Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions 1990 - q4 2013

Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions 1990 - q4 2013

Balance sheets and transactions Assets and liabilities Sectors Periods Securities other than shares Bills and short-term bonds (mln euro) Securities other than shares Long-term bonds (mln euro)
Opening balance sheet Assets Total economy 2013* 39,466 1,073,173
Opening balance sheet Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 10,870 17,413
Opening balance sheet Assets Financial corporations 2013* 28,104 1,001,743
Opening balance sheet Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* 10,065 387,588
Opening balance sheet Assets Other financial institutions 2013* 5,924 165,575
Opening balance sheet Assets Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* 12,115 448,580
Opening balance sheet Assets General government (consolidated) 2013* 357 17,313
Opening balance sheet Assets Central government (consolidated) 2013* - 9,701
Opening balance sheet Assets Local government (consolidated) 2013* 425 8,927
Opening balance sheet Assets Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - -
Opening balance sheet Assets General government 2013* 425 18,740
Opening balance sheet Assets Central government 2013* - 9,813
Opening balance sheet Assets Local government 2013* 425 8,927
Opening balance sheet Assets Social security funds 2013* - -
Opening balance sheet Assets Households including NPISH 2013* 67 35,277
Opening balance sheet Assets Rest of the world 2013* 127,370 1,116,443
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Total economy 2013* 146,972 1,556,176
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Non-financial corporations 2013* 370 51,084
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Financial corporations 2013* 113,623 1,165,381
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Monetary financial institutions 2013* 111,256 469,251
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Other financial institutions 2013* 2,367 694,769
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* - 1,361
Opening balance sheet Liabilities General government (consolidated) 2013* 32,911 338,284
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Central government (consolidated) 2013* 32,979 339,186
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Local government (consolidated) 2013* - 413
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities General government 2013* 32,979 339,711
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Central government 2013* 32,979 339,298
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Local government 2013* - 413
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Social security funds 2013* - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Households including NPISH 2013* - -
Opening balance sheet Liabilities Rest of the world 2013* 19,864 633,440
Financial transactions Assets Total economy 2013* -3,204 -4,327
Financial transactions Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 1 -1,115
Financial transactions Assets Financial corporations 2013* -2,789 7,963
Financial transactions Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* 1,468 -19,774
Financial transactions Assets Other financial institutions 2013* -546 12,669
Financial transactions Assets Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* -3,711 15,068
Financial transactions Assets General government (consolidated) 2013* -357 -5,990
Financial transactions Assets Central government (consolidated) 2013* - -4,446
Financial transactions Assets Local government (consolidated) 2013* -403 -1,905
Financial transactions Assets Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - -
Financial transactions Assets General government 2013* -403 -6,351
Financial transactions Assets Central government 2013* - -4,446
Financial transactions Assets Local government 2013* -403 -1,905
Financial transactions Assets Social security funds 2013* - -
Financial transactions Assets Households including NPISH 2013* -13 -4,824
Financial transactions Assets Rest of the world 2013* -25,278 -12
Financial transactions Liabilities Total economy 2013* -26,317 -13,141
Financial transactions Liabilities Non-financial corporations 2013* 156 1,459
Financial transactions Liabilities Financial corporations 2013* -19,576 -37,778
Financial transactions Liabilities Monetary financial institutions 2013* -18,692 -17,299
Financial transactions Liabilities Other financial institutions 2013* -884 -20,479
Financial transactions Liabilities Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* - -
Financial transactions Liabilities General government (consolidated) 2013* -6,851 23,539
Financial transactions Liabilities Central government (consolidated) 2013* -6,897 23,140
Financial transactions Liabilities Local government (consolidated) 2013* - 38
Financial transactions Liabilities Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - -
Financial transactions Liabilities General government 2013* -6,897 23,178
Financial transactions Liabilities Central government 2013* -6,897 23,140
Financial transactions Liabilities Local government 2013* - 38
Financial transactions Liabilities Social security funds 2013* - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Households including NPISH 2013* - -
