016* 107,888 96,893
Limburg (PV) 2016* 39,329 35,321
Oost-Groningen (CR) 2016* 3,191 2,866
Delfzijl en omgeving (CR) 2016* 1,441 1,294
Overig Groningen (CR) 2016* 19,470 17,486
Noord-Friesland (CR) 2016* 9,459 8,495
Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2016* 3,173 2,850
Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2016* 5,950 5,344
Noord-Drenthe (CR) 2016* 5,541 4,976
Zuidoost-Drenthe (CR) 2016* 4,517 4,057
Zuidwest-Drenthe (CR) 2016* 4,062 3,648
Noord-Overijssel (CR) 2016* 13,655 12,263
Zuidwest-Overijssel (CR) 2016* 4,863 4,367
Twente (CR) 2016* 20,541 18,448
Veluwe (CR) 2016* 24,881 22,345
Achterhoek (CR) 2016* 11,521 10,347
Arnhem/Nijmegen (CR) 2016* 25,950 23,305
Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2016* 8,437 7,577
Utrecht (CR) 2016* 61,452 55,189
Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2016* 10,347 9,292
Alkmaar en omgeving (CR) 2016* 7,553 6,783
IJmond (CR) 2016* 6,183 5,553
Agglomeratie Haarlem (CR) 2016* 6,724 6,039
Zaanstreek (CR) 2016* 4,790 4,302
Groot-Amsterdam (CR) 2016* 102,132 91,723
Het Gooi en Vechtstreek (CR) 2016* 10,514 9,442
Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek (CR) 2016* 14,522 13,042
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage (CR) 2016* 36,394 32,685
Delft en Westland (CR) 2016* 10,290 9,241
Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2016* 10,495 9,425
Groot-Rijnmond (CR) 2016* 64,070 57,540
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2016* 14,904 13,385
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2016* 3,738 3,357
Overig Zeeland (CR) 2016* 8,504 7,637
West-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2016* 26,942 24,196
Midden-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2016* 16,625 14,931
Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2016* 26,895 24,154
Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2016* 37,426 33,612
Noord-Limburg (CR) 2016* 10,115 9,084
Midden-Limburg (CR) 2016* 7,594 6,820
Zuid-Limburg (CR) 2016* 21,620 19,417
Flevoland (CR) 2016* 12,959 11,638
Utrecht-West (CP) 2016* 4,601 4,132
Stadsgewest Amersfoort (CP) 2016* 12,602 11,318
Stadsgewest Utrecht (CP) 2016* 39,444 35,424
Zuidoost-Utrecht (CP) 2016* 4,804 4,314
Amsterdam (CP) 2016* 68,037 61,103
Overig Agglomeratie Amsterdam (CP) 2016* 8,640 7,759
Edam-Volendam en omgeving (CP) 2016* 3,309 2,972
Haarlemmermeer en omgeving (CP) 2016* 22,146 19,889
Aggl.'s-Gravenhage excl. Zoetermeer (CP) 2016* 31,653 28,427
Zoetermeer (CP) 2016* 4,740 4,257
Rijnmond (CP) 2016* 59,033 53,017
Overig Groot-Rijnmond (CP) 2016* 5,037 4,524
Drechtsteden (CP) 2016* 9,485 8,518
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CP) 2016* 5,420 4,868
Stadsgewest 's-Hertogenbosch (CP) 2016* 14,070 12,636
Overig Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CP) 2016* 12,824 11,517
Almere (CP) 2016* 6,491 5,829
Flevoland-Midden (CP) 2016* 4,472 4,016
Noordoostpolder en Urk (CP) 2016* 1,996 1,793
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Regional accounts give a description of the volume of the economic process in the various regions of a country consistent with national accounts. Elements in the economic process distinguished in national accounts are production, distribution of income, spending and financing. Regional accounts focus on the description of the production processes in the various regions.

Data available from: 2010 up to and including 2016.

Status of the figures:
The figures of the period 2010 - 2014 are final. Data of the year 2015 are also final, but the figures on jobs, labour years and hours worked by self-employed persons and total employed persons are an exception, due to the late availability of annual data on self-employed persons. These final figures are published a year after. Data of 2016 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data of 2016 will not become final.

Changes as of December 11th 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Regional key figures; national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

GDP (market prices)
Gross domestic product (GDP), value added at market prices of the total economy is calculated as follows:
total value added at basic prices of industries plus: balance of taxes and subsidies on products plus: difference imputed and paid VAT.
VAT, taxes on imports and subsidies on re-exports cannot be attributed to individual industries. Therefore, GDP at market prices cannot be broken down completely by industry.
Value added can be valued gross (including consumption of fixed capital) or net (excluding consumption of fixed capital).
Value added (at basic prices)
Value added at basic prices of total enterprises equals the difference between the production (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices).
The value of all goods and services produced ('production value' or 'output'), minus those that have been intermediately used upon production. Value added is rated at basic prices, the prices experienced by the producer: per branch product related taxes have been subtracted from the original prices, and subsidies haven been added to them.
Value added at market prices of the total economy (GDP) is calculated as follows:
total value added at basic prices of industries plus: balance of taxes and subsidies on products plus: difference imputed and paid VAT= GDP (market prices)
VAT, taxes on imports and subsidies on re-exports cannot be attributed to individual industries. Therefore, GDP at market prices cannot be broken down completely by industry.
Value added can be valued gross (including consumption of fixed capital) or net (excluding consumption of fixed capital).