Environmental accounts; energy use by companies & households 1995 - 2013

Environmental accounts; energy use by companies & households 1995 - 2013

Energy users (SIC 2008) Periods Gross energy use Energy purchased Motorfuels for road traffic (PJ)
Total Dutch economy 2013* 459
A-U All economic activities 2013* 197
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2013* 3
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2013* 15
B Mining and quarrying 2013* 0
C Manufacturing 2013* 9
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2013* 2
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2013* 0
16-18 Man. wood en paperprod., printing 2013* 1
16 Manufacture of wood products 2013* 0
17 Manufacture of paper 2013* 0
18 Printing and reproduction 2013* 0
19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2013* 0
20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2013* 0
22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2013* 1
22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2013* 0
23 Manufacture of building materials 2013* 0
24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2013* 1
24 Manufacture of basic metals 2013* 0
25 Manufacture of metal products 2013* 1
26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2013* 0
26 Manufacture of electronic products 2013* 0
27 Manufacture of electric equipment 2013* 0
28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2013* 1
29-30 Transport equipment 2013* 0
31-33 Other manufacturing and repair 2013* 3
D Electricity and gas supply 2013* 1
E Water supply and waste management 2013* 5
F Construction 2013* 19
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering 2013* 113
G Wholesale and retail trade 2013* 23
H Transportation and storage 2013* 88
49 Land transport 2013* 81
50 Water transport 2013* 0
51 Air transport 2013* 0
52 Warehousing, services for transport 2013* 6
53 Postal and courier activities 2013* 1
I Accommodation and food serving 2013* 1
J Information and communication 2013* 3
K Financial institutions 2013* 4
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2013* 1
M-N Business services 2013* 25
M Other specialised business services 2013* 6
N Renting and other business support 2013* 19
O-Q Government and care 2013* 10
O Public administration and services 2013* 4
P Education 2013* 3
Q Health and social work activities 2013* 3
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 2013* 5
R Culture, sports and recreation 2013* 2
S Other service activities 2013* 2
T Activities of households 2013* -
U Extraterritorial organisations 2013* -
Total private households 2013* 262
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

The energy accounts show how much energy flows into the Dutch economy (imports and domestic production) and how much is used by the Dutch economy (domestic use and exports). It also presents the energy that flows within the economy. The energy accounts distinguishes between energy products and users/producers of energy. They can be used to investigate where the economy gets its energy from and what it uses it for, which sector uses the most, how important imports are, and how efficiently the economy uses its energy.

The energy accounts differentiates between gross and net use of energy. Net energy is further disaggregated into different types of energy use. Gross energy use is further disaggregated into energy that is extracted from the domestic environment and energy that is imported from third parties. Imported energy is further disaggregated into different groups of energy carriers. The table presents the consumption of different energy carriers and allocates them to various industries and households. The energy accounts originate from the energy balance and are part of the environmental accounts that are published on an annual base. The data in the environmental accounts correspond directly to the economic data in the national accounts. This allows for direct comparisons of economic statistics that are derived from the Dutch national economic accounts with the energy consumption figures. Furthermore, the energy accounts can be used to construct environmental indicators. For example, the energy accounts can be used to determine the use of different energy carriers in the Netherlands as a whole and for individual industries .

The figures in the Dutch energy accounts are consistent with the concepts and definitions of the national accounts and may therefore deviate from figures in the Dutch energy balance.

Data available from: 1995 to 2013

Status of the figures:
As this table has been discontinued, the data will no longer be finalized

Changes as of januari 2021
This table has been discontinued

When are new figures published?
This table is followed by Aanbod en gebruik energie; energiedragers, huishoudens en bedrijven (NR) (Dutch only). See section 3.

Description topics

Gross energy use
Total energy input for economic processes.
This is the total need for energy of the different economic activities, for instance the total amount of energy that energy companies need in the production of electricity and heat, or the total amount of energy that refineries need for the production of crude oil products. The gross energy supply can be separated into extraction and import.
Energy purchased
Energy products that are purchased from third parties and that serve as input for the economic process.
Motorfuels for road traffic
Automotiv LPG, motor petrol and transport diesel.