Energy consumption industry (no energy sector);energy commodities,1975-2012

Energy consumption industry (no energy sector);energy commodities,1975-2012

Energy commodities Periods Energy consumption in sector industry (PJ)
Total energy commodities 2012 1,231
Total coal and coal products 2012 93
Primary coals 2012 43
Coal products 2012 49
Total crude and petroleum products 2012 632
Crude 2012 161
Petroleum products 2012 471
Natural gas 2012 319
Renewable energy 2012 5
Waste and other energy commodities 2012 5
Electricity 2012 109
Heat 2012 68
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the consumption of energy of companies in the sector industry, excluding by companies in the energy sector). The sector industry, according to the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, is mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction. The consumption of energy is broken down by energy commodity, like for example natural gas, crude, hard coal and biofuels.

Data available:
From 1975 annual, from 1999 till 2010 annual and quarterly and from 2011 till 2012 annual.

Status of the figures:
All figures up to 2012 are definite.

Changes as of 6 February 2014:
None, this table has been stopped.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

Description topics

Energy consumption in sector industry
The amount of energy consumed by companies in the sector industry (excluding the energy sector) in the Netherlands.
The sector industry is companies in mining and quarrying, manufacturing and construction.

Excludes transport outside own premises.