Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008

Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008

Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Operating costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Depreciation fixed assets (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of raw and auxiliary materials Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of raw and auxiliary materials Initial stock of raw and auxiliary mater (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of raw and auxiliary materials Purchased raw and auxiliary materials (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of raw and auxiliary materials Closing stock raw and auxiliary mat. (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of commodities Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of commodities Initial stock of commodities (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of commodities Purchased commodities (x mln euro) Operating costs Purchase value of sales Costs of commodities Closing stock of commodities (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Gross wages and salaries (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Pension and early retirement premiums (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Other personnel costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Insurance premiums and other costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Insurance premiums and other costs Employer-paid social insurance premiums (x mln euro) Operating costs Personnel costs Insurance premiums and other costs Other social insurance costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Total (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Costs of energy use (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Housing costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Equipment and inventory costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Transport costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Sales costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Communication costs (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Costs of other services (x mln euro) Operating costs Other operating costs Other liabilities (x mln euro)
016 Support activities for agriculture 2022 6,324 440 1,442 . . . 866 . . . 1,317 764 77 357 120 . . 1,752 296 135 302 273 43 15 194 494
B Mining and quarrying 2022 43,923 1,331 929 104 960 135 35,601 118 40,483 4,999 1,203 713 90 298 102 . . 2,219 371 109 325 180 34 23 184 994
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2022 600,954 17,598 271,455 . . . 140,743 . . . 67,239 42,705 5,092 13,163 6,280 . . 78,292 16,966 5,723 6,737 3,266 5,345 560 15,633 24,063
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2022 40,527 1,081 28 15 21 7 35,457 97 40,342 4,981 549 284 53 183 29 . . 1,475 253 62 196 50 5 11 86 813
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2022 1,543 75 671 75 708 111 79 21 76 18 208 133 15 41 19 . . 397 104 20 94 24 13 2 71 70
09 Mining support activities 2022 1,853 175 230 14 232 16 65 0 65 0 447 297 22 74 54 . . 347 14 28 35 106 17 11 27 111
C Manufacturing 2022 468,470 11,605 250,802 . . . 56,773 . . . 59,910 38,312 4,510 11,420 5,669 . . 70,816 16,227 5,144 5,735 2,688 5,088 458 14,475 21,003
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2022 111,200 2,574 69,132 3,180 69,970 4,018 9,757 658 9,927 828 11,381 6,679 801 2,925 976 . . 14,050 2,278 1,086 1,356 401 1,296 70 2,360 5,203
10 Manufacture of food products 2022 102,350 2,178 65,287 2,973 66,164 3,850 9,271 630 9,438 797 10,459 6,091 709 2,757 902 . . 11,889 2,138 1,006 1,248 377 834 65 2,186 4,036
101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 2022 13,695 213 9,751 187 9,781 217 595 10 638 53 1,793 663 68 957 106 . . 1,246 232 166 169 68 107 6 217 282
1011 Slaughterhouses (no poultry) 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1012 Slaughterhouses (poultry) 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1013 Processing of meat (no dishes) 2022 4,265 98 2,658 123 2,676 141 301 7 295 1 685 312 34 288 51 . . 506 98 80 68 35 33 4 73 115
102 Processing of fish 2022 1,015 21 587 66 592 71 93 10 97 13 158 105 5 31 17 . . 138 23 15 9 10 24 0 17 41
103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2022 6,656 208 3,204 200 3,238 234 580 124 580 124 948 536 69 261 82 . . 1,115 271 98 115 16 102 4 319 191
1031 Processing of potatoes 2022 3,584 107 1,453 40 1,460 47 498 10 501 13 403 259 35 72 37 . . 636 171 38 52 8 44 2 212 110
104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2022 10,418 76 6,714 336 6,817 438 2,509 10 2,510 11 414 255 41 80 39 . . 681 231 59 60 4 17 2 119 188
105 Manufacture of dairy products 2022 20,963 492 15,655 522 15,716 584 567 111 597 140 1,752 1,088 129 396 138 . . 1,929 438 115 264 28 184 9 607 284
106 Grain milling and starch products 2022 3,035 103 1,723 89 1,742 107 246 18 258 30 406 273 46 44 42 . . 526 119 43 114 6 32 2 134 77
1061 Manufacture of grain mill products 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1062 Manufacture of starches 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
107 Manufacture of bakery products 2022 6,249 241 2,767 147 2,803 182 296 14 298 16 1,702 1,074 101 356 171 . . 1,207 206 193 160 130 86 17 165 252
