Bankruptcies; enterprises, SIC 2008

Bankruptcies; enterprises, SIC 2008

Type of bankruptcy Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Pronounced bankruptcies (number)
Total entities with/without legal pers. A-U All economic activities 2024 2nd quarter* 1,068
Total entities with/without legal pers. A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 01 Agriculture 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 011 Growing of non-perennial crops 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 012 Growing of perennial crops 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 013 Growing of ornamental plants 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 014 Animal production 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 015 Mixed farming 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 016 Support activities for agriculture 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 017 Hunting 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 02 Forestry and logging 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 021 Silviculture 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 022 Logging 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 024 Support activities to forestry 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 03 Fishing and aquaculture 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 031 Fishing 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 032 Aquaculture 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. B Mining and quarrying 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 061 Extraction of crude petroleum 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 062 Extraction of natural gas 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 081 Mining of stone, sand and clay 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 089 Other mining and quarrying 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 09 Mining support activities 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 091 Services for mining of oil and gas 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 099 Services for other mining 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. C Manufacturing 2024 2nd quarter* 87
Total entities with/without legal pers. 10 Manufacture of food products 2024 2nd quarter* 7
Total entities with/without legal pers. 101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Total entities with/without legal pers. 102 Processing of fish 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 105 Manufacture of dairy products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 106 Grain milling and starch products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 107 Manufacture of bakery products 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 108 Manufacture of other food 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Total entities with/without legal pers. 109 Manufacture of animal foods 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 11 Manufacture of beverages 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 110 Manufacture of beverages 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 120 Manufacture of tobacco products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 13 Manufacture of textiles 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Total entities with/without legal pers. 131 Spinning of textile fibres 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 132 Weaving of textiles 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 133 Finishing of textiles 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 139 Manufacture of other textiles 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Total entities with/without legal pers. 141 Manufacture of apparel (no fur) 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Total entities with/without legal pers. 142 Manufacture of articles of fur 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 143 Knitting and crocheting apparel 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 151 Manufacture of leather products 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 152 Manufacture of footwear 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 16 Manufacture of wood products 2024 2nd quarter* 8
Total entities with/without legal pers. 161 Sawmilling and planing of wood 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 162 Manufacture of products of wood 2024 2nd quarter* 7
Total entities with/without legal pers. 17 Manufacture of paper 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 171 Manufacture of pulp, paper, -board 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 172 Manufacture of articles of paper 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 18 Printing and reproduction 2024 2nd quarter* 8
Total entities with/without legal pers. 181 Printing and services for printing 2024 2nd quarter* 8
Total entities with/without legal pers. 182 Reproduction of recorded media 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 191 Manufacture of coke oven products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 192 Manufacture of refined petroleum 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 20 Manufacture of chemicals 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Total entities with/without legal pers. 201 Manufacture of basic chemicals 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 202 Manufacture agrochemical products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 203 Manufacture of paints and ink 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 204 Manufacture detergents and cosmetics 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 205 Manufacture of other chemicals 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 206 Manufacture of man-made fibres 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 211 Manufacture of basic pharmaceuticals 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 212 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 221 Manufacture of rubber products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 222 Manufacture of plastic products 2024 2nd quarter* 3
Total entities with/without legal pers. 23 Manufacture of building materials 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 231 Manufacture of glass 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 232 Manufacture of refractory products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 233 Manufacture clay building materials 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 234 Manufacture other ceramic products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 235 Manufacture of cement, lime, plaster 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 236 Manufacture concrete etc. products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 237 Stone dressing 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 239 Manufacture other mineral products 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 24 Manufacture of basic metals 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 241 Manufacture of iron and steel 2024 2nd quarter* 1
Total entities with/without legal pers. 242 Manufacture tubes and pipes of steel 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 243 Other first processing of steel 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 244 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 245 Casting of metals 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 25 Manufacture of metal products 2024 2nd quarter* 16
Total entities with/without legal pers. 251 Manufacture metal structures, doors 2024 2nd quarter* 5
Total entities with/without legal pers. 252 Manufacture tanks, central heating 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 253 Manufacture of steam generators 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 254 Manufacture of weapons 2024 2nd quarter* 0
Total entities with/without legal pers. 255 Forging, pressing, stamping 2024 2nd quarter* 2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table contains the number of bankruptcy orders issued by Dutch courts. Numbers are broken down by type of bankruptcy (natural persons with or without sole proprietorship, enterprises and institutions) and business activity.

Data available from: January 2009

Status of the figures:
Figures on the last two months are provisional.

Changes as of July 12, 2024:
The June 2024 figures have been added.

When will new figures be published?
July 2024 figures are expected to be published on August 12, 2024.

Description topics

Pronounced bankruptcies
Pronounced bankruptcies
Number of natural persons with sole proprietorship, companies and institutions that have been declared bankrupt by court ruling.

A legal proceeding involving a legal entity (person or company) that has ceased to repay outstanding debts and is declared bankrupt by the court. All assets and income of the entity (the debtor) are seized and used to repay the debts. Bankruptcy may be initiated by a creditor, the debtor or the public prosecutor’s office. After payment of the assets and income to the creditors, the bankruptcy is filed as completed, but the debtor is often not free of debts as any residual debts will remain payable. Moreover, a declaration of bankruptcy at the request of a creditor is only possible if there are debts to other creditors as well.