Quarterly national accounts; values 1988-Q1 2014

Quarterly national accounts; values 1988-Q1 2014

Dimensions Periods Expenditure approach to GDP Disposable for final expenditure Gross domestic product (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Disposable for final expenditure Imports of goods and services Total (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Consumption expenditure Total (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Gross fixed capital formation Total (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure National final expenditure Changes in inventories (mln euro) Expenditure approach to GDP Final expenditure Exports of goods and services Total (mln euro)
Prices of 2005 2011** 554,453 393,941 399,930 99,290 4,359 445,822
Prices of 2005 2012 1st quarter* 136,242 100,443 97,369 24,175 838 114,713
Prices of 2005 2012 2nd quarter* 139,430 102,553 100,417 25,825 1,256 114,746
Prices of 2005 2012 3rd quarter* 132,328 100,440 97,543 21,516 1,421 112,666
Prices of 2005 2012 4th quarter* 139,529 103,593 99,464 23,804 2,084 117,999
Prices of 2005 2012* 547,538 407,063 394,790 95,312 5,599 460,127
Prices of 2005 2013 1st quarter* 133,727 99,690 95,886 21,242 262 116,273
Prices of 2005 2013 2nd quarter* 137,067 102,391 98,965 23,458 1,416 115,784
Prices of 2005 2013 3rd quarter* 131,537 100,326 95,662 20,616 741 115,149
Prices of 2005 2013 4th quarter* 140,694 103,768 98,909 25,399 1,218 119,212
Prices of 2005 2013* 543,033 406,205 389,423 90,716 3,638 466,421
Prices of 2005 2014 1st quarter* 133,115 101,508 94,675 22,575 -151 117,903
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2011** 554,453 393,941 399,930 99,290 4,359 445,822
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2012 1st quarter* 137,329 100,260 99,265 24,673 910 112,984
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2012 2nd quarter* 138,094 101,926 98,873 24,261 1,156 116,269
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2012 3rd quarter* 136,691 102,212 99,043 23,541 1,835 114,927
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2012 4th quarter* 135,711 102,664 97,609 22,838 1,698 115,948
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2012* 547,538 407,063 394,790 95,312 5,599 460,127
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2013 1st quarter* 135,479 100,295 97,694 21,858 404 115,970
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2013 2nd quarter* 135,494 101,714 97,437 22,052 1,256 116,719
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2013 3rd quarter* 135,645 101,764 97,227 22,608 1,085 116,708
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2013 4th quarter* 136,953 102,431 97,066 24,198 892 117,023
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2013* 543,033 406,205 389,423 90,716 3,638 466,421
Prices of 2005, seasonally adjusted 2014 1st quarter* 135,075 102,258 96,589 23,348 28 117,539
Current prices 2011** 599,047 450,969 439,093 106,866 1,664 502,393
Current prices 2012 1st quarter* 149,221 117,661 109,029 25,529 78 132,246
Current prices 2012 2nd quarter* 152,300 118,985 112,423 27,727 -125 131,260
Current prices 2012 3rd quarter* 142,938 119,383 108,918 23,085 1,371 128,947
Current prices 2012 4th quarter* 154,879 121,205 113,538 25,666 1,750 135,130
Current prices 2012* 599,338 477,234 443,908 102,007 3,074 527,583
Current prices 2013 1st quarter* 149,345 117,063 109,931 22,760 -509 134,226
Current prices 2013 2nd quarter* 151,882 117,736 112,275 25,137 193 132,013
Current prices 2013 3rd quarter* 144,919 117,307 108,625 22,053 370 131,178
Current prices 2013 4th quarter* 156,512 119,155 112,953 27,082 601 135,031
Current prices 2013* 602,658 471,261 443,784 97,032 655 532,448
Current prices 2014 1st quarter* 149,556 116,730 109,361 23,793 -1,008 134,140
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2011** 599,047 450,969 439,093 106,866 1,664 502,393
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2012 1st quarter* 149,713 117,302 110,475 26,284 295 129,306
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2012 2nd quarter* 150,739 119,540 110,938 25,893 681 132,611
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2012 3rd quarter* 149,271 120,121 111,279 25,205 998 132,187
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2012 4th quarter* 149,950 120,270 111,216 24,625 1,099 133,479
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2012* 599,338 477,234 443,908 102,007 3,074 527,583
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2013 1st quarter* 150,564 116,879 111,182 23,517 -140 133,134
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2013 2nd quarter* 150,410 118,224 110,941 23,505 886 133,136
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2013 3rd quarter* 150,999 118,151 110,990 24,124 -21 133,187
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2013 4th quarter* 151,403 118,006 110,671 25,886 -69 132,991
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2013* 602,658 471,261 443,784 97,032 655 532,448
Current prices, seasonally adjusted 2014 1st quarter* 150,838 116,802 110,491 24,656 -512 133,079
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data from Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) of Statistics The Netherlands. It contains quarterly and annual data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions of The Netherlands.