1071 Manufacture of bread, fresh pastry 2022 3,874 165 1,538 62 1,554 78 131 2 132 3 1,189 780 69 215 125 . . 849 150 150 103 93 47 15 106 184
1072 Manufacture of preserved pastry 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
108 Manufacture of other food 2022 27,649 632 16,178 1,032 16,643 1,497 2,822 249 2,885 313 2,576 1,605 198 535 238 . . 4,212 396 253 270 70 227 19 425 2,552
1082 Manufacture of cocoa,confectionary 2022 5,434 101 2,519 109 2,558 148 1,440 82 1,472 114 685 422 66 137 60 . . 591 90 73 87 8 84 4 132 113
109 Manufacture of animal foods 2022 12,672 194 8,709 396 8,832 520 1,564 85 1,576 97 711 491 52 98 69 . . 836 223 64 87 45 55 6 185 171
11 Manufacture of beverages 2022 8,413 362 3,748 141 3,770 163 486 28 489 31 876 557 87 162 70 . . 1,909 127 75 101 24 461 6 172 945
1105 Manufacture of beer 2022 3,317 215 1,269 62 1,274 68 288 10 289 12 539 347 65 88 40 . . 982 66 51 39 11 147 3 140 525
1107 Manufacture of soft drinks 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2022 436 34 97 66 37 5 0 0 0 0 46 31 5 6 5 . . 252 13 5 7 1 2 0 2 223
13 Manufacture of textiles 2022 3,367 108 1,638 240 1,666 267 282 62 292 72 734 504 48 105 77 . . 540 78 70 60 20 73 7 91 141
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2022 4,319 129 2,054 301 2,080 327 456 115 472 132 915 629 59 130 97 . . 684 89 94 67 28 105 9 122 171
139 Manufacture of other textiles 2022 2,801 85 1,411 213 1,429 232 235 61 245 71 583 402 38 83 60 . . 437 50 57 49 17 57 5 76 127
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2022 439 15 190 38 189 37 58 23 62 27 100 69 6 15 11 . . 63 8 12 5 3 11 1 12 10
16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2022 13,487 427 6,058 646 6,128 717 1,053 194 1,078 219 2,846 1,759 195 609 283 . . 2,458 598 305 353 168 106 21 337 569
16 Manufacture of wood products 2022 5,006 140 2,511 291 2,543 323 410 54 415 59 986 610 57 220 98 . . 664 91 124 108 61 34 8 94 144
161 Sawmilling and planing of wood 2022 640 21 317 64 332 79 102 13 104 15 98 62 5 21 10 . . 85 13 10 11 7 4 1 23 15
162 Manufacture of products of wood 2022 4,366 119 2,194 227 2,211 243 307 41 311 44 888 548 52 199 89 . . 579 78 114 97 54 30 7 71 129
1623 Manufacture other builders' joinery 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17 Manufacture of paper 2022 9,890 316 4,925 306 5,015 396 940 31 946 36 1,467 977 114 221 155 . . 1,762 554 143 170 42 145 16 296 395
17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2022 12,914 427 6,065 420 6,190 545 1,050 39 1,056 46 2,294 1,566 156 323 251 . . 2,411 622 238 274 73 215 26 411 553
171 Manufacture of pulp, paper, -board 2022 2,355 104 1,138 78 1,161 100 8 2 8 2 337 219 31 51 36 . . 712 356 37 66 21 10 2 91 130
172 Manufacture of articles of paper 2022 7,535 213 3,786 228 3,854 296 932 29 937 34 1,130 759 83 170 119 . . 1,050 198 106 104 21 136 14 205 266
1721 Manufacture corrugated paper(board) 2022 3,163 93 1,652 99 1,671 119 265 12 267 14 658 423 44 122 69 . . 468 117 73 75 13 16 3 72 101
18 Printing and reproduction 2022 3,024 111 1,141 114 1,175 149 109 8 111 10 827 588 42 102 96 . . 649 68 94 104 31 69 10 114 157
181 Printing and services for printing 2022 2,967 110 1,124 110 1,159 145 109 8 110 9 813 578 41 100 94 . . 626 66 90 102 29 67 9 111 152
1812 Other printing 2022 2,618 93 995 99 1,030 134 97 8 99 9 700 497 36 88 80 . . 556 61 78 88 22 64 8 105 132
182 Reproduction of recorded media 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
19-22 Refineries and chemistry 2022 170,939 3,493 94,320 4,845 95,114 5,639 29,717 1,286 30,510 2,079 10,547 6,818 1,052 1,687 990 . . 26,986 11,010 1,052 1,405 370 985 64 4,357 7,741
19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2022 61,795 496 39,284 1,328 39,276 1,320 16,976 275 17,438 738 827 470 164 130 63 . . 4,182 3,234 99 189 33 12 6 156 452
19201 Refining of petroleum 2022 61,179 490 38,772 1,279 38,744 1,251 16,963 274 17,426 736 775 435 161 122 57 . . 4,147 3,230 96 184 27 7 6 149 447
20 Manufacture of chemicals 2022 85,529 2,137 45,616 2,247 46,309 2,940 9,771 749 10,037 1,016 5,350 3,484 573 792 501 . . 17,259 7,252 542 889 248 709 31 3,226 4,364
20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2022 96,693 2,527 49,063 2,776 49,778 3,491 11,418 848 11,702 1,132 7,171 4,672 736 1,112 651 . . 20,845 7,371 709 969 272 845 42 3,854 6,783
201 Manufacture of basic chemicals 2022 60,317 1,614 32,997 1,047 33,428 1,477 7,747 364 7,906 523 3,414 2,167 414 530 304 . . 12,552 6,675 409 699 176 576 20 2,052 1,946
2013 Manuf. other inorganic basic chemic 2022 3,057 192 1,333 64 1,407 138 60 0 60 0 246 164 24 37 21 . . 812 494 35 47 1 8 3 81 144
2014 Manufacture organic basic chemicals 2022 27,463 519 15,123 244 15,173 293 4,126 38 4,170 82 1,378 810 202 255 111 . . 5,976 3,099 128 335 75 109 5 1,320 906
20141 Manufacture of petrochemicals 2022 23,599 372 13,104 135 13,114 145 4,006 3 4,048 45 841 542 152 77 70 . . 5,214 2,915 66 258 67 40 1 1,213 653
20149 Manufacture other organic chemical 2022 3,864 147 2,019 109 2,059 149 120 36 122 37 537 268 49 178 41 . . 762 185 61 76 8 69 3 107 252
2015 Manufacture of fertilisers 2022 5,899 191 2,736 110 2,918 292 1,420 65 1,493 138 288 198 28 34 29 . . 1,186 806 100 33 61 14 1 119 54
