International trade and transit trade; product group 2007-2017

International trade and transit trade; product group 2007-2017

Commodity flows Commodity groups Continents Periods Estimated value transported goods Value Estimate (mln euro) Estimated value transported goods Growth indication (code) Estimated gross weight transported goods Gross weight Estimate (mln kg) Estimated gross weight transported goods Growth indication (code)
Inbound transport; total 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 7 9 12 5
Imports; total 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 6 5 10 5
Imports for domestic use 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 6 5 10 5
Imports for re-exports 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 1 5 1 9
Inbound transit trade; total 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 1 9 1 9
Inbound quasi-transit trade 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport transit trade 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 1 9 1 9
Outbound transport; total 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 42 5 25 5
Exports; total 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 37 5 19 5
Exports of Dutch products 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 36 5 18 5
Re-exports 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 1 . 1 .
Outbound transit trade; total 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 5 9 6 9
Outbound quasi-transit trade 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 0 . 0 .
Outbound transport transit trade 0 Agricultural products and live animals Unspecified countries and areas 2017* 5 9 6 9
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the international commodity flows from, to and through the Netherlands. For imports, exports, re-exports and transit trade the table represents the value and gross weight of transported goods broken down by product group (NSTR chapter) and continent of origin or destination.

This publication is co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Data available from 2007 to 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, the figures will not be made definitive.

Changes as of 21 februari 2020:
None, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Estimated value transported goods
Estimated value of transported goods expressed in millions of euros. In the case of imported goods, this is the value of foreign goods supplied to residents according to International trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of goods including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value is including freight and insurance costs to the external border of the European Union. In the case of exports, this is the value of goods supplied by Dutch residents to foreign trading partners according to International trade statistics. The value is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border.
Estimated value of transported goods expressed in millions of euros. In the case of imported goods, this is the value of foreign goods supplied to residents according to International trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of goods including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value is including freight and insurance costs to the external border of the European Union. In the case of exports, this is the value of goods supplied by Dutch residents to foreign trading partners according to International trade statistics. The value is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border.
Estimated value of transported goods expressed in millions of euros. In the case of imported goods, this is the value of foreign goods supplied to residents according to International trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of goods including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value is including freight and insurance costs to the external border of the European Union. In the case of exports, this is the value of goods supplied by Dutch residents to foreign trading partners according to International trade statistics. The value is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border.
Growth indication
Indication of growth compared to the previous year:
1: decrease by more than 10 percent;
2: decrease by 0.5 to 10 percent;
3: decrease or increase by less than 0.5 percent;
4: increase by 0.5 to 10 percent;
5: increase by more than 10 percent;
9: statistically, it is not possible to determine whether there is decrease or increase.
Estimated gross weight transported goods
Estimated gross weight of transported goods expressed in millions of kg. The gross weight includes the weight of the goods and packing, but is exclusive the weight of the container in which the goods are carried.
Gross weight
Estimated gross weight of transported goods expressed in millions of kg. The gross weight includes the weight of the goods and packing, but is exclusive the weight of the container in which the goods are carried.
Estimated gross weight of transported goods expressed in millions of kg. The gross weight includes the weight of the goods and packing, but is exclusive the weight of the container in which the goods are carried.
Growth indication
Indication of growth compared to the previous year:
1: decrease by more than 10 percent;
2: decrease by 0.5 to 10 percent;
3: decrease or increase by less than 0.5 percent;
4: increase by 0.5 to 10 percent;
5: increase by more than 10 percent;
9: statistically, it is not possible to determine whether there is decrease or increase.