Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions 1990 - q4 2013

Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions 1990 - q4 2013

Balance sheets and transactions Assets and liabilities Sectors Periods Currency and deposits Total (mln euro) Currency and deposits Currency (mln euro) Currency and deposits Transferable deposits (mln euro) Currency and deposits Savings deposits and other deposits Total (mln euro) Currency and deposits Savings deposits and other deposits Savings deposits in euros (mln euro) Currency and deposits Savings deposits and other deposits Other deposits (mln euro)
Opening balance sheet Assets Total economy 2013* 1,353,246 41,304 437,101 874,841 319,182 555,659
Opening balance sheet Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 242,187 1,256 123,577 117,354 - 117,354
Opening balance sheet Assets Financial corporations 2013* 657,368 1,869 249,345 406,154 - 406,154
Opening balance sheet Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* 476,155 1,869 192,582 281,704 - 281,704
Opening balance sheet Assets Other financial institutions 2013* 132,137 - 41,187 90,950 - 90,950
Opening balance sheet Assets Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* 49,076 - 15,576 33,500 - 33,500
Opening balance sheet Assets General government (consolidated) 2013* 13,656 1 8,708 4,947 - 4,947
Opening balance sheet Assets Central government (consolidated) 2013* 3,811 1 2,645 1,165 - 1,165
Opening balance sheet Assets Local government (consolidated) 2013* 9,755 13 6,029 3,713 - 3,713
Opening balance sheet Assets Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* 103 - 34 69 - 69
Opening balance sheet Assets General government 2013* 13,669 14 8,708 4,947 - 4,947
Opening balance sheet Assets Central government 2013* 3,811 1 2,645 1,165 - 1,165
Opening balance sheet Assets Local government 2013* 9,755 13 6,029 3,713 - 3,713
Opening balance sheet Assets Social security funds 2013* 103 - 34 69 - 69
Opening balance sheet Assets Households including NPISH 2013* 440,022 38,165 55,471 346,386 319,182 27,204
Opening balance sheet Assets Rest of the world 2013* 589,790 - 186,096 403,694 - 403,694
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Total economy 2013* 1,580,973 17,811 520,710 1,042,452 319,182 723,270
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Non-financial corporations 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Financial corporations 2013* 1,580,450 17,288 520,710 1,042,452 319,182 723,270
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Monetary financial institutions 2013* 1,580,450 17,288 520,710 1,042,452 319,182 723,270
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Other financial institutions 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities General government (consolidated) 2013* 510 510 - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Central government (consolidated) 2013* 523 523 - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Local government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities General government 2013* 523 523 - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Central government 2013* 523 523 - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Local government 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Social security funds 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Households including NPISH 2013* - - - - - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Rest of the world 2013* 362,063 23,493 102,487 236,083 - 236,083
Financial transactions Assets Total economy 2013* -85,364 1,840 -54,601 -32,603 2,231 -34,834
Financial transactions Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 12,231 -366 9,396 3,201 - 3,201
Financial transactions Assets Financial corporations 2013* -100,311 368 -64,032 -36,647 - -36,647
Financial transactions Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* -83,418 368 -55,193 -28,593 - -28,593
Financial transactions Assets Other financial institutions 2013* -7,328 - -4,120 -3,208 - -3,208
Financial transactions Assets Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* -9,565 - -4,719 -4,846 - -4,846
Financial transactions Assets General government (consolidated) 2013* -2,568 - -1,228 -1,340 - -1,340
Financial transactions Assets Central government (consolidated) 2013* 196 - 196 - - -
Financial transactions Assets Local government (consolidated) 2013* -2,764 - -1,424 -1,340 - -1,340
Financial transactions Assets Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Assets General government 2013* -2,568 - -1,228 -1,340 - -1,340
Financial transactions Assets Central government 2013* 196 - 196 - - -
Financial transactions Assets Local government 2013* -2,764 - -1,424 -1,340 - -1,340
Financial transactions Assets Social security funds 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Assets Households including NPISH 2013* 5,284 1,838 1,263 2,183 2,231 -48
Financial transactions Assets Rest of the world 2013* -47,679 - 7,644 -55,323 - -55,323
Financial transactions Liabilities Total economy 2013* -147,165 -1,439 -45,773 -99,953 2,231 -102,184
Financial transactions Liabilities Non-financial corporations 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Financial corporations 2013* -147,165 -1,439 -45,773 -99,953 2,231 -102,184
Financial transactions Liabilities Monetary financial institutions 2013* -147,165 -1,439 -45,773 -99,953 2,231 -102,184
Financial transactions Liabilities Other financial institutions 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities General government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Central government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Local government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities General government 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Central government 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Local government 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Social security funds 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Households including NPISH 2013* - - - - - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Rest of the world 2013* 14,122 3,279 -1,184 12,027 - 12,027
Other changes Assets Total economy 2013* -10,156 - -1,249 -8,907 - -8,907
Other changes Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 2,151 - -449 2,600 - 2,600
Other changes Assets Financial corporations 2013* -11,976 - -877 -11,099 - -11,099
Other changes Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* -9,812 - -698 -9,114 - -9,114
Other changes Assets Other financial institutions 2013* -2,393 - -309 -2,084 - -2,084
Other changes Assets Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* 229 - 130 99 - 99
Other changes Assets General government (consolidated) 2013* 80 - 107 -27 - -27
Other changes Assets Central government (consolidated) 2013* 165 - 107 58 - 58
Other changes Assets Local government (consolidated) 2013* -85 - - -85 - -85
Other changes Assets Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Assets General government 2013* 80 - 107 -27 - -27
Other changes Assets Central government 2013* 165 - 107 58 - 58
Other changes Assets Local government 2013* -85 - - -85 - -85
Other changes Assets Social security funds 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Assets Households including NPISH 2013* -411 - -30 -381 - -381
Other changes Assets Rest of the world 2013* -9,981 - -3,047 -6,934 - -6,934
Other changes Liabilities Total economy 2013* -15,029 - -3,471 -11,558 - -11,558
Other changes Liabilities Non-financial corporations 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Financial corporations 2013* -15,029 - -3,471 -11,558 - -11,558
Other changes Liabilities Monetary financial institutions 2013* -15,029 - -3,471 -11,558 - -11,558
Other changes Liabilities Other financial institutions 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities General government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Central government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Local government (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities General government 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Central government 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Local government 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Social security funds 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Households including NPISH 2013* - - - - - -
Other changes Liabilities Rest of the world 2013* -5,108 - -825 -4,283 - -4,283
Closing balance sheet Assets Total economy 2013* 1,257,726 43,144 381,251 833,331 321,413 511,918
Closing balance sheet Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 256,569 890 132,524 123,155 - 123,155
Closing balance sheet Assets Financial corporations 2013* 545,081 2,237 184,436 358,408 - 358,408
Closing balance sheet Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* 382,925 2,237 136,691 243,997 - 243,997
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents financial transactions, other changes in assets and financial balance sheets of the (sub)sectors of the national economy. The data provide a detailed overview of the changes to the financial relations between sectors and with the rest of the world. The financial flows are a logical extension of the current and capital accounts within sector accounts.
The financial balance sheets present outstanding assets and liabilities at the beginning and at the end of a period. Both financial transactions and other changes reflect the changes in value of these assets and liabilities during a particular period. These changes could be the result of agreements between parties (transactions) or the result of other causes such as revaluations (other changes). Balance sheets, financial transactions and other changes are related: Closing balance sheets last period (=opening balance sheets current period) plus financial transactions current period plus other changes current period = closing balance sheets of current period.

