Capital stock; national accounts 1995-2016

Capital stock; national accounts 1995-2016

Type of capital good Sectors/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Capital stock Capital stock closing balance sheet (mln euro)
Total capital stock B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 280,579
Total capital stock 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 9,939
Total capital stock F Construction 2016* 22,309
Dwellings B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 0
Dwellings 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 0
Dwellings F Construction 2016* 2,857
Non-residential buildings B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 37,178
Non-residential buildings 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 1,703
Non-residential buildings F Construction 2016* 6,744
Civil engineering works B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 65,021
Civil engineering works 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 302
Civil engineering works F Construction 2016* 820
Cost of ownership transfer on land B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 82
Cost of ownership transfer on land 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 8
Cost of ownership transfer on land F Construction 2016* 153
Total transport equipment B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 2,052
Total transport equipment 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 86
Total transport equipment F Construction 2016* 3,452
Passenger cars B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 1,300
Passenger cars 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 64
Passenger cars F Construction 2016* 1,051
Other road transport equipment B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 662
Other road transport equipment 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 22
Other road transport equipment F Construction 2016* 735
Trains and trams B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 0
Trains and trams 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 0
Trains and trams F Construction 2016* 0
Ships B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 3
Ships 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 0
Ships F Construction 2016* 1,666
Aircraft B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 86
Aircraft 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 0
Aircraft F Construction 2016* 0
Computers B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 1,397
Computers 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 58
Computers F Construction 2016* 341
Telecommunications equipment B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 201
Telecommunications equipment 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 4
Telecommunications equipment F Construction 2016* 159
Machinery and equipment B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 129,585
Machinery and equipment 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 6,569
Machinery and equipment F Construction 2016* 4,870
Other tangible fixed assets B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 5,539
Other tangible fixed assets 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 282
Other tangible fixed assets F Construction 2016* 910
Cultivated assets B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 0
Cultivated assets 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 0
Cultivated assets F Construction 2016* 0
Research and development B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 27,203
Research and development 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 707
Research and development F Construction 2016* 716
Computer software and databases B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 5,548
Computer software and databases 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 220
Computer software and databases F Construction 2016* 1,286
Other intangible fixed assets B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 6,773
Other intangible fixed assets 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 0
Other intangible fixed assets F Construction 2016* 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on capital stock. The capital stock of different branches and sectors is presented here. The capital stock is broken down by type of capital good.

Figures of the sectors households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) are from reporting year 2013 onwards no longer separately published. Only their aggregate will be published. The reason for this change is that reliable estimates for NPISH for recent years are no longer available.

Data available from: 1995
Status of the figures:
The figures for the most recent reporting year 2016 are provisional. The status of the figures for 2015 is final.

Changes as of February 2018
None, this table has been replaced by an updated version. See paragraph 3.

Changes as from 13 July 2017:
Provisional figures on the reporting year 2016 have been added.
Using old data has led to incorrect figures for investments of the households and NPISHs for the reporting years 2001-2010. Adjusting for these errors results in different figures on investments and the statistical discrepancies. Smaller differences due to rounding occur for the capital stock opening and closing balance sheet, the depreciation and the revaluation.
Data on the years 1995-2000 have been added.

Changes as from 25 October 2016:
A number of corrections have been applied as a result of mistakes in the calculations for the years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009 and 2015. These mistakes did not result in any changes in the totals for the closing balance sheet, but led to incorrect aggregations of sectors/branches or type of capital good.

Furthermore the calculation method of the volume indices have been harmonised for the capital stock and non-financial balance sheets. Moreover, the volume index will now be calculated on the basis of rounded figures. Because of these changes in method a maximum difference of 109.5 percent points occurs for series of less than 100 mln. A maximum difference of 2.1 percent points occurs for series larger than 100 mln. Volume indices of series which contain 0 mln of capital stock every year are set at 100, rather than hidden.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional data are published 6 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 18 months after the end of the reporting year.
Since the end of June 2016 the release and revision policy of the national accounts have been changed. References to additional information about these changes can be found in section 3.

Description topics

Capital stock
Capital stock is defined as the value of capital goods in a SIC branch or institutional sector. Capital goods are produced material or immaterial assets used in a production process for more than one year. Examples are buildings, machinery, transport equipment and software.
Capital stock closing balance sheet
The closing balance sheet is the balance sheet on 31 December of the reporting year, measured in average prices of that particular year. The closing balance sheet equals the opening balance sheet of the next reporting year.