Civil engineering works; Input price index 2008-2019

Civil engineering works; Input price index 2008-2019

Areas civil engineering works Periods Input price indices (2010 = 100) Changes compared to 1 year earlier (%)
4211a Road construction; brick paving 2019 January* 112.2 3.1
4211a Road construction; brick paving 2019 April* 113.0 3.3
4211a Road construction; brick paving 2019 July* 114.1 3.1
4211a Road construction; brick paving 2019 October* 114.5 1.8
4211b Road construction; asphalt paving 2019 January* 111.6 1.9
4211b Road construction; asphalt paving 2019 April* 114.1 7.0
4211b Road construction; asphalt paving 2019 July* 114.8 2.0
4211b Road construction; asphalt paving 2019 October* 114.1 -1.1
4221 Constructions for fluids 2019 January* 113.9 3.1
4221 Constructions for fluids 2019 April* 115.3 3.8
4221 Constructions for fluids 2019 July* 116.0 3.6
4221 Constructions for fluids 2019 October* 116.1 1.7
4291 Constructions for water projects 2019 January* 113.8 2.8
4291 Constructions for water projects 2019 April* 114.8 3.8
4291 Constructions for water projects 2019 July* 115.6 1.8
4291 Constructions for water projects 2019 October* 115.7 -0.8
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the input price indices of the costs of labour, materials and equipment for civil engineering works (in Dutch: Grond-, weg- en waterbouw (GWW)). There are ten areas within civil engineering. These areas are based on the standard Classification Products to Activity. For each area a series is calculated based on the price developments of various cost components of which the product to be realised -in this case a civil engineering project- is constructed. The price index for the total of civil engineering is a weighted average of the eight areas. The published price indices of civil engineering are based on the average price level of the month in question. Changes in the overall costs and 'profit and risks' are not taken into account.
Changes compared with twelve months previously are also published for all indices.

Data available from:
The input price indices in this series are available from January 2008 up to and including October 2019.

Status of the figures:
Index figures up to 2018 are definite. Since this table has been discontinued, the data from October 2018 on will not be made definit.

Changes as of March 5th 2020:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable. This table is succeeded by Civil engineering works; Input price index 2015=100. See section 3.

Description topics

Input price indices
An index is the ratio between the value of a variable in a given period and the value of that variable in a chosen fixed (reference) period.
In this table the variable is the price trends in civil engineering. This is a weighted average of price movements of the components wages, materials and equipment (tools and machinery).
Changes compared to 1 year earlier
Percentage year on year development. The price index of a period is compared to the price index of the same period one year earlier.