Energy consumption households; energy commodities, 1975-2016

Energy consumption households; energy commodities, 1975-2016

Energy commodities Periods Energy consumption households (PJ)
Gas/diesel oil 2016** 0.30
Natural gas 2016** 297.23
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the consumption of energy of households. Households are one or more people sharing the same living space, who provide their own everyday needs in a private, non-commercial way. Excludes transport. The consumption of energy is broken down by energy commodity, like for example petroleum products, natural gas and electricity.

Data available:
From 1975 up to and including 2016

Status of the figures:
All figures up to and including 2014 are definite. 2015 and 2016 figures are revised provisional.

Changes as of 22 December 2017:
None, this table has been stopped. For more information see section 3.

Changes as of 21 June 2017
In the previous version the position of the decimal point for the variable “Energy consumption in private households” was wrong, leading to figures that were one hundred times too high. This has been corrected.

Changes as of 21 December 2016:
Definite figures of 2014 and revised provisional figures have been added.
For the years 1990 until 1994 the figures have been synchronized with the Energy Balance Sheet; Supply and Consumption. These data were published earlier in 2016.
The revision for household consumption was given in by new insights gathered through the client files of network companies.
After this revision, a trend shift occurs between 1989 and 1990.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Energy consumption households
A collection of one or more people sharing the same living space, who provide their own everyday needs in a private, non-commercial way.
Excludes transport.