Sector accounts key figures 1969-q4 2013

Table explanation

This table presents a number of key figures of the sector accounts. These main indicators provide the most important information on the total economy and on the main institutional sectors of the economy: non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households and the rest of the world.

Data available from:
Years from 1969 to 2013
Quarters from first quarter 2005 to fourth quarter 2013.

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Sector accounts; key figures. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Total economy
The total economy consists of non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions (NPI) serving households. The breakdown into institutional sectors is based on international rules.
Consumption of fixed capital
Consumption of fixed capital represents the depreciation of the stock of produced fixed assets, as a result of normal technical and economical ageing and insurable accidental damage. Losses due to catastrophes and unforeseen ageing are seen as a capital loss.
Households including NPISH
Households including non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) include:
- Sector households, that consists of all natural persons who are resident for more than one year in the Netherlands, irrespective of their nationality. On the other hand Dutch citizens who stay abroad for longer than one year do not belong to the Dutch sector households.
The sector households does not only cover independently living persons, but also persons in nursing homes, old people’s homes, prisons, boarding schools, etc. If persons are entrepreneurs, their business also belongs to the sector households. This is the case for self-employed persons (one-man business). Large autonomous unincorporated enterprises (quasi-corporations) are included in the sector non-financial or financial corporations.
- Sector non-profit institutions (NPI) serving households, that consists of foundations and clubs whose resources are principally derived from voluntary contributions from households or from property income. Examples are religious organisations, charity organisations, political parties, trade unions and cultural, sports and recreational organisations.
Final consumption expenditure
Final consumption expenditure of households including NPI households consists of expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs or wants. Final consumption expenditure may take place on the domestic territory or abroad.