Environmental accounts; water use and abstraction 2003 - 2011

Environmental accounts; water use and abstraction 2003 - 2011

Waterusers Periods Use of groundwater Other use of groundwater (mln m3)
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2011* 1.9
205 Manufacture of other chemicals 2011* .
30 Manufacture of other transport 2011* 0.1
31-33 Other manufacturing and repair 2011* 0.3
31-32 Furniture and other manufacturing 2011* 0.2
M Other specialised business services 2011* .
N Renting and other business support 2011* .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 2011* .
S Other service activities 2011* .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents the water accounts, being part of the environmental accounts compiled by Statistics Netherlands annually. This Water Accounting table includes the (physical) water use by the Dutch economic activities. A distinction is made between the use of tap water, use and abstraction (withdrawal)of groundwater and of surface water. The water used is allocated to the industries and households. Alternatively, tables selections can be made that show break down by economic activity (including households), by water type and annual use. Data in the environmental accounts directly correspond to the economic data in the national accounts, that allow assessment of the impact of the economic performance of the Netherlands for the use of water taken from the natural environment in quantitative terms. From the water accounts bills, environmental indicators can be derived. As an example the water use intensity for the different types can be determined for the Netherlands as a whole or for the break down by industry.

Data available from: 2003 - 2011

Status of the figures:
The data in this table for the last year are provisional. Figures for the other years are final.Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of November 12, 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table is replaced by table: Environmental accounts; water use and abstraction. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Use of groundwater
Use of water abstracted and eventual pumped from the subsurface. This can be fresh, brackish or salt water.
Other use of groundwater
Use of abstracted groundwater for other than cooling purposes.