Main Units of local Government; quarterly revenue and expenditure

Main Units of local Government; quarterly revenue and expenditure

Periods Expenditure (mln euro) Revenue (mln euro) Balance (mln euro)
2022 1st quarter 21,613 28,711 7,098
2022 2nd quarter 21,592 22,892 1,300
2022 3rd quarter 21,603 21,888 285
2022 4th quarter 29,540 25,443 -4,097
2023 1st quarter* 21,470 30,120 8,650
2023 2nd quarter* 21,349 24,427 3,078
2023 3rd quarter* 20,367 23,185 2,818
2023 4th quarter* 26,465 25,578 -887
2024 1st quarter* 22,951 32,936 9,985
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table contains data on a quarterly basis about revenue and expenditure and the balance of the main units of local government: municipalities, provinces, communal arrangements and public water boards. Data are extracted from the administration of the respective local government units. This means that these figures are compiled according to the national law for the financial administration for the local government units (the law 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies' – BBV) and consequently, differ from the figures of the national accounts composed in accordance with ESA standards.
No corrections are made for potential errors in the source data. However, if the provided local government data are of poor quality, they are not used but replaced by estimated figures.
With this table, the Netherlands meets the requirements as laid down in the Directive EU 2011/85. This directive is part of the Enhanced Economic Governance package ('Sixpack'), adopted by the European Council in 2011.

Statistics Netherlands published the revised National Accounts in June 2018. Among other things, GDP and total government expenditures have been adjusted upwards as a result of the revision. As part of the revision, the determination of the population of communal arrangements has been improved qualitatively. The population has grown in size. From the first quarter of 2018 onwards, administrative data of the main units of local government will be published after revision in this table. The figures for the previous quarters have not been adjusted based on the revision. Between the fourth quarter of 2017 and the first quarter of 2018, a break occurs as a result of the changed population of communal arrangements.

Data available from: first quarter 2014.

Status of the figures:
The status of all recent figures is provisional. When figures for a new quarter are published, the provisional figures of the previous quarter may be adjusted. After publication of the annual figures according to the local government administration, the status of the quarterly figures becomes definite. The annual figures are published in December, one year after the end of the reporting year.

Changes as from 28 June 2024:
Figures for the first quarter of 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
New quarterly figures are published three months after the quarter under review. When figures for a new quarter are published, the provisional figures of the previous quarter may be adjusted.

Description topics

The expenses in the respective period.
Includes paid wages, interest, purchase of goods and services and paid subsidies or transfers, but also internal settlements, depreciation, deposits in reserves or provisions.
The revenues in the respective period.
This includes reimbursements for personnel, received interest, sale of goods and services and received subsidies or transfers, but also internal settlements and withdrawals from reserves or release of provisions.
Revenue minus expenditure.