Data of the financial balance sheets, financial transactions and other changes are available for the main sectors of the economy: non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and the rest of the world. The sectors financial corporations and general government are broken down into subsectors. Assets and liabilities are broken down into a variety of financial instruments.

Data available from:
Years from 1969 to 2013
Quarters from first quarter 2005 to fourth quarter 2013.

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Currency and deposits
Currency and deposits consists of currency, transferable deposits, saving deposits and other deposits.
Currency and deposits consists of currency, transferable deposits, saving deposits and other deposits.
Currency consists of notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments. As a liability, this transaction only exists for the central government (issuing of coins), the monetary financial institutions (DNB, issuing of bank notes) and the rest of the world (foreign currency). Electronic money such as deposits on smart cards, etc. are not part of the currency.
Transferable deposits
Transferable deposits include all deposits in euros and foreign currency with resident and non-resident banks which are repayable on demand, immediately and without restriction by cheque, standing order or by other means (deposits on smartcard).
As a liability, this transaction only exists for monetary financial institutions and the rest of the world.

Savings deposits and other deposits
Savings deposits and other deposits are all the savings of individuals and deposits (in euros and foreign currency) at any resident and non-resident bank, which are not immediately transferable without restrictions. As a liability this transaction only exists for monetary financial institutions and the rest of the world.
Savings deposits and other deposits are all the savings of individuals and deposits (in euros and foreign currency) at any resident and non-resident bank, which are not immediately transferable without restrictions. As a liability this transaction only exists for monetary financial institutions and the rest of the world.
Savings deposits in euros
These savings deposits include all deposits in euros of both residents and non-residents in the form of normal saving accounts, fixed saving accounts, premium saving accounts and fixed-term saving accounts.
Other deposits
Other deposits include all deposits in euros and foreign currency at any resident and non-resident bank (except for saving deposits in euros), which are not immediately transferable without restrictions. As a liability this transaction only exists for monetary financial institutions and the rest of the world.