Jobs and wages, ultimate control of enterprises (SIC 1993) 2006-2008

Jobs and wages, ultimate control of enterprises (SIC 1993) 2006-2008

Ultimate Controlling Institute (UCI) Enterprise characteristics Periods Enterprises (number) Employee characteristics Men (%) Employee characteristics Women (%) Employee characteristics Younger than 50 years (%) Employee characteristics 50 years or older (%) Employee characteristics Dutch background (%) Employee characteristics Foreign background (%) Jobs Number of jobs (x 1 000) Jobs Average number of jobs per enterprise (number) Jobs Labour turnover (%) Wages Average annual wages (x 1 000 euro) Wages High-paid employees (%) Wages Low-paid employees (%)
Dutch controlled Agriculture, mining and quarrying 2008 18,685 72 28 82 18 83 17 119 6 78 32 10 43
Dutch controlled Food and beverages (15) 2008 3,565 63 37 76 24 81 19 98 27 28 40 19 28
Dutch controlled Manufacture of pulp, paper, paperboard 2008 4,210 66 34 73 27 85 15 63 15 25 41 24 15
Dutch controlled Chemicals and plastic products 2008 1,625 78 22 73 27 79 21 45 28 21 46 34 10
Dutch controlled Manufacture of fabricated metal products 2008 5,240 88 12 75 25 81 19 84 16 23 37 17 13
Dutch controlled Manufacture of machinery and equipment 2008 3,285 88 12 76 24 85 15 74 22 19 43 30 11
Dutch controlled Other manufacturing 2008 10,675 77 23 67 33 82 18 308 29 15 36 19 16
Dutch controlled Construction (45) 2008 31,680 91 9 74 26 90 10 373 12 23 40 23 10
Dutch controlled Wholesale and retail trade (G) 2008 98,700 53 47 83 17 84 16 1,078 11 39 33 11 47
Dutch controlled Accommodation and food serving (55) 2008 28,955 48 52 89 11 72 28 273 9 86 23 2 72
Dutch controlled Transportation and communication (I) 2008 15,195 76 24 71 29 83 17 318 21 33 41 19 24
Dutch controlled Financial institutions (J) 2008 78,370 61 39 74 26 85 15 258 3 21 59 47 15
Dutch controlled Business services 2008 113,595 59 41 82 18 69 31 1,374 12 90 43 22 35
Dutch controlled Other services 2008 67,435 33 67 70 30 85 15 2,496 37 26 40 17 28
Dutch controlled 0 to 5 employees 2008 345,245 57 43 77 23 81 19 875 3 46 42 19 45
Dutch controlled 5 to 10 employees 2008 65,630 55 45 81 19 83 17 524 8 49 35 12 41
Dutch controlled 10 to 20 employees 2008 36,850 60 40 80 20 83 17 613 17 49 36 14 34
Dutch controlled 20 to 50 employees 2008 21,235 62 38 79 21 81 19 787 37 48 38 16 31
Dutch controlled 50 to 100 employees 2008 6,250 60 40 77 23 80 20 544 87 45 40 18 27
Dutch controlled 100 to 250 employees 2008 3,420 56 44 75 25 80 20 653 191 44 40 19 26
Dutch controlled 250 or more employees 2008 2,575 45 55 73 27 81 19 2,964 1,151 39 41 20 27
Foreign controlled Agriculture, mining and quarrying 2008 70 77 23 73 27 80 20 5 75 21 62 51 5
Foreign controlled Food and beverages (15) 2008 120 76 24 75 25 76 24 26 226 15 52 43 4
Foreign controlled Manufacture of pulp, paper, paperboard 2008 180 69 31 72 28 81 19 28 158 23 49 38 8
Foreign controlled Chemicals and plastic products 2008 340 77 23 74 26 79 21 53 157 13 57 54 3
Foreign controlled Manufacture of fabricated metal products 2008 120 90 10 71 29 78 22 16 129 12 43 29 3
Foreign controlled Manufacture of machinery and equipment 2008 260 87 13 74 26 80 20 26 101 15 45 34 5
Foreign controlled Other manufacturing 2008 450 87 13 69 31 77 23 78 174 13 49 44 4
Foreign controlled Construction (45) 2008 140 89 11 75 25 81 19 18 130 17 48 44 4
Foreign controlled Wholesale and retail trade (G) 2008 2,800 54 46 84 16 76 24 245 87 33 46 26 30
Foreign controlled Accommodation and food serving (55) 2008 90 41 59 80 20 65 35 35 402 51 29 5 47
Foreign controlled Transportation and communication (I) 2008 570 68 32 74 26 73 27 122 213 22 47 27 15
Foreign controlled Financial institutions (J) 2008 680 58 42 78 22 77 23 75 110 17 72 61 3
Foreign controlled Business services 2008 1,720 64 36 84 16 64 36 206 120 74 50 32 25
Foreign controlled Other services 2008 180 58 42 82 18 76 24 17 96 43 43 20 22
Foreign controlled 0 to 5 employees 2008 1,730 66 34 77 23 66 34 8 5 32 62 44 15
Foreign controlled 5 to 10 employees 2008 940 69 31 79 21 73 27 9 9 26 60 46 9
Foreign controlled 10 to 20 employees 2008 1,210 70 30 82 18 75 25 20 16 30 58 43 10
Foreign controlled 20 to 50 employees 2008 1,475 71 29 81 19 75 25 53 36 27 53 39 10
Foreign controlled 50 to 100 employees 2008 910 71 29 81 19 74 26 71 78 27 51 37 9
Foreign controlled 100 to 250 employees 2008 820 72 28 80 20 72 28 133 162 29 50 36 10
Foreign controlled 250 or more employees 2008 630 63 37 78 22 74 26 657 1,041 39 49 32 23
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on the number of enterprises under Dutch and foreign control, broken down by the percentage of employees by gender, age and country of origin, number of jobs, average number of jobs per enterprise, yearly labour turnover and share of high-paid and low-paid employees per enterprise.