Financial transactions Liabilities Rest of the world 2013* -2,165 8,802
Other changes Assets Total economy 2013* -856 -28,293
Other changes Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 4 1,540
Other changes Assets Financial corporations 2013* -869 -29,455
Other changes Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* -367 -353
Other changes Assets Other financial institutions 2013* -216 -5,401
Other changes Assets Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* -286 -23,701
Other changes Assets General government (consolidated) 2013* - -855
Other changes Assets Central government (consolidated) 2013* - -862
Other changes Assets Local government (consolidated) 2013* - -50
Other changes Assets Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - -
Other changes Assets General government 2013* - -916
Other changes Assets Central government 2013* - -866
Other changes Assets Local government 2013* - -50
Other changes Assets Social security funds 2013* - -
Other changes Assets Households including NPISH 2013* 9 538
Other changes Assets Rest of the world 2013* -2,241 -28,794
Other changes Liabilities Total economy 2013* -2,502 -34,930
Other changes Liabilities Non-financial corporations 2013* - -2,019
Other changes Liabilities Financial corporations 2013* -2,502 -16,752
Other changes Liabilities Monetary financial institutions 2013* -2,376 -16,041
Other changes Liabilities Other financial institutions 2013* -126 -909
Other changes Liabilities Insurance corporations and pension funds 2013* - 198
Other changes Liabilities General government (consolidated) 2013* - -16,098
Other changes Liabilities Central government (consolidated) 2013* - -16,134
Other changes Liabilities Local government (consolidated) 2013* - -21
Other changes Liabilities Social security funds (consolidated) 2013* - -
Other changes Liabilities General government 2013* - -16,159
Other changes Liabilities Central government 2013* - -16,138
Other changes Liabilities Local government 2013* - -21
Other changes Liabilities Social security funds 2013* - -
Other changes Liabilities Households including NPISH 2013* - -
Other changes Liabilities Rest of the world 2013* -595 -22,157
Closing balance sheet Assets Total economy 2013* 35,406 1,040,553
Closing balance sheet Assets Non-financial corporations 2013* 10,875 17,838
Closing balance sheet Assets Financial corporations 2013* 24,446 980,251
Closing balance sheet Assets Monetary financial institutions 2013* 11,166 367,461
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents financial transactions, other changes in assets and financial balance sheets of the (sub)sectors of the national economy. The data provide a detailed overview of the changes to the financial relations between sectors and with the rest of the world. The financial flows are a logical extension of the current and capital accounts within sector accounts.
The financial balance sheets present outstanding assets and liabilities at the beginning and at the end of a period. Both financial transactions and other changes reflect the changes in value of these assets and liabilities during a particular period. These changes could be the result of agreements between parties (transactions) or the result of other causes such as revaluations (other changes). Balance sheets, financial transactions and other changes are related: Closing balance sheets last period (=opening balance sheets current period) plus financial transactions current period plus other changes current period = closing balance sheets of current period.

Data of the financial balance sheets, financial transactions and other changes are available for the main sectors of the economy: non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and the rest of the world. The sectors financial corporations and general government are broken down into subsectors. Assets and liabilities are broken down into a variety of financial instruments.

Data available from:
Years from 1969 to 2013
Quarters from first quarter 2005 to fourth quarter 2013.

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Securities other than shares
Securities other than shares consists of all securities that are bearer instruments, are usually negotiable and traded on secondary markets or can be offset on the market, and do not grant the holder any ownership rights in the institutional units issuing them.
Bills and short-term bonds
Bills and short-term bonds are all securities with a maximum term of one year, which in principle are transferable against a price that has been fixed in advance. Usually, the obliged interest payments of the debtor have been discounted in the value. 'Transferable' means that assets can be converted into cash from, or on a date that has been appointed at the moment the bond was issued.
This transaction covers treasury paper issued by both the Dutch government and foreign governments, saving certificates to bearer and transferable certificates of deposits, issued by banks.
Long-term bonds
Long-term bonds are all transferable securities, which generally do not mature within one year. They are usually quoted at the stock exchange. The interest on long-term bonds is made payable through coupons. Mortgage bonds, notes issued by banks and convertible bonds as long as they have not been converted into shares, also belong to this type of assets.