2016 Manufacture plastics (primary form) 2022 19,270 565 11,362 495 11,457 589 1,634 230 1,652 247 1,230 814 132 168 116 . . 3,418 1,854 116 119 15 390 4 374 545
203 Manufacture of paints and ink 2022 3,471 80 1,948 194 1,937 184 235 79 226 70 492 338 47 60 48 . . 502 30 43 27 10 46 3 104 240
205 Manufacture of other chemicals 2022 7,202 275 4,145 417 4,221 494 224 40 229 45 848 572 83 105 88 . . 1,236 367 50 114 49 45 4 167 440
206 Manufacture of man-made fibres 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2022 11,165 390 3,447 529 3,469 551 1,647 99 1,665 117 1,821 1,188 163 320 151 . . 3,586 119 167 80 25 136 11 628 2,420
211 Manufacture of basic pharmaceuticals 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
212 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2022 12,450 471 5,973 741 6,060 828 1,324 163 1,370 209 2,549 1,676 153 445 275 . . 1,959 406 244 247 65 129 17 347 506
221 Manufacture of rubber products 2022 1,259 51 325 53 335 63 486 43 508 65 233 152 15 41 25 . . 156 27 22 40 3 16 1 22 27
222 Manufacture of plastic products 2022 11,191 420 5,649 688 5,725 765 838 121 862 144 2,316 1,524 138 404 250 . . 1,803 379 222 207 62 113 15 325 479
2221 Manufacture plastic plates, tubes 2022 3,536 106 1,781 181 1,788 188 336 52 339 55 678 462 46 99 71 . . 602 147 58 57 16 37 4 130 153
2229 Manufacture other plastic products 2022 2,507 113 1,206 216 1,268 278 78 19 81 23 631 417 27 118 70 . . 429 69 73 54 16 30 5 70 111
23 Manufacture of building materials 2022 8,480 287 3,547 356 3,585 394 643 140 664 160 1,859 1,149 138 388 185 . . 1,794 507 181 245 108 72 14 243 425
231 Manufacture of glass 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
236 Manufacture concrete etc. products 2022 4,186 135 1,993 137 2,013 157 194 54 205 65 879 513 63 221 83 . . 685 81 89 123 77 26 7 117 167
2361 Manufacture of concrete products 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
237 Stone dressing 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24 Manufacture of basic metals 2022 12,440 398 7,023 1,033 7,050 1,060 175 32 187 44 1,937 1,290 159 305 183 . . 2,414 619 130 618 62 427 17 320 221
24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2022 39,107 1,250 19,949 3,293 20,142 3,486 1,371 199 1,447 276 8,452 5,457 581 1,576 837 . . 5,945 1,010 717 1,142 309 681 66 790 1,230
24-30, 33 Metalectro 2022 147,429 4,296 69,651 10,222 70,751 11,322 14,291 1,422 14,719 1,850 29,752 19,399 2,133 5,384 2,836 . . 22,784 1,549 2,107 2,175 1,540 2,170 239 6,638 6,366
241 Manufacture of iron and steel 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
244 Manufacture of non-ferrous metals 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
245 Casting of metals 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25 Manufacture of metal products 2022 26,667 852 12,925 2,260 13,092 2,426 1,196 167 1,261 232 6,515 4,167 422 1,271 654 . . 3,531 391 587 524 247 254 49 470 1,009
251 Manufacture metal structures, doors 2022 10,167 267 5,079 400 5,124 446 364 52 383 70 2,480 1,550 163 524 244 . . 1,099 73 215 135 108 78 16 160 313
255 Forging, pressing, stamping 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
256 Other treatment of metals, machining 2022 6,736 273 2,810 1,071 2,848 1,109 231 29 244 41 1,826 1,179 116 348 183 . . 1,179 158 205 218 85 56 19 119 320
2561 Treatment and coating of metals 2022 2,096 71 912 838 915 840 7 1 10 4 577 364 38 116 59 . . 431 90 68 54 18 22 5 46 129
2562 Machining 2022 4,640 202 1,898 234 1,933 269 224 28 234 37 1,249 815 77 233 125 . . 748 67 137 165 67 35 14 73 191
257 Manufacture of hardware 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
259 Manufacture of other metal products 2022 4,546 127 2,483 401 2,529 447 273 48 284 59 918 592 57 175 93 . . 607 87 74 70 26 41 8 97 206
26 Manufacture of electronic products 2022 17,055 560 5,790 946 5,963 1,119 4,204 349 4,362 507 2,727 1,814 234 423 256 . . 3,557 58 150 96 41 310 47 1,530 1,326
26-28 Manufact of electronics, machinery 2022 72,809 2,379 32,220 5,688 32,949 6,416 9,769 791 9,972 994 14,215 9,462 1,078 2,354 1,321 . . 12,339 325 850 740 255 1,074 118 5,054 3,923
26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2022 31,680 1,110 10,452 1,532 10,834 1,914 7,976 593 8,128 745 4,998 3,257 408 867 466 . . 6,742 149 275 171 85 748 59 2,428 2,827
261 Manufacture of electronic components 2022 6,881 233 1,960 150 1,977 167 2,438 24 2,451 37 742 498 55 119 70 . . 1,502 28 39 65 6 74 32 884 375
262 Manufacture of computers 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
263 Manufacture communication equipment 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
264 Manufacture of consumer electronics 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
265 Manufacture of measuring instruments 2022 3,328 74 1,474 373 1,553 453 233 28 250 45 1,062 705 77 174 106 . . 354 21 56 20 19 32 7 114 85
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows relevant economic data for trade and industry sectors, e.g. the number of persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial results. The figures can be divided by a number of sectors/ branches according to Statistics Netherlands' Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2008 (SIC 2008).

