Sector accounts key figures 1969-q4 2013

Table explanation

This table presents a number of key figures of the sector accounts. These main indicators provide the most important information on the total economy and on the main institutional sectors of the economy: non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households and the rest of the world.

Data available from:
Years from 1969 to 2013
Quarters from first quarter 2005 to fourth quarter 2013.

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Sector accounts; key figures. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

General government (consolidated)
The sector general government primarily consists of all entities (covered by public law) that carry out activities regarding the redistribution of income and wealth. In the Netherlands this concerns ministries, municipalities, provinces, water boards and the like. In the second place general government consists of entities that are controlled and mainly financed by the aforementioned entities, and do not produce for the market. Non-market output means that the sale proceeds are structural less than 50 per cent of the production costs. In this way, for instance, Prorail and the Open University are counted to the general government.
Government institutions that are active abroad, like embassies, belong to the sector general government as well. On the other hand foreign embassies and international institutions, like Europol and the International Court of Justice, do not belong to the Dutch government.
Public enterprises (like the Dutch Railways, Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol), the Dutch Municipal Bank (BNG) and quasi-corporations are no part of the sector general government. The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) also does not belong to the sector general government.
The general government sector is split up into three subsectors: central government, local government and social security funds.
Consolidated means that the transactions between government-units are eliminated.
Total revenue
Total revenue of the sector general government.
The total revenue of the general government per quarter as a percentage of GDP is a moving annual total. It is calculated as the total revenue of the general government for the quarterly report plus the previous three quarters, divided by the GDP in the reporting quarterly plus the previous three quarters. The figure for the fourth quarter is equal to the annual figure.
Taxes and social security contributions
The total of taxes and social security contributions which the Government receives.
Taxes are mandatory payments to the Government with no direct compensation. The taxes are divided into:
- taxes on production and imports;
- taxes on income and capital;
- wealth taxes (capital transfers).
Social security contributions are payments by households to social insurance institutions for the financing of the social benefits.
The total tax and contribution revenues of the Government per quarter as a percentage of GDP is a moving annual total. It is calculated as the total tax and contribution revenues of the Government for the quarterly report plus the previous three quarters, divided by the GDP in the quarterly report plus the previous three quarters. The figure for the fourth quarter is equal to the annual figure.
Total expenditure
Total expenditure of the Government. These expenditures include the remuneration of employees, intermediate consumption, fixed capital formation, legal social insurance, social benefits, subsidies, benefits legal provision income property, other expenditure n.e.c. (taxes on production and not related to products, benefits directly by employers, other current transfers, capital transfers, balance buying and selling of non-produced non-financial assets).
Consumption of fixed capital is not included in the expenditure.
The total expenditure of the Government per quarter as a percentage of GDP is a moving annual total. It is calculated as the total expenditure of the Government for the quarterly report plus the previous three quarters, divided by the GDP in the quarterly report plus the previous three quarters. The figure for the fourth quarter is equal to the annual figure.
The consolidated debt of the general government (valued at the nominal value) excluding the debt and other debt on the title financial derivatives, expressed as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). For the general government the public debt is consolidated. This means that transactions between government-units are eliminated.
Due to differences in valuation method the sum of the debt-titles of the public debt (nominal) is not equal to the sum of the debt-titles in the national accounts (market value). The debt consists of the titles: currency, short-term securities, bonds, short-term loans and long-term loans. General government debt (also known as EDP-debt) is one of the components of the Stability and Growth pact. EDP stands for Excessive Deficit Procedure.
The total expenditure of the general government per quarter as a percentage of GDP is a moving annual total. It is calculated as the total expenditure of the general government for the reporting quarter plus the previous three quarters, divided by the GDP in the reporting quarter plus the previous three quarters. The figure for the fourth quarter is equal to the annual figure.

The EDP-deficit is the net borrowing of the government as defined in the National accounts plus the interest advantage / less the interest disadvantage that the government has from interest swaps which she has arranged. The EDP-deficit is one of the parts of the Stability and growth pact.
The EDP-deficit of the general government per quarter as a percentage of GDP is a moving annual total. It is calculated as the EDP-deficit of the general government for the reporting quarter plus the previous three quarters, divided by the GDP in the reporting quarter plus the previous three quarters. The figure for the fourth quarter is equal to the annual figure.

Labour input of employees
The amount of labour that is deployed by employees in a given period. Employees are persons who during a reference period performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind. The volume of labour can be expressed in jobs, in full-time equivalent jobs or in labour hours worked.