Regional accounts; transactions of the sector households 1995-2011

Regional accounts; transactions of the sector households 1995-2011

Regions Periods Transactions in mln euro Secondary distribution of income account Resources Other current transfers (mln euro) Transactions in mln euro Secondary distribution of income account Uses Other current transfers (mln euro) Transactions per capita Secondary distribution of income account Resources Other current transfers (euro) Transactions per capita Secondary distribution of income account Uses Other current transfers (euro)
Netherlands 2011** 21,466 24,806 1,289 1,489
North-Netherlands 2011** 1,735 2,531 1,010 1,473
East-Netherlands 2011** 3,763 4,972 1,066 1,408
West-Netherlands 2011** 9,449 12,069 1,207 1,541
South-Netherlands 2011** 6,519 5,234 1,823 1,463
Drenthe 2011** 450 700 916 1,423
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table the Regional accounts; transactions of the sector households, describes the primary and secondary income distribution of the section households. The transactions within the primary and secondary income distribution are breakdown by resources and uses (earnings and expenses).

Data available from: 1995 to 2011.

Status of the figures:
The data from 1995 onwards are final. The figures for the last year are revised provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of February 13th 2015:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Regional accounts; Transactions of the sector households, region. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Transactions in mln euro
Change in the components of property (assets and liabilities) of the Dutch households. Amounts in million euro.
Secondary distribution of income account
The distribution of secondary income account shows the redistribution of
Transactions received.
Other current transfers
Other current transfers (resources) consist of Imputed social contributions, Non-life insurance claims and Other current transfers
Imputed social contributions (self-employed).
Imputed social contributions represent the counterpart to the 'unfunded
employee social benefits' (less any employees' social contributions) paid directly by employers (self-employed) to their (former) employees.
Non-life insurance claims.
Non-life insurance claims represent the amounts which insurance
enterprises are obliged to pay in settlement of injuries or damage as a result of fires, floods, crashes, collisions, sinking's, theft, violence,
accidents, sickness, etc. These are paid for by residential and non-residential insurance companies to residential and non-residential policyholders.
Other current transfers n.e.c.
This transaction includes all transactions not mentioned before, that are
not capital transfer. This concerns particularly the current transfers
within the households.
Transactions paid.
Other current transfers
Other current transfers (uses) consist of:
Unfunded employee social benefits, Non-life insurance premiums and
Other current transfers n.e.c.
Unfunded employee social benefits.
These social benefits are directly paid by employers (self-employed)
to their (former) employees, without involving any social security fund. This includes payment during illness.
Non-life insurance premiums.
Non-life insurance premiums provide cover against damage as a result of fires, floods, crashes, collisions, sinking's, theft, violence, accidents, sickness, etc. These are paid for by residential and non-residential insurance companies to residential and non-residential policyholders. As the compensation of insurance services of non-life insurance enterprises is calculated by subtracting the claims from the premiums(actual premiums and premium supplements), it follows that the total non-life insurance premiums must equal the total non-life insurance claims of the insurance enterprises.
Other current transfers n.e.c.
This transaction includes all transactions not mentioned before, that are
not capital transfer. This concerns particularly the current transfers
within the household.
Transactions per capita
The compilations of the per capita data is based on the total value per
region divided by the number of persons in that region.
Secondary distribution of income account
The distribution of secondary income account shows the redistribution of
Transactions received.
Other current transfers
Other current transfers (resources) consist of Imputed social
contributions, Non-life insurance claims and Other current transfers
Imputed social contributions (self-employed).
Imputed social contributions represent the counterpart to the 'unfunded
employee social benefits' (less any employees' social contributions)
paid directly by employers (self-employed) to their (former) employees.
Non-life insurance claims.
Non-life insurance claims represent the amounts which insurance
enterprises are obliged to pay in settlement of injuries or damage as
a result of fires, floods, crashes, collisions, sinking's, theft, violence,
accidents, sickness, etc.
Other current transfers n.e.c.
This transaction includes all transactions not mentioned before, that are
not capital transfer. This concerns particularly the current transfers
within the households.
Transactions paid.
Other current transfers
Other current transfers (uses) consist of:
Unfunded employee social benefits, Non-life insurance premiums and
Other current transfers n.e.c.
Unfunded employee social benefits.
These social benefits are directly paid by employers (self-employed)
to their (former) employees, without involving any social security fund.
Non-life insurance premiums.
Non-life insurance premiums provide cover against damage as a result of fires, floods, crashes, collisions, sinking's, theft, violence, accidents, sickness, etc. These are paid for by residential and non-residential insurance companies to residential and non-residential policyholders. As the compensation of insurance services of non-life insurance enterprises is calculated by subtracting the claims from the premiums(actual premiums and premium supplements), it follows that the total non-life insurance premiums must equal the total non-life insurance claims of the insurance enterprises.
Other current transfers n.e.c.
This transaction includes all transactions not mentioned before, that are
not capital transfer. This concerns particularly the current transfers
within the household.