Data available from: 2009.

Status of the figures:
All data in the table are definite.

Changes as of May 6, 2024:

Figures of 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?

Results are made available circa 15 months after the year under review. In March/April 2025, new figures will be published for 2023.

Description topics

Operating costs
The costs made to achieve the operating profits, that is the purchase value of the turnover, labour costs, and depreciation on assets, and other business expenditure.

Since 2007, wage (cost) subsidies are no longer included in net
operating returns. Therefore, wage (cost) subsidies are deducted from operating costs.
Purchase value of sales
The costs of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods, packaging materials, trading goods, wages for work hired for the production of the goods and services used in the production within the reporting years.
Costs of raw and auxiliary materials
The costs are the total of the value of the initial stock plus the costs
of the purchased materials minus the value of the closing stock

Including import duties, costs of transport, import levies European Union,
transport insurance and temporary storage.
Initial stock of raw and auxiliary mater
Initial stock of raw and auxiliary materials and packing material.

The value on the balance sheet of raw and auxiliary materials (including purchased semi-finished products), packing material at the start of the period under review.
Purchased raw and auxiliary materials
The value of purchased raw and auxiliary materials (including purchased semi-finished products) and packing material for single use in the production process.

Includes import duties, costs of transport, import
levies European Union, transport insurance and temporary storage.
Excludes discounts, bonuses, goods returned, returned packing, VAT and received repayments of import duties, excises and levies.
Closing stock raw and auxiliary mat.
Closing stock of raw and auxiliary materials and packing material.

