Regional accounts; Fixed capital formation by Industry 2008-2011

Regional accounts; Fixed capital formation by Industry 2008-2011

Region Periods Fixed capital formation by industry A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (mln euro) Fixed capital formation by industry B Mining and quarrying (mln euro) Fixed capital formation by industry D Electricity and gas supply (mln euro) Fixed capital formation by industry E Water supply and waste management (mln euro) Fixed capital formation by industry G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering (mln euro) Fixed capital formation by industry J Information and communication (mln euro) Fixed capital formation by industry O-Q Government and care (mln euro)
The Netherlands 2011** 5,084 4,073 2,313 2,119 14,086 3,323 22,988
North Netherlands (LD) 2011** 607 577 185 132 700 118 1,771
East Netherlands (LD) 2011** 1,460 17 703 505 2,494 555 4,581
West Netherlands (LD) 2011** 1,319 896 789 1,030 8,633 2,278 12,377
South Netherlands (LD) 2011** 1,698 15 635 451 2,258 373 4,227
Friesland (PV) 2011** 285 341 87 56 267 33 633
Flevoland (PV) 2011** 218 - 68 17 260 74 371
Gelderland (PV) 2011** 745 11 602 408 1,528 127 2,663
Noord-Holland (PV) 2011** 302 277 84 590 3,066 668 3,163
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2011** 656 607 626 324 3,800 732 5,620
Zeeland (PV) 2011** 201 6 20 41 751 10 375
Noord-Friesland (CR) 2011** 151 339 x x 126 24 344
Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2011** 43 0 x x 52 2 60
Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2011** 91 2 x x 89 7 229
Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2011** 171 1 x x 170 16 388
Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2011** 180 151 x x 213 17 486
Delft en Westland (CR) 2011** 215 40 x x 181 25 201
Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2011** 95 3 x x 187 29 469
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2011** 60 1 x x 342 40 970
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2011** 56 2 x x 527 2 110
Overig Zeeland (CR) 2011** 145 4 x x 225 8 265
Flevoland (CR) 2011** 218 - x x 260 74 371
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CP) 2011** 51 0 x x 96 8 190
Flevoland-Midden (CP) 2011** 94 - x x 144 14 160
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Fixed capital formation by groups of provinces, province and COROP region.

This table concerns regional figures on gross fixed capital formation (on an owner basis) by industry.
The regional figures are in accordance with the national accounts, figures on gross fixed capital formation from production and imports (so, excluding sales of existing assets).

The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union. It is in use for the year 2008 onwards.

Data available from: 2008 to 2011.

Status of the figures:
The data from 2008 onwards are final. The figures for the last year are provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of February 13th 2015:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Regional accounts; Fixed capital formation by Industry, region. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Fixed capital formation by industry
In determining fixed capital formation the ownership criterium is
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying
B Mining and quarrying
D Electricity and gas supply
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply and waste management
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
J Information and communication
O-Q Government and care
O Public administration, public services and compulsory social security
P Education
Q Human health and social work activities