The above mentioned macroeconomic variables are presented in:

- Value at current prices, mln euro
- Value at current prices, mln euro, seasonally adjusted
- Value at prices of 2005, mln euro
- Value at prices of 2005, mln euro, seasonally adjusted

Data available from 1988 first quarter to 2014 first quarter

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is replaced by table Quarterly National Accounts; values. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Expenditure approach to GDP
This part of the table introduces the expenditure approach of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP).
The connection between GDP and expenditure components comes in to focus in
this part. The menu shows the supply and disposition of goods and services
scheme which contains the expenditure components of GDP.
More details data on the expenditure components could be found in de
last part: Additional details.
Disposable for final expenditure
The total amount of domestic generated goods and services (GDP) and the
imported goods and services are adding up to the disposable for final
expenditure. This variable is by definition equal to the total final
expenditure, which is the sum of the National final expenditure and the
exports of goods and services.
Gross domestic product
GDP is the total amount of domestic generated goods and services
(expenditure approach). It is also the sum of value added in all branches
of economic activities (production approach) and the total generated
income in the Netherlands (income approach).
The volume changes of gross domestic products is the measure for
economic growth.
Imports of goods and services
On the macro level imports of goods is valued free on board (fob)at the
border of the exporting country. The transition from valuation of imported
goods at cif to fob consists of:
- a cif/fob adjustment of the transport costs abroad of Dutch freighters.
Total imports (goods) and exports (services) are reduced by the same
- a cif/fob reclassification of the transport costs abroad of foreign
freighters, from imports of goods to imports of services.
It leaves total imports and total exports unchanged.
Imports of goods are goods intended for residents, which are imported from
abroad into the Dutch economic territory.
Included in imports of goods are raw materials, semimanufactured products,
fuels and final products. Also included are imported goods, which are
re-exported without undergoing any processing.
Imports of services include among other things the expenditures
abroad by Dutch tourists, inhabitants of the border area and
On the macro level imports of goods is valued free on board (fob)at the
border of the exporting country. The transition from valuation of imported
goods at cif to fob consists of:
- a cif/fob adjustment of the transport costs abroad of Dutch freighters.
Total imports (goods) and exports (services) are reduced by the same
- a cif/fob reclassification of the transport costs abroad of foreign
freighters, from imports of goods to imports of services.
It leaves total imports and total exports unchanged.
Imports of goods are goods intended for residents, which are imported from
abroad into the Dutch economic territory.
Included in imports of goods are raw materials, semimanufactured products,
fuels and final products. Also included are imported goods, which are
re-exported without undergoing any processing.
Imports of services include among other things the expenditures
abroad by Dutch tourists, inhabitants of the border area and
Final expenditure
The sum of the National final expenditure and the exports of goods and
services. This variable is by definition equal to the disposable final
expenditure (GDP and imports).
National final expenditure
Gross national final expenditure is the sum of the final consumption
expenditure, the gross fixed capital formation and the changes in
Consumption expenditure
Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident
institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct
satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of
members of the community. Final consumption expenditure may take place on
the domestic territory or abroad.
Final consumption expenditure exists only for households, NPI
households and general government.
Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident
institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct
satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of
members of the community. Final consumption expenditure may take place on
the domestic territory or abroad.
Final consumption expenditure exists only for households, NPI
households and general government.
Gross fixed capital formation
Fixed assets are produced tangible or intangible assets that are used in
the production process for more than one year.
Gross fixed capital formation consists of producers' acquisitions less
