Educational institutions; Finances 1998-2018

Educational institutions; Finances 1998-2018

Education sectors Periods Statement of income and expenses Costs Operating costs (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Personnel costs (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Depreciation (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Housing costs (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Other costs Total other costs (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Other costs Administrative costs (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Other costs Inventory, material and teaching aid ... (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Costs Other costs Other (million euros) Statement of income and expenses Net financial costs (2) (million euros)
Total government-funded education 2018* 36,478.5 27,918.4 1,565.2 2,397.7 4,597.2 1,026.7 1,524.7 2,045.8 -103.5
Primary government-funded education 2018* 10,920.6 8,926.1 262.3 755.5 976.7 286.0 387.5 303.2 -0.1
Secondary government-funded education 2018* 14,050.2 10,858.7 612.6 900.4 1,678.5 451.5 700.8 526.2 -48.2
Secondary general education 2018* 9,055.7 7,118.6 312.0 564.9 1,060.2 224.1 457.1 379.0 -12.4
Senior sec. voc. and adult educ. 2018* 4,994.5 3,740.1 300.6 335.5 618.3 227.4 243.7 147.2 -35.8
Tertiary government-funded education 2018* 11,507.7 8,133.6 690.3 741.8 1,942.0 289.2 436.4 1,216.4 -55.2
Higher professional education 2018* 4,317.5 3,308.6 245.8 230.4 532.7 170.9 145.1 216.7 -24.9
University education 2018* 7,190.2 4,825.0 444.5 511.4 1,409.3 118.3 291.3 999.7 -30.3
Special needs education 2018* 1,878.1 1,518.8 36.9 96.9 225.5 102.6 42.2 80.7 0.2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on the finances of government-funded institutions in primary, secondary and tertiary education. Primary education comprises of primary general education, primary special education (SBO) and primary special-needs education (SO). Secondary education constitutes secondary general education, secondary vocational education (MBO) and adult education. Tertiary education encompasses higher professional education (HBO) and university education (WO).
All educational institutions are funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science as of 2018. Educational institutions that provided agricultural education were funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs until 2018. Educational institutions are legally obligated to annually submit their financial statements before the 1st of July to the Education Executive Agency (DUO) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The data from the financial statements is subsequently processed by DUO and transmitted to Statistics Netherlands.
Financial information regarding primary educational institutions is available from 2006 onwards, as a result of the introduction of lump sum funding in the same year, which legally obligated these institutions to provide their financial information to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The finances for the educational institutions in the secondary and tertiary education are available since 1998. Financial information related to special-needs educational institutions is available separately and concerns the educational institutions with school boards solely overseeing special-needs education in both primary and secondary education. Please note that the educational institutions of Caribbean Netherlands are included in the table from 2010 onwards, due to the islands of Caribbean Netherlands becoming part of the Netherlands as of October 2010.

Data available from 1998 to 2018.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the period 1998-2017 are definite. The figures for 2018 are provisional.
Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of 11 December 2020:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

The financial data from the financial statements of all government-funded educational institutions in the Netherlands is annually published by the Education Executive Agency (DUO) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Financial data is available per school board and can be found on the website of the Education Executive Agency (DUO), listed under paragraph 3.

Description topics

Statement of income and expenses
An overview of the income and costs for a given year. Please note that certain costs, such as the write-off of tangible and intangible fixed assets, are spread out over the corresponding years, using a linear depreciation method. All of the income and costs are expressed as flows.
Costs of government-funded educational institutions.
Operating costs
Operating costs of government-funded educational institutions.
Personnel costs
Wages, salaries and other personnel costs, excluding benefits that are paid out for outsourcing.
Costs related to the writing off of tangible and intangible fixed assets, calculated using a linear depreciation method.
Housing costs
Costs related to the provision of housing.
Other costs
Other costs of government-funded educational institutions.
Total other costs
Total other costs related for instance to the execution of administrative responsibilities, inventory, material and teaching aids.
Administrative costs
Costs related to the execution of administrative responsibilities.
Inventory, material and teaching aid ...
Inventory, material and teaching aid costs.

Costs related to inventory, material and teaching aids, provided they are regarded as current assets. This category also includes the costs related to books.
Costs not attributable to any of the preceding categories related to costs. Examples include costs related to recruitment and excursions.
Net financial costs (2)
Financial income minus financial costs. This concerns income and costs, such as interest and dividends, resulting from debt securities, loans, stocks and other financial instruments.