Emissions to air, origin and destination; national accounts 1990-2013

Emissions to air, origin and destination; national accounts 1990-2013

Origin-destination Periods Climate change (Greenhouse gases) CO2 (mln kgs) Climate change (Greenhouse gases) N2O (mln kgs) Climate change (Greenhouse gases) CH4 (mln kgs) Climate change (Greenhouse gases) Greenhouse gas equivalent (x mln)
Total private households 2013* 40,895 0.8 22.1 41,988
Transport activity by private households 2013* 19,462 0.4 2.2 19,636
Other private households 2013* 21,433 0.4 19.9 22,353
T Activities of households 2013* 0 0.0 0.0 0
Greenhouse effect 2013* 202,837 25.6 723.8 228,425
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents the air emission accounts, as a part of the environmental accounts compiled by Statistics Netherlands annually. The air emission accounts show where the air pollutants and gases observed in the air stem from (the origin) and where they go (the destination). Hereby the emission of pollutants and gases from both stationary sources (such as power plants) as well as from mobile sources (such as road transport) are allocated to the different industries and to households.
Table selections can be made that show the size of the emissions to the air per substance, per year, by economic activity (including households). Air pollutants among others include greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O), gases that cause ozone layer depleting (CFCs) and acidifying substances (SO2, NOx and NH3).
As the data in environmental accounts is compiled according similar concepts (such as the resident principle) and classifications as the economic data in the national accounts, it is possible to quantify the environmental effects of the economic activities for Netherlands in a consistent manner.

Data available from: 1990-2013
As of 15 January 2016, this table is discontinued. Figures have been recalculated according to a new method. A link to the new table Emissions to air, origin ands destination; national accounts can be found in chapter 3.

Status of the figures:
Figures are provisional. To obtain coherent and consistent time series for the full range of data figures are recaclculated every year.The latest insights, in particular with regard to emission factors, are taken into account.

Changes as of 15 January 2016:
None, this is a discontinued table.

Changes as of July 8, 2015:
The figures of services from stationary sources were wrongly calculated. These are now corrected. The whole timeseries has been adjusted.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Climate change (Greenhouse gases)
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere retain part of the solar heat that reaches the earth. The increased concentration of greenhouse gases means more heat is retained and the temperature of the earth's surface rises.
This is called the 'enhanced greenhouse effect'. The most important greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), laughing gas (N2O), HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
Carbon dioxide.
CO2 is formed by the combustion of carbon in fuels.
Greenhouse gas (causes the temperature of the earth's atmosphere to rise gradually).
Laughing gas/dinitrogen oxide.
N2O is formed during various chemical conversion processes, among which during the warming up phase of catalytic converters, as a result of incomplete conversion of nitrogen oxides (NOx) into nitrogen (N2).
Greenhouse gas (causes the temperature of the earth's atmosphere to rise gradually).
Methane (= natural gas).
Among other causes CH4 is formed by incomplete combustion of fuels, leakage from the natural gas network, and by fermentation.
Greenhouse gas (causes the temperature of the earth's atmosphere to rise gradually).
Greenhouse gas equivalent
A measure of the degree to which a substance contributes to the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse gas equivalent equals the effect that the emission of 1 kilogram of carbon dioxide (CO2) has, as a reference. The emission of 1 kg of methane is equal to 21 greenhouse gas equivalents, and the emission of 1 kg of nitrous oxide gas equal to 310 greenhouse gas equivalents.
The fluorine (chlorine) gases each have a high CO2 equivalent, but because the emitted quantities are relatively small, their contribution to the national total small.