The value on the balance sheet of raw and auxiliary materials (including purchased semi-finished products), packing material at the end of the period under review.
Costs of commodities
Costs of commodities sold in the year under review.

Commodities purchased for the purpose of resale without any
further processing,including import duties, costs of transport, import
levies European Union, transport insurance and temporary storage
The costs are the total of the value of the initial stock plus the costs
of the purchased commodities minus the value of the closing stock
Initial stock of commodities
The value on the balance sheet of commodities at the start of the period under review.
Purchased commodities
Goods acquired for the purpose of reselling them without further
processing. Includes costs of single use packing material, import duties, costs of temporary storage.
Excludes discounts, bonuses, goods returned, returned packing and received repayments of import duties, excises and levies.
Closing stock of commodities
The value on the balance sheet of commodities at the end of the period under review.
Personnel costs
This category comprises expenses like
- gross wages and salaries of employees, including social
security and pension scheme contributions
- payments for temporary workers and hired personnel
- costs of schooling and training
- recruitment and selection costs
- canteen costs
- costs for health and safety provisions
- working clothes
- anniversary celebrations, etc.
Gross wages and salaries
The category gross wages and salaries refers to employees on the payroll
and includes
- wages including employees' contributions to social insurances minus sick pay;
- bonuses, holiday allowances, thirteenth month payments and dismissal payments
- allowances for commuter traffic
- contributions to savings schemes
Insurance premiums and other costs
Employers' social contributions: The premiums paid by employers to social security on the gross wages.
These include imputed and actual social premiums and actual pension premiums, and payments made directly by the employer.

other social insurance costs:

- contributions to health insurance;

- costs of staff relocation and housing;

- costs of child care, etc.
Employer-paid social insurance premiums
The part of social insurance premiums paid by employers.

From 2021 onwards this subject is only available as part of the 'Insurance premiums and other costs
Other social insurance costs
This category includes:

- contributions to health insurance;

- costs of staff relocation and housing;

- costs of child care, etc.

From 2021 onwards this subject is only available as part of the 'Insurance premiums and other costs
Pension and early retirement premiums
Contributions paid by employers to pension and early retirement schemes, savings for retirement provisions, etc.
Other personnel costs
Other personnel costs
This category includes:
- payments for temporary workers and staff on secondment;
- costs of schooling and training;
- recruitment and selection costs;
- canteen costs;
- costs for health and safety provisions;
- costs for work clothes;
- anniversary celebrations, etc.
Other operating costs
The sum of the energy costs, transport costs, housing costs, costs of machinery, inventory, installations etc, other personnel costs, sales costs, communication costs, service costs and other costs not specified elsewhere.
Costs of energy use
The costs of fuels used to power an energy source, for light and/or heat.
Not included are the costs of fuels used by means of transport or that are
used as raw materials, and also the costs for the use of water and the
costs for technical or compound gasses.
Housing costs
Including rent, lease and repair and maintenance of housing and premises,
cleaning services and insurance premiums water consumption, furniture, etc
Equipment and inventory costs
Rent and lease of machinery, equipment and computers (excluding software)
and (office) furniture and equipment.
Transport costs
Costs related to means of transport, including
- rental costs and lease costs
- repair and maintenance
- costs of insurances and road tax
- fuel costs.
Sales costs
Costs of sales and promotion, including advertising, commercial fairs,
representation, goodwill, travel and hotel costs and costs of research and
development by third parties.

Since 2006 costs of research and development by third parties are
included in the group 'Costs of other services'.
Communication costs
Walkie-talkies, (mobile) phones, fax machines, Internet, e-mail, messenger
services, etc.
Costs of other services
Costs of services provided by others not classified elsewhere.

These costs include:
- banking costs (excluding interest costs and currency losses)
- insurance premiums paid to third parties (not classified elsewhere)
- research and development costs by third parties, - -
- accountancy, legal aid and assistance, etc.
- ICT services provided by third parties, including hardware and software
- separately paid transport costs
- costs of waste disposal and waste processing
Since 2006 costs of research and development by third parties are
included in this group.
Other liabilities
This category includes costs and payments for activities like licenses,
copyright, royalties, lease and rent of software, overhead costs and
taxes, office supplies, etc.
Depreciation fixed assets
Depreciation of durable means of production, e.g. machinery buildings,
transport equipment, computers and software due to normal usage and
economic obsolescence. Depreciation of intangible assets, e.g. costs of
research and development, acquisition of intellectual rights and goodwill.