Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Current transactions by sectors; NA, 1995-2017

Institutional sectors Not Consolidated/Consoldidated Periods Resources Output Total (mln euro) Resources Output Market output Total (mln euro) Resources Output Market output Financial intermediation service (FISIM) (mln euro) Resources Output Market output Other market output (mln euro) Resources Output Output produced for own final use Total (mln euro) Resources Output Output produced for own final use Own-account capital formation (mln euro) Resources Output Output produced for own final use Products retained for own consumption (mln euro) Resources Output Non-market output Total (mln euro) Resources Output Non-market output Payments for non-market output (mln euro) Resources Output Non-market output Other non-market output (mln euro)
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated 2017* 1,388,992 1,210,688 30,135 1,180,553 57,444 17,986 39,458 120,860 10,972 109,888
Total domestic sectors Consolidated 2017* 1,388,992 1,210,688 30,135 1,180,553 57,444 17,986 39,458 120,860 10,972 109,888
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated 2017* 1,000,244 990,001 990,001 10,243 10,243
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated 2017* 1,000,244 990,001 990,001 10,243 10,243
Financial corporations Not consolidated 2017* 73,612 72,985 30,135 42,850 627 627
Financial corporations Consolidated 2017* 73,612 72,985 30,135 42,850 627 627
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated 2017* 29,940 29,794 23,868 5,926 146 146
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated 2017* 29,940 29,794 23,868 5,926 146 146
Central bank Not consolidated 2017* 334 334 0 334 0 0
Central bank Consolidated 2017* 334 334 0 334 0 0
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated 2017* 29,606 29,460 23,868 5,592 146 146
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated 2017* 29,606 29,460 23,868 5,592 146 146
Other financial institutions Not consolidated 2017* 26,330 26,260 6,267 19,993 70 70
Other financial institutions Consolidated 2017* 26,330 26,260 6,267 19,993 70 70
Non-MMF investment funds Not consolidated 2017* 4,442 4,437 4,437 5 5
Non-MMF investment funds Consolidated 2017* 4,442 4,437 4,437 5 5
Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Not consolidated 2017* 21,888 21,823 6,267 15,556 65 65
Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Consolidated 2017* 21,888 21,823 6,267 15,556 65 65
Other financial intermediaries Not consolidated 2017* 14,365 14,300 6,267 8,033 65 65
Other financial intermediaries Consolidated 2017* 14,365 14,300 6,267 8,033 65 65
Captive institutions and money lenders Not consolidated 2017* 7,523 7,523 7,523 0 0
Captive institutions and money lenders Consolidated 2017* 7,523 7,523 7,523 0 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Not consolidated 2017* 17,342 16,931 16,931 411 411
Insurance corporations and pension funds Consolidated 2017* 17,342 16,931 16,931 411 411
Insurance corporations Not consolidated 2017* 12,332 11,961 11,961 371 371
Insurance corporations Consolidated 2017* 12,332 11,961 11,961 371 371
Pension funds Not consolidated 2017* 5,010 4,970 4,970 40 40
Pension funds Consolidated 2017* 5,010 4,970 4,970 40 40
General government Not consolidated 2017* 127,232 6,920 6,920 5,861 5,861 114,451 10,699 103,752
General government Consolidated 2017* 127,232 6,920 6,920 5,861 5,861 114,451 10,699 103,752
Central government Not consolidated 2017* 47,784 1,899 1,899 4,786 4,786 41,099 3,892 37,207
Central government Consolidated 2017* 47,784 1,899 1,899 4,786 4,786 41,099 3,892 37,207
Local government Not consolidated 2017* 76,477 5,021 5,021 1,057 1,057 70,399 6,807 63,592
Local government Consolidated 2017* 76,477 5,021 5,021 1,057 1,057 70,399 6,807 63,592
Social security funds Not consolidated 2017* 2,971 0 0 18 18 2,953 0 2,953
Social security funds Consolidated 2017* 2,971 0 0 18 18 2,953 0 2,953
Households including NPISHs Not consolidated 2017* 187,904 140,782 140,782 40,713 1,255 39,458 6,409 273 6,136
Households including NPISHs Consolidated 2017* 187,904 140,782 140,782 40,713 1,255 39,458 6,409 273 6,136
Households Not consolidated 2017* 180,770 140,080 140,080 40,690 1,232 39,458
Households Consolidated 2017* 180,770 140,080 140,080 40,690 1,232 39,458
Non-profit institutions serv. households Not consolidated 2017* 7,134 702 702 23 23 6,409 273 6,136
Non-profit institutions serv. households Consolidated 2017* 7,134 702 702 23 23 6,409 273 6,136
Rest of the world Not consolidated 2017*
Rest of the world Consolidated 2017*
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides an overview of the non-financial transactions of the institutional sectors of the Dutch economy, distinguishing between uses and resources. Non-financial transactions consist of current transactions and transactions from the capital account. Furthermore, this table provides the main balancing items of the (sub)sectors.
Non-financial transactions are estimated for the main institutional sectors of the economy and the rest of the world.
Sectors are presented both consolidated and non-consolidated.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures of the period 1995-2014 are final. Data of 2015, 2016 and 2017 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Resources are transactions add to the economic value of sectors.
The ensemble of goods and services produced. Also called production. Three types of output are distinguished:
- market output: goods and services sold at a market or intended for sale at a market
- the own-account production of all goods that are retained by their producers for their own final consumption or gross fixed capital formation.
- non-market output: goods and services delivered for free or at economically non-significant prices to other units