disposals of fixed assets:
- acquisitions, less disposals, of tangible fixed assets:
- acquisitions, less disposals, of intangible fixed assets:
- major improvements to land (reclamation, land consolidation and land
preparing for building).
Fixed capital formation also includes:
- work in progress of construction such as unfinished dwellings,
non-residential buildings and civil engineering works are recorded as
fixed capital formation of the client.
- military structures and equipment, similar to those used by civilian
producers, such as airfields and hospitals.
- improvements to existing fixed assets that go well beyond the
requirements of ordinary maintenance and repairs.
- transfer costs of fixed assets, such as conveyance fees and costs made
by real estate agents, architects and notaries.
On the level of the total economy and the sectors, an adjustment is made
for the transactions in used fixed assets, which are seen as investments
of the buyer and disinvestment of the seller. This adjustment is not made
for the industries.
Fixed assets are produced tangible or intangible assets that are used in
the production process for more than one year.
Gross fixed capital formation consists of producers' acquisitions less
disposals of fixed assets:
- acquisitions, less disposals, of tangible fixed assets:
- acquisitions, less disposals, of intangible fixed assets:
- major improvements to land (reclamation, land consolidation and land
preparing for building).
Fixed capital formation also includes:
- work in progress of construction such as unfinished dwellings,
non-residential buildings and civil engineering works are recorded as
fixed capital formation of the client.
- military structures and equipment, similar to those used by civilian
producers, such as airfields and hospitals.
- improvements to existing fixed assets that go well beyond the
requirements of ordinary maintenance and repairs.
- transfer costs of fixed assets, such as conveyance fees and costs made
by real estate agents, architects and notaries.
On the level of the total economy and the sectors, an adjustment is made
for the transactions in used fixed assets, which are seen as investments
of the buyer and disinvestment of the seller. This adjustment is not made
for the industries.
Changes in inventories
Changes in inventories including acquisitions less disposals of valuables
Inventories consist of all raw materials, semi-manufactured goods, work in
progress and final products, that producers havein stock at a certain
Changes in work in progress are in general considered to be changes in
inventories. However, work in progress in construction is seen as fixed
capital formation of the client and not as changes in inventories of the
construction industry. This concerns unfinished buildings and civil
engineering works.
Increases in inventories occur when goods are produced (or purchased) but
not yet sold (or used) in the year under review.
Decreases in inventories occur when goods are withdrawn from existing
inventories in order to be sold or used in the production process.
The assessment of the changes in inventories is done in such way that
gains or losses on inventories caused by price changes are avoided. With
this objective the initial and final stock of each good is valued at the
same price, namely raw materials at the average purchase price in the
period, final products at average sales price and work in progress at the
average cost price.
This valuation method prevents output and subsequently value added from
being influenced by changes in prices of stocks during the period under
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables This transaction consists of the
acquisitions less disposals of precious stones, non-monetary gold,
antiques, art objects and jewellery, that are acquired and held primarily
as stores of value.
In the national accounts this transaction is mostly combined with
changes in inventories.
Exports of goods and services
Exports of goods are goods, which have been exported by residents from the
Dutch economic territory to the rest of the world.
The exports of services include the services of Dutch transport
enterprises abroad, harbour services, ships repair services and
engineering of works by Dutch contractors abroad.
Also included in the exports of services are expenditures by foreign
tourists, inhabitants of the border area and diplomats in the Netherlands.
Exports of goods are goods, which have been exported by residents from the
Dutch economic territory to the rest of the world.
The exports of services include the services of Dutch transport
enterprises abroad, harbour services, ships repair services and
engineering of works by Dutch contractors abroad.
Also included in the exports of services are expenditures by foreign
tourists, inhabitants of the border area and diplomats in the Netherlands.