Producer Prices Index; by economic activity SIC2008, 2010=100, 1981-2017

Producer Prices Index; by economic activity SIC2008, 2010=100, 1981-2017

Output prices SIC 2008 Periods Index numbers (2010 = 100) Year-on-year development (%) Month-on-month development (%)
Total output prices B Mining and quarrying 2017* 82.8 10.2
Total output prices 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2017* . .
Total output prices 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2017* 102.2 0.9
Total output prices 10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2017* 116.6 4.2
Total output prices 103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2017* 116.6 1.5
Total output prices 104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2017* 110.8 0.0
Total output prices 1041 Manufacture of oils and fats 2017* 109.9 0.0
Total output prices 106 Grain milling and starch products 2017* 115.3 1.8
Total output prices 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2017* 117.7 0.9
Total output prices 16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2017* 109.6 1.8
Total output prices 17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2017* 97.9 0.7
Total output prices 18 Printing and reproduction 2017* 91.3 -0.8
Total output prices 19-22 Refineries and chemistry 2017* 97.5 12.0
Total output prices 19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2017* 86.5 20.2
Total output prices 20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2017* 103.0 9.5
Total output prices 24-28 Metalectro (no transport) 2017* 105.4 1.7
Total output prices 24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2017* 107.4 6.4
Total output prices 26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2017* 102.8 -1.5
Total output prices 29-30 Transport equipment 2017* 107.9 1.2
Total output prices 29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2017* 107.3 1.3
Total output prices 30 Manufacture of other transport 2017* 112.7 0.3
Total output prices 33 Repair and installation of machinery 2017* 118.6 0.1
Total output prices D Electricity and gas supply 2017* . . .
Total output prices 35 Electricity and gas supply 2017* . . .
Total output prices E Water supply and waste management 2017* 90.0 0.1
Total output prices 36 Water collection and distribution 2017* 90.0 0.1
Domestic output prices B Mining and quarrying 2017* 79.7 10.3
Domestic output prices 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2017* 78.5 10.9
Domestic output prices 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2017* 108.9 0.0
Domestic output prices 10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2017* 118.2 4.3
Domestic output prices 103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2017* 115.9 1.9
Domestic output prices 104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2017* 109.1 -0.2
Domestic output prices 1041 Manufacture of oils and fats 2017* 108.8 -0.3
Domestic output prices 106 Grain milling and starch products 2017* 117.3 0.7
Domestic output prices 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2017* 118.2 0.7
Domestic output prices 16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2017* 109.6 1.8
Domestic output prices 17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2017* 95.9 0.7
Domestic output prices 18 Printing and reproduction 2017* 89.7 -0.8
Domestic output prices 19-22 Refineries and chemistry 2017* 98.0 13.1
Domestic output prices 19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2017* 92.1 17.9
Domestic output prices 20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2017* 100.0 12.4
Domestic output prices 24-28 Metalectro (no transport) 2017* 108.4 3.5
Domestic output prices 24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2017* 109.2 5.1
Domestic output prices 26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2017* 107.4 1.0
Domestic output prices 29-30 Transport equipment 2017* 109.3 0.9
Domestic output prices 29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2017* 109.0 1.0
Domestic output prices 30 Manufacture of other transport 2017* 110.9 0.3
Domestic output prices 33 Repair and installation of machinery 2017* 118.6 0.1
Domestic output prices D Electricity and gas supply 2017* . . .
Domestic output prices 35 Electricity and gas supply 2017* . . .
Domestic output prices E Water supply and waste management 2017* 90.0 0.1
Domestic output prices 36 Water collection and distribution 2017* 90.0 0.1
Non-domestic output prices B Mining and quarrying 2017* . .
Non-domestic output prices 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2017* . .
Non-domestic output prices 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2017* 97.1 1.6
Non-domestic output prices 10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2017* 115.1 4.2
Non-domestic output prices 103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2017* 117.1 1.2
Non-domestic output prices 104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2017* 112.4 0.3
Non-domestic output prices 1041 Manufacture of oils and fats 2017* 111.2 0.4
Non-domestic output prices 106 Grain milling and starch products 2017* 113.5 2.8
Non-domestic output prices 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2017* 117.1 1.1
Non-domestic output prices 16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2017* 109.3 1.7
Non-domestic output prices 17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2017* 102.5 0.9
Non-domestic output prices 18 Printing and reproduction 2017* 104.8 -1.5
Non-domestic output prices 19-22 Refineries and chemistry 2017* 97.2 11.3
Non-domestic output prices 19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2017* 83.7 21.6
Non-domestic output prices 20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2017* 104.7 8.0
Non-domestic output prices 24-28 Metalectro (no transport) 2017* 103.0 0.2
Non-domestic output prices 24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2017* 105.1 8.1
Non-domestic output prices 26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2017* 101.0 -2.5
Non-domestic output prices 29-30 Transport equipment 2017* 107.3 1.3
Non-domestic output prices 29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2017* 106.7 1.4
Non-domestic output prices 30 Manufacture of other transport 2017* 114.4 0.3
Non-domestic output prices 33 Repair and installation of machinery 2017*
Non-domestic output prices D Electricity and gas supply 2017* . . .
Non-domestic output prices 35 Electricity and gas supply 2017* . . .
Non-domestic output prices E Water supply and waste management 2017*
Non-domestic output prices 36 Water collection and distribution 2017*
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Selection possibilities: Index numbers, developments month-to-month and year-to-year for (sub)sections and division according to the Standard Business Classification distinguished to domestic output prices, non-domestic output prices and total output prices.

Data available from January 1981 up to and including December 2017

Status of the figures:
The data for August 2017 up to and including December 2017 and the 2017 annual rate are provisional. Since this table has been stopped, the data is no longer made definitive.

Changes as of March 19th 2018
None, this table is stopped.

When will new figures be published?
The results in this series are based on 2010=100. Due to the base shift this table is stopped. Figures based on 2015=100 are published in table Producer Price Index; output prices by economic activity SIC 2008, 2015=100.
Further information, see Base Year Revision Industrial Producer Price Index, 2015=100 in paragraph 3.

Description topics

Index numbers
Index showing the average price development, excluding excise, of Dutch manufactured goods.
Year-on-year development
Change compared with the same period in the previous year.
Month-on-month development
Change compared with the previous month.