Output is valued at basic prices. These are the prices experienced by the producers: product-related taxes have been subtracted from the original prices, subsidies haven been added to them. Costs of transportation, when charged separately by the producer, are not included. Changes in the values of financial and non-financial assets during the reference period are not included either.

Included is the output by all kind-of-activity units residing in the Netherlands, including those that are held by foreign owners. The kind-of-activity units include general government units and other non-commercial units.
Market output
Market output consists of output that is disbursed of on the market or intended to be disbursed of on the market. Market output includes:
- products sold at economically significant prices;
- products bartered;
- products used for payments in kind, including compensation of employees in kind and mixed income in kind;
- products supplied by one local Kind-of-activity unit to another within the same institutional unit to be used as intermediate inputs or for final uses;
- products added to the inventories of finished goods and work-in-progress intended for one or other of the above uses (including natural growth of animal of vegetable products and uncompleted structures for which the buyer is unknown).
Financial intermediation service (FISIM)
The concept of imputed bank services encompasses the remuneration for financial services which are not paid for directly. This remuneration is included in the actual interest paid or received. In the national accounts this indirect remuneration is specified as financial intermediation service charge indirectly measured.
The size of the imputed bank services is determined on the basis of a ‘reference rate’. This reference rate equals the rate of the interbank loans. The difference between the reference rate and the actual interest paid to depositors or the actual interest received from borrowers is the indirectly measured financial intermediation service charge. The actual interest paid and received is corrected for these imputed bank services.
Other market output
Market output consists of output that is disbursed of on the market or intended to be disbursed of on the market. Market output includes:
- products sold at economically significant prices;
- products bartered;
- products used for payments in kind, including compensation of employees in kind and mixed income in kind;
- products supplied by one local Kind-of-activity unit to another within the same institutional unit to be used as intermediate inputs or for final uses;
- products added to the inventories of finished goods and work-in-progress intended for one or other of the above uses (including natural growth of animal of vegetable products and uncompleted structures for which the buyer is unknown).
Output produced for own final use
Output produced for own final use consists of goods or services that are retained either for own final consumption or for capital formation by the same institutional unit.
Own-account capital formation
Output of gross fixed capital formation by the same institutional unit.

Examples of products used for own gross fixed capital formation:
- special tools or machines;
- dwellings, or extensions of dwellings, which are produced by households.
Products retained for own consumption
Products retained for own final consumption can only be produced by the households sector. Examples of products retained for own final consumption include:
- agricultural products retained by farmers;
- dwelling services produced by owner-occupiers;
- household services produced by employing paid staff.
Non-market output
Non-market output is output that is provided to other units for free, or at prices that are not economically significant. Non-market output is subdivided into two items: 'Payments for non-market output', which consists of various fees and charges, and 'Non-market output, other', which is output provided for free.
Non-market output is produced for the following reasons.
- It may be technically impossible to make individuals pay for collective services because their consumption of such services cannot be monitored and controlled. The production of collective services is organised by government units and financed out of funds other than receipts from sales, namely taxation or other government incomes.
- Government units and NPISHs may also produce and supply goods or services to individual households for which they could charge but choose not to do so as a matter of social or economic policy. Examples are the provision of education or health services, for free or at prices that are not economically significant.
Payments for non-market output
Payments for non-market output is output that is provided to other units at prices that are not economically significant.
Non-market output is produced for the following reasons.
- It may be technically impossible to make individuals pay for collective services because their consumption of such services cannot be monitored and controlled. The production of collective services is organised by government units and financed out of funds other than receipts from sales, namely taxation or other government incomes.
- Government units and NPISHs may also produce and supply goods or services to individual households for which they could charge but choose not to do so as a matter of social or economic policy. Examples are the provision of education or health services, for free or at prices that are not economically significant.
Other non-market output
Other non-market output is output that is provided to other units for.
Non-market output is produced for the following reasons.
- It may be technically impossible to make individuals pay for collective services because their consumption of such services cannot be monitored and controlled. The production of collective services is organised by government units and financed out of funds other than receipts from sales, namely taxation or other government incomes.
- Government units and NPISHs may also produce and supply goods or services to individual households for which they could charge but choose not to do so as a matter of social or economic policy. Examples are the provision of education or health services, for free or at prices that are not economically significant.