Environmental goods and services sector; activities, 1995 - 2011

Environmental goods and services sector; activities, 1995 - 2011

Environmental activities Environmental domains Periods Gross value added at basic prices (mln euros)
Total environmental sector Environmental domains, total 2011* 14,328
Total environmental sector 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 10,291
Total environmental sector 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 4,038
Organic agriculture Environmental domains, total 2011* 430
Organic agriculture 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 430
Organic agriculture 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Energy systems and energy saving Environmental domains, total 2011* 1,563
Energy systems and energy saving 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Energy systems and energy saving 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 1,563
Wholesale trade in waste and scrap Environmental domains, total 2011* 3,505
Wholesale trade in waste and scrap 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 3,505
Wholesale trade in waste and scrap 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Philanthropic envir organisations Environmental domains, total 2011* 85
Philanthropic envir organisations 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Philanthropic envir organisations 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
In-house environmental activities Environmental domains, total 2011* 528
In-house environmental activities 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 528
In-house environmental activities 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Insulation activities constr. industry Environmental domains, total 2011* 376
Insulation activities constr. industry 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Insulation activities constr. industry 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 376
Environmental consultancy, engineering Environmental domains, total 2011* 700
Environmental consultancy, engineering 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 654
Environmental consultancy, engineering 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 45
Environmental services Environmental domains, total 2011* 3,325
Environmental services 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 3,325
Environmental services 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Environmental inspection, certification Environmental domains, total 2011* 119
Environmental inspection, certification 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 119
Environmental inspection, certification 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Environmental related constr. activities Environmental domains, total 2011* 647
Environmental related constr. activities 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 627
Environmental related constr. activities 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 20
Education about the environment Environmental domains, total 2011* 39
Education about the environment 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 39
Education about the environment 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Gov. administration for environment Environmental domains, total 2011* 583
Gov. administration for environment 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 583
Gov. administration for environment 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* .
Production of renewable energy Environmental domains, total 2011* 843
Production of renewable energy 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Production of renewable energy 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 843
Production of industrial envir equipment Environmental domains, total 2011* 436
Production of industrial envir equipment 1. Total environmental protection 2011* 406
Production of industrial envir equipment 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 30
Second-hand shops (not antiques) Environmental domains, total 2011* 86
Second-hand shops (not antiques) 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Second-hand shops (not antiques) 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 86
Preparation for recycling Environmental domains, total 2011* 411
Preparation for recycling 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Preparation for recycling 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 411
Water quantity management Environmental domains, total 2011* 652
Water quantity management 1. Total environmental protection 2011* .
Water quantity management 2. Total management of natural resources 2011* 652
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents economic data for the environmental goods and services sector. Labour input, output and gross value added of the environmental goods and services sector are presented.

Output and gross value added are measured in basic prices and labour input is measured in full time equivalents (employed persons).

The environmental goods and services sector consists of a group of companies and authorities involved in activities with respect to measuring, preventing, limiting, minimalizing or correcting environmental damage to water, air and soil, and problems related to waste, noise and ecosystems (OECD, 1999; Eurostat 2009).

This definition includes ‘cleaner technologies ‘and ‘cleaner goods and services’ which reduce environmental risk and minimize the use of natural resources and pollution. The definition of the environmental goods and services sector is determined on European level and is used by EU-countries accordingly.

Data available from: 1995 - 2011

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning are provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of November 12, 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table is replaced by table: Environmental goods and services sector; activities, economic indicators. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Gross value added at basic prices
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference between production (basic prices) and intermediate consumption.