Quarterly national accounts; values 1988-Q1 2014

Quarterly national accounts; values 1988-Q1 2014

Dimensions Periods Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Consumption expenditure Consumption by general government (mln euro) Additional details Consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Consumption by general government Total (mln euro) Additional details Consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Consumption by general government Individual consumption by government (mln euro) Additional details Consumption expenditure Expenditure classification Consumption by general government Collective consumption by government (mln euro)
Prices of 2005 2014 1st quarter* 35,424 35,424 22,079 13,346
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2014 1st quarter* 37,180 37,180 22,909 14,226
Current prices 2014 1st quarter* 41,022 41,022 25,562 15,460
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2014 1st quarter* 42,737 42,737 26,302 16,500
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data from Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) of Statistics The Netherlands. It contains quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions of The Netherlands.

The above mentioned macroeconomic variables are presented in:

- Value at current prices, mln euro
- Value at current prices, mln euro, seasonally adjusted
- Value at prices of 2005, mln euro
- Value at prices of 2005, mln euro, seasonally adjusted

Data available from 1988 first quarter to 2014 first quarter

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Quarterly National Accounts; values. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Expenditure approach to GDP
This part of the table introduces the expenditure approach of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP).
The connection between GDP and expenditure components comes in to focus in
this part. The menu shows the supply and disposition of goods and services
scheme which contains the expenditure components of GDP.
More details data on the expenditure components could be found in de
last part: Additional details.
Final expenditure
The sum of the National final expenditure and the exports of goods and
services. This variable is by definition equal to the disposable final
expenditure (GDP and imports).
National final expenditure
Gross national final expenditure is the sum of the final consumption
expenditure, the gross fixed capital formation and the changes in
Consumption expenditure
Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident
institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct
satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of
members of the community. Final consumption expenditure may take place on
the domestic territory or abroad.
Final consumption expenditure exists only for households, NPI
households and general government.
Consumption by general government
Final consumption expenditure by general government results from the
specific recording of government output. Only a small part of government
output is actually sold (market output). The larger part of government
output is paid out of public funds and provided free of charge to all
sectors (non-market output). Because the allocation of government output
to different users will encounter large problems, the government is by
convention considered to be the consumer of its own output. Because of the
absence of market prices output and final consumption expenditure by
general government is calculated from the production costs:
intermediate consumption
Additional details
The additional details of some variables in the previous parts of this
table are being given in this section.
Consumption expenditure
More specific details of the final consumption expenditure are provided
in part of the table.
There are two classification for the consumption expenditure concept: the
expenditure classification and the acquisition classification.
The expenditure classification refers to expenditure on consumption goods.
In contrast the acquisition classification refers to the acquisition of
consumption goods and services. The difference between these concepts lies
in the treatment of certain goods and services financed by the government
or NPI households but supplied to households as social transfers in kind.
By convention, all final consumption expenditure by NPI households and
most of the final consumption expenditure by the government in the field
of education, health, social security and welfare, sport and recreation
and culture are treated as individual consumption.
I. The expenditure classification of final consumption:
This classification focuses on the expenses for consumption goods and
services. The total final consumptions is divided to sectors which
actually financed the consumption expenditures.
Classification scheme:
Total final consumption expenditure=
Consumption expenditure by households and by NPI households=
Consumption expenditure by households plus
Consumption expenditure by NPI households
Consumption expenditure by general government=
Collective consumption by general government plus
Individual consumption by general government
II. The acquisition classification of final consumption:
This classification focuses on the acquisition of consumption goods and
services. The total final consumption is divided to groups which have
acquired the consumption goods and services: individuals or the
Classification scheme:
Total final consumption expenditure=
Actual individual consumption=
Consumption expenditure by households
Consumption expenditure by NPI households
Individual consumption by general government
Actual collective consumption
Expenditure classification
The expenditure classification of final consumption:
This classification focuses on the expenses for consumption goods and
services. The total final consumptions is divided to sectors which
actually financed the consumption expenditures.
Classification scheme:
Total final consumption expenditure=
Consumption expenditure by households and by NPI households=
Consumption expenditure by households plus
Consumption expenditure by NPI households
Consumption expenditure by general government=
Collective consumption by general government plus
Individual consumption by general government.
Consumption by general government
Final consumption expenditure by general government results from the
specific recording of government output. Only a small part of government
output is actually sold (market output). The larger part of government
output is paid out of public funds and provided free of charge to all
sectors (non-market output). Because the allocation of government output
to different users will encounter large problems, the government is by
convention considered to be the consumer of its own output. Because of the
absence of market prices output and final consumption expenditure by
general government is calculated from the production costs:
intermediate consumption
Final consumption expenditure by general government results from the
specific recording of government output. Only a small part of government
output is actually sold (market output). The larger part of government
output is paid out of public funds and provided free of charge to all
sectors (non-market output). Because the allocation of government output
to different users will encounter large problems, the government is by
convention considered to be the consumer of its own output. Because of the
absence of market prices output and final consumption expenditure by
general government is calculated from the production costs:
intermediate consumption
Individual consumption by government
Consumption expenditure by the government in the field of education,
health, social security and welfare, sport and recreation and culture are
treated as individual consumption. These goods and services are
financed by the general government but then divided to individuals.
Collective consumption by government
Services for collective consumption (collective services) are provided
simultaneously to all members of the community or all members of a
particular section of the community. Actual collective consumption
consists in particular of government expenditures on services in the field
management and regulation of society.
security and defence.
law and order, legislation and regulation.
public health.
research and development.
infrastructure and economic development.