Sector accounts; current transactions by sectors 1969- q4 2013
Sectors | Periods | Uses Final consumption expenditure Total (mln euro) | Uses Final consumption expenditure Actual collective final consumption (mln euro) | Uses Final consumption expenditure Actual individual final consumption Final consumption expenditure households (mln euro) |
Total economy | 2013* | 443,784 | 65,776 | 268,034 |
Non-financial corporations | 2013* | - | - | - |
Financial corporations | 2013* | - | - | - |
Monetary financial institutions | 2013* | - | - | - |
Other financial institutions | 2013* | - | - | - |
Insurance corporations and pension funds | 2013* | - | - | - |
General government (consolidated) | 2013* | 170,324 | 65,776 | - |
Central government (consolidated) | 2013* | 41,290 | 34,256 | - |
Local government (consolidated) | 2013* | 63,025 | 27,051 | - |
Social security funds (consolidated) | 2013* | 66,009 | 4,469 | - |
General government | 2013* | 170,324 | 65,776 | - |
Central government | 2013* | 41,290 | 34,256 | - |
Local government | 2013* | 63,025 | 27,051 | - |
Social security funds | 2013* | 66,009 | 4,469 | - |
Households including NPISH | 2013* | 273,460 | - | 268,034 |
Households | 2013* | 268,034 | - | 268,034 |
NPI serving households | 2013* | 5,426 | - | - |
Rest of the world | 2013* | - | - | - |
Source: CBS. |
Table explanation
This table provides an overview of the non-financial transactions of the institutional sectors of the Dutch economy, distinguishing between uses and resources. Non-financial transactions consist of current transactions and transactions from the capital account. Furthermore, this table provides the main balancing items of the (sub)sectors.
Non-financial transactions are estimated for the main institutional sectors of the economy and the rest of the world. The main institutional sectors of the economy are non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households. A breakdown into subsectors is provided for financial corporations and general government sectors.
Data available from:
Years from 1969 to 2013
Quarters from first quarter 2005 to fourth quarter 2013.
Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.
Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.
When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Sector accounts; current transactions by sectors. See paragraph 3.
Description topics
- Uses
- Expenditure by institutional sectors.
- Final consumption expenditure
- Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of members of the community. Final consumption expenditure may take place on the domestic territory or abroad.
Final consumption expenditure exists only for households, NPI households and general government.- Total
- Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of members of the community. Final consumption expenditure may take place on the domestic territory or abroad.
Final consumption expenditure exists only for households, NPI households and general government.
- Actual collective final consumption
- Services for collective consumption (collective services) are provided simultaneously to all members of the community or all members of a particular section of the community.
Collective consumption consists in particular of government expenditures and on services in the field of:
- management and regulation of society
- security and defence
- law and order, legislation and regulation
- public health
- environment
- research and development
- infrastructure and economic development
The actual collective final consumption is calculated by subtracting the actual individual final consumption from the total consumption expenditure.
- Actual individual final consumption
- Final consumption expenditure by households refers to expenditure on consumption goods and services. In contrast, actual final consumption refers to the acquisition of consumption goods and services. The difference between these concepts lies in the treatment of certain goods and services financed by the government or NPI households but supplied to households as social transfers in kind.
By convention, all final consumption expenditure by NPI households and most of the final consumption expenditure by the government in the field of education, health, social security and welfare, sport and recreation and culture are treated as individual consumption.
So actual individual consumption is:
final consumption expenditure by households
plus: final consumption expenditure by NPI households
plus: individual consumption by the government
= actual individual consumption- Final consumption expenditure households
- Final consumption expenditure by households and NPI households
Final consumption expenditure by households includes the following borderline cases:
- income in kind like accommodation, food, clothing etc.
- services of dwellings, which are occupied by the owners themselves and without any ac-tual rent payments. These services are valued by applying the rents of similar dwellings.
- goods and services produced for own use, as in agriculture. The value of these products is calculated by applying the market prices for similar products.
- durable consumption goods such as private cars, household appliances, furniture and clothing. However, the purchases of dwellings by households are not seen as final con-sumption, but as fixed capital formation by households.
The detailed data on consumption of households concern private domestic consumption ex-penditure. This includes final consumption in the Netherlands by residents and non-residents. Final consumption by households can be calculated by deducting from private domestic consumption expenditure the final consumption by non-residents in the Nether-lands (registered as exports) and adding final consumption by households in the rest of the world (registered as imports).
Final consumption expenditure by NPI households consists of all the non-market output of this sector excluding the own account capital formation.