By means of a specific linking of enterprises and corresponding jobs, the data presented in this table are roughly in line with those in other tables on this subject (see section 4 for further explanation).

Data in this table are presented by year, by classification according to Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC 1993) and the country of the Ultimate Controlling Institute (UCI) of the enterprise.

Data available from: 2006-2008.

Status of the figures: definite.

Changes as of June 1st 2013
None, this table is discontinued. A new version of the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities has been implemented (SIC 2008). Due to this, the figures are no longer comparable to those of het previous years. Therefore a new table will be started form 2008 onwards.

When will new figures be published?
This table is discontinued.

Description topics

The actual transactor in the production process characterised by
independence in decisions about the process and by providing products to
Employee characteristics
A person who has made arrangements in a labour contract with an economic
entity, to carry out labour for financial reward.
Moment of reference is the end of the year.
The average share of male employees at an enterprise at the moment of
reference (year).
The average share of female employees at an enterprise at the moment of
reference (year).
Younger than 50 years
The average share of employees younger than 50 years at an enterprise at
the moment of reference (year).
50 years or older
The average share of employees age 50 years and older at an enterprise at
the moment of reference (year).
Dutch background
A person whose parents were both born in the Netherlands, regardless of
the country of birth of this person.
The average share of employees, whose parents were both born in The
Netherlands, at an enterprise at the moment of reference (year).
Foreign background
A person with at least one parent born abroad.
The average share of employees, with at least one parent born abroad, at
an enterprise at the moment of reference (year).
An explicit or implicit employment (labour) contract between a person and
an economic entity, in which it is stated that labour will be executed
for financial reward.
Number of jobs
An explicit or implicit employment (labour) contract between a person and
an economic entity, in which it is stated that labour will be executed on
an financial reward.
This table presents the annual number of jobs.
Average number of jobs per enterprise
The average number of jobs is calculated by dividing the total number of
jobs (in the year of reference) by the total number of enterprises where
these jobs are registered.
Labour turnover
Outflow of jobs as a percentage of the average number of jobs per
enterprise per year.
The sum of the taxable wages belonging to the jobs of an enterprise in a
certain year.
Average annual wages
The average wage of the jobs belonging to an enterprise in a year.
High-paid employees
Jobs per enterprise are divided into ten equal sized groups, based on
annual wage, arranged form low to high. The share of employees with high
wages (high-paid) concerns the last two groups.
Low-paid employees
Jobs per enterprise are divided into ten equal sized groups, based on
annual wage, arranged form low to high. The share of employees with high
wages (high-paid) concerns the first three groups.