Employment; economic activity, quarterly, national accounts, 1995-2018

Employment; economic activity, quarterly, national accounts, 1995-2018

Employment type Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Employed persons Employed persons (x 1 000) Employed persons Employed persons seasonal adjusted (x 1 000) Jobs Jobs (x 1 000) Jobs Jobs seasonal adjusted (x 1 000) Hours worked Hours worked (mil hour) Hours worked Hours worked seasonal adjusted (mil hour)
Total A-U All economic activities 2016 1st quarter* 8,769 8,841 9,857 9,939 3,259 3,163
Total A-U All economic activities 2016 2nd quarter* 8,895 8,877 10,013 9,973 3,162 3,191
Total A-U All economic activities 2016 3rd quarter* 8,943 8,917 10,031 10,013 2,978 3,205
Total A-U All economic activities 2016 4th quarter* 8,997 8,975 10,095 10,072 3,388 3,229
Total A-U All economic activities 2016* 8,901 9,999 12,788
Total A-U All economic activities 2017 1st quarter* 8,946 9,025 10,033 10,129 3,410 3,235
Total A-U All economic activities 2017 2nd quarter* 9,093 9,071 10,223 10,180 3,193 3,251
Total A-U All economic activities 2017 3rd quarter* 9,161 9,121 10,261 10,236 3,025 3,278
Total A-U All economic activities 2017 4th quarter* 9,195 9,183 10,324 10,308 3,415 3,280
Total A-U All economic activities 2017* 9,099 10,211 13,043
Total A-U All economic activities 2018 1st quarter* 9,178 9,253 10,295 10,384 3,437 3,293
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 1st quarter* 831 833 859 863 355 338
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 2nd quarter* 834 832 865 862 337 342
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 3rd quarter* 832 833 863 863 314 342
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 4th quarter* 837 836 867 867 357 341
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 833 863 1,363
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 1st quarter* 835 836 864 866 368 341
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 2nd quarter* 840 839 868 867 332 341
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 3rd quarter* 840 840 868 867 311 342
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 4th quarter* 840 841 868 869 353 341
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017* 839 867 1,364
Total B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2018 1st quarter* 844 844 871 873 365 342
Employee A-U All economic activities 2016 1st quarter* 7,283 7,356 7,768 7,854 2,604 2,488
Employee A-U All economic activities 2016 2nd quarter* 7,416 7,394 7,937 7,896 2,481 2,522
Employee A-U All economic activities 2016 3rd quarter* 7,463 7,432 7,963 7,937 2,332 2,534
Employee A-U All economic activities 2016 4th quarter* 7,502 7,482 8,011 7,991 2,676 2,549
Employee A-U All economic activities 2016* 7,416 7,920 10,093
Employee A-U All economic activities 2017 1st quarter* 7,457 7,530 7,956 8,044 2,754 2,560
Employee A-U All economic activities 2017 2nd quarter* 7,599 7,577 8,136 8,094 2,503 2,573
Employee A-U All economic activities 2017 3rd quarter* 7,659 7,627 8,175 8,148 2,372 2,599
Employee A-U All economic activities 2017 4th quarter* 7,710 7,689 8,236 8,216 2,710 2,606
Employee A-U All economic activities 2017* 7,607 8,127 10,338
Employee A-U All economic activities 2018 1st quarter* 7,680 7,755 8,197 8,286 2,777 2,615
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 1st quarter* 791 792 806 808 335 318
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 2nd quarter* 794 792 810 807 315 320
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 3rd quarter* 791 791 806 806 293 320
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 4th quarter* 793 793 808 808 334 319
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 792 807 1,277
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 1st quarter* 790 791 805 807 346 319
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 2nd quarter* 796 794 812 809 310 319
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 3rd quarter* 796 796 811 812 291 320
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 4th quarter* 798 798 814 814 331 320
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017* 795 810 1,278
Employee B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2018 1st quarter* 800 802 816 818 344 321
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2016 1st quarter* 1,486 1,486 2,089 2,085 655 675
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2016 2nd quarter* 1,479 1,483 2,076 2,077 681 668
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2016 3rd quarter* 1,480 1,485 2,069 2,076 647 671
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2016 4th quarter* 1,494 1,492 2,084 2,081 712 681
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2016* 1,485 2,079 2,695
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2017 1st quarter* 1,489 1,494 2,077 2,085 656 675
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2017 2nd quarter* 1,494 1,494 2,087 2,086 691 677
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2017 3rd quarter* 1,501 1,493 2,086 2,088 653 678
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2017 4th quarter* 1,485 1,494 2,088 2,091 705 674
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2017* 1,492 2,085 2,705
Self-employed A-U All economic activities 2018 1st quarter* 1,498 1,498 2,098 2,098 660 678
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 1st quarter* 40 41 53 56 20 20
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 2nd quarter* 40 40 55 55 22 22
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 3rd quarter* 41 41 57 57 21 22
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016 4th quarter* 44 43 59 59 23 22
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 41 56 86
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 1st quarter* 45 45 59 59 22 22
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 2nd quarter* 44 44 56 57 22 22
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 3rd quarter* 44 43 57 56 20 21
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017 4th quarter* 42 43 54 55 22 21
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2017* 44 57 87
Self-employed B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2018 1st quarter* 43 43 55 55 21 21
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data about the employment of employees and self-employed persons. It contains annual and quarterly data on employed persons, jobs, and hours worked. The seasonal adjusted time series are also available in this table.

Data available from: 1995 first quarter up to and including 2018 first quarter.

Status of the figures:
Data from 1995 up to and including 2014 are final. Data of 2015 and further are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data of 2015 and further will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Employed persons
Someone working for a company located in the Netherlands, or an institution or private household in the Netherlands.
Employed persons
Someone working for a company located in the Netherlands, or an institution or private household in the Netherlands.
Employed persons seasonal adjusted
The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit which specifies that labour will be carried out in return for (financial) remuneration.

A distinction is made between jobs of employees and jobs of self-employed persons.
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit which specifies that labour will be carried out in return for (financial) remuneration.

A distinction is made between jobs of employees and jobs of self-employed persons.
Jobs seasonal adjusted
The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.
Hours worked
The number of hours actually worked by someone with a paid job.
Hours worked
The number of hours actually worked by someone with a paid job.
Hours worked seasonal adjusted
The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.