Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Origin-destination Periods Environment physical data Net energy consumption (PJ)
23 Manufacture of building materials 2012* 27
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table of key figures from the environmental accounts and the national accounts shows contributions to certain environmental issues such as global warming, acidification, environmental costs and environmental taxes by industries and households. In addition, for comparison some economic characteristics of the national accounts as gross value added and labor input of persons are included.

In the environmental accounts, the relationship between the Dutch economy and the environment is described. Because the environmental accounts are consistent with the concepts of the national accounts, both could be compared directly

The environmental accounts are based on figures from the environmental statistics. On eof the main differences between environmental statistics and environmental accounts is that the environmental accounts and the national accounts are based on the residence principle as the basic environmental statistics are based on the Dutch territory.

Data available from: 1995-2012

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011 and 2012 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of November 12, 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table is replaced by table: Environmental and economic key figures. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Environment physical data
Net energy consumption
Final energy use for energy and non-energy purposes (for example the use of lubricants) plus the conversion losses of energy (for example energy losses that occur when coal and gas are converted into electricity in power plants).