Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Institutional sectors Not Consolidated/Consoldidated Periods Resources Compensation of employees Wages and salaries (mln euro) Uses Compensation of employees Wages and salaries (mln euro)
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated 2017* 273,091 277,970
Total domestic sectors Consolidated 2017* 273,091 277,970
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated 2017* 204,040
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated 2017* 204,040
Financial corporations Not consolidated 2017* 14,405
Financial corporations Consolidated 2017* 14,405
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated 2017* 5,874
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated 2017* 5,874
Central bank Not consolidated 2017* 150
Central bank Consolidated 2017* 150
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated 2017* 5,724
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated 2017* 5,724
Other financial institutions Not consolidated 2017* 5,359
Other financial institutions Consolidated 2017* 5,359
Non-MMF investment funds Not consolidated 2017* 71
Non-MMF investment funds Consolidated 2017* 71
Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Not consolidated 2017* 5,288
Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Consolidated 2017* 5,288
Other financial intermediaries Not consolidated 2017* 4,422
Other financial intermediaries Consolidated 2017* 4,422
Captive institutions and money lenders Not consolidated 2017* 866
Captive institutions and money lenders Consolidated 2017* 866
Insurance corporations and pension funds Not consolidated 2017* 3,172
Insurance corporations and pension funds Consolidated 2017* 3,172
Insurance corporations Not consolidated 2017* 3,106
Insurance corporations Consolidated 2017* 3,106
Pension funds Not consolidated 2017* 66
Pension funds Consolidated 2017* 66
General government Not consolidated 2017* 46,439
General government Consolidated 2017* 46,439
Central government Not consolidated 2017* 16,986
Central government Consolidated 2017* 16,986
Local government Not consolidated 2017* 28,287
Local government Consolidated 2017* 28,287
Social security funds Not consolidated 2017* 1,166
Social security funds Consolidated 2017* 1,166
Households including NPISHs Not consolidated 2017* 273,091 13,086
Households including NPISHs Consolidated 2017* 273,091 13,086
Households Not consolidated 2017* 273,091 10,655
Households Consolidated 2017* 273,091 10,655
Non-profit institutions serv. households Not consolidated 2017* 2,431
Non-profit institutions serv. households Consolidated 2017* 2,431
Rest of the world Not consolidated 2017* 5,761 882
Rest of the world Consolidated 2017* 5,761 882
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides an overview of the non-financial transactions of the institutional sectors of the Dutch economy, distinguishing between uses and resources. Non-financial transactions consist of current transactions and transactions from the capital account. Furthermore, this table provides the main balancing items of the (sub)sectors.
Non-financial transactions are estimated for the main institutional sectors of the economy and the rest of the world.
Sectors are presented both consolidated and non-consolidated.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures of the period 1995-2014 are final. Data of 2015, 2016 and 2017 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Resources are transactions add to the economic value of sectors.
Compensation of employees
The compensation of employees is the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during an accounting period. The compensation of employees is equal to the sum of wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Wages and salaries
Wages and salaries are the remunerations an employee receives in return for work done during an accounting period. Wages and salaries include social contributions, income taxes and other payments payable by the employee, including those withheld by the employer and paid directly to social insurance schemes, tax authorities etc. on behalf of the employee. The most important form of wages and salaries is wages in cash (including withheld income taxes and social contributions). Wages in cash are composed of regular gross wages, standard extra allowances (for instance for hazardous work), bonuses, overtime pay, tips and compensation for costs related to employment (for instance refunds of fares to and from work). Bonuses include holiday pay, tantième, gratifications, profit shares and a thirteenth or fourteenth month. Wages in kind occur if an employee benefits from his or her job besides being paid wages. Examples of payment in kind are private use of a company car, free housing, free food, lower interest rates on mortgages, free or cheap use of the company’s products or services, and company supplied or subsidised child care.
Uses are transactions appear which deduces the economic value of sectosr.
Compensation of employees
The compensation of employees is the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during an accounting period. The compensation of employees is equal to the sum of wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Wages and salaries
Wages and salaries are the remunerations an employee receives in return for work done during an accounting period. Wages and salaries include social contributions, income taxes and other payments payable by the employee, including those withheld by the employer and paid directly to social insurance schemes, tax authorities etc. on behalf of the employee. The most important form of wages and salaries is wages in cash (including withheld income taxes and social contributions). Wages in cash are composed of regular gross wages, standard extra allowances (for instance for hazardous work), bonuses, overtime pay, tips and compensation for costs related to employment (for instance refunds of fares to and from work). Bonuses include holiday pay, tantième, gratifications, profit shares and a thirteenth or fourteenth month. Wages in kind occur if an employee benefits from his or her job besides being paid wages. Examples of payment in kind are private use of a company car, free housing, free food, lower interest rates on mortgages, free or cheap use of the company’s products or services, and company supplied or subsidised child care.