Motorcycle and car trade; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Motorcycle and car trade; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Operating costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales (x mln euro) Operating costs Depreciation fixed assets (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Gross wages and salaries (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Other social insurance costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Other personnel costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Costs of energy use (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Housing costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Equipment and inventory costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Transport costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Sales costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Communication costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Costs of other services (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Other liabilities (x mln euro)
45 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2013 58,697 47,998 613 4,793 3,579 29 315 5,293 224 1,016 160 412 839 133 477 2,032
451 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2013 45,560 37,787 434 3,299 2,476 22 199 4,039 149 698 111 278 646 91 294 1,774
4511 Sale and repair of cars 2013 40,892 34,052 373 2,774 2,086 19 160 3,693 130 596 98 243 600 79 244 1,703
45111 Import of new passenger cars 2013 10,651 8,724 36 229 159 1 28 1,662 4 34 2 19 301 6 27 1,270
45112 Sale of passenger cars, no import 2013 30,240 25,328 337 2,545 1,927 18 132 2,031 127 562 96 224 299 73 218 433
4519 Sale and repair of trucks, trailers 2013 4,668 3,736 61 525 390 3 38 346 19 102 13 35 46 12 49 71
452 Specialised repair of motor vehicles 2013 2,452 1,135 . 725 535 4 52 497 . . . . . . . .
453 Sale of motor vehicle parts. 2013 8,630 7,316 . 670 495 3 56 574 . . . . . . . .
454 Sale and repair of motorcycles 2013 2,055 1,760 15 98 74 0 9 183 5 21 4 10 64 4 26 49
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows relevant data for the economic sector 'motor vehicles and motorcycles trade ', e.g. the number of persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial results. The figures can be divided by a number of branches according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2008 (SIC 2008).

Data available from: 2009 - 2013.

Status of the figures:
All data in the table are definite.

Changes as of 22 April 2016:
Non, this table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
The figures from 2014 can be found in the table "Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008". See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Operating costs
The costs made to achieve the operating profits, that is the purchase value of the turnover, labour costs, and depreciation on assets, and other business expenditure.

Since 2007, wage (cost) subsidies are no longer included in net
operating returns. Therefore, wage (cost) subsidies are deducted from operating costs.
Purchase value of sales
Personnel costs
This category comprises expenses like
- gross wages and salaries of employees, including social
security and pension scheme contributions
- payments for temporary workers and hired personnel
- costs of schooling and training
- recruitment and selection costs
- canteen costs
- costs for health and safety provisions
- working clothes
- anniversary celebrations, etc.
Gross wages and salaries
The category gross wages and salaries refers to employees on the payroll
and includes
- wages including employees' contributions to social insurances minus sick pay;
- bonuses, holiday allowances, thirteenth month payments and dismissal payments
- allowances for commuter traffic
- contributions to savings schemes
Other social insurance costs
This category includes:
- contributions to health insurance;
- costs of staff relocation and housing;
- costs of child care, etc.
Other personnel costs
Other personnel costs
This category includes:
- payments for temporary workers and staff on secondment;
- costs of schooling and training;
- recruitment and selection costs;
- canteen costs;
- costs for health and safety provisions;
- costs for work clothes;
- anniversary celebrations, etc.
Other operating costs
The sum of the energy costs, transport costs, housing costs, costs of machinery, inventory, installations etc, other personnel costs, sales costs, communication costs, service costs and other costs not specified elsewhere.
Costs of energy use
The costs of fuels used to power an energy source, for light and/or heat.
Not included are the costs of fuels used by means of transport or that are
used as raw materials, and also the costs for the use of water and the
costs for technical or compound gasses.
Housing costs
Including rent, lease and repair and maintenance of housing and premises,
cleaning services and insurance premiums water consumption, furniture, etc
Equipment and inventory costs
Rent and lease of machinery, equipment and computers (excluding software)
and (office) furniture and equipment.
Transport costs
Costs related to means of transport, including
- rental costs and lease costs
- repair and maintenance
- costs of insurances and road tax
- fuel costs.
Sales costs
Costs of sales and promotion, including advertising, commercial fairs,
representation, goodwill, travel and hotel costs and costs of research and
development by third parties.

Since 2006 costs of research and development by third parties are
included in the group 'Costs of other services'.
Communication costs
Walkie-talkies, (mobile) phones, fax machines, Internet, e-mail, messenger
services, etc.
Costs of other services
Costs of services provided by others not classified elsewhere.

These costs include:
- banking costs (excluding interest costs and currency losses)
- insurance premiums paid to third parties (not classified elsewhere)
- research and development costs by third parties, - -
- accountancy, legal aid and assistance, etc.
- ICT services provided by third parties, including hardware and software
- separately paid transport costs
- costs of waste disposal and waste processing
Since 2006 costs of research and development by third parties are
included in this group.
Other liabilities
This category includes costs and payments for activities like licenses,
copyright, royalties, lease and rent of software, overhead costs and
taxes, office supplies, etc.
Depreciation fixed assets
Depreciation of durable means of production, e.g. machinery buildings,
transport equipment, computers and software due to normal usage and
economic obsolescence. Depreciation of intangible assets, e.g. costs of
research and development, acquisition of intellectual rights and goodwill.