GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by activity 1969 - 2012

GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by activity 1969 - 2012

Economic activity and other items Periods Value added from the output Value at current prices Intermediate consumption (-) (mln euro) Value added from the output Value at prices of 2005 Intermediate consumption (-) (mln euro) Value added from the output Volume changes on previous year Intermediate consumption (-) (%) Value added from the output Price indices Intermediate consumption (-) (2005=100) Value added from generation of income Consumption of fixed capital (mln euro)
A-U Alle economische activiteiten 2012* 656,547 528,881 -1.3 124.1 89,044
A Landbouw, bosbouw en visserij 2012* 19,121 14,694 0.1 130.1 3,642
01 Landbouw 2012* 18,688 14,380 0.2 130.0 .
02 Bosbouw 2012* 103 88 9.8 116.9 .
03 Visserij 2012* 330 227 -6.3 145.2 .
B-E Nijverheid (geen bouw) en energie 2012* 283,506 211,647 0.1 134.0 14,737
B Delfstoffenwinning 2012* 5,464 4,626 -1.4 118.1 1,710
06 Winning van aardolie en aardgas 2012* 4,966 4,201 -0.6 118.2 .
08 Delfstoffenwinning (geen olie en gas) 2012* 498 419 -8.1 119.0 .
09 Dienstverlening delfstoffenwinning 2012* . . . . .
C Industrie 2012* 242,438 178,953 0.1 135.5 9,103
10-12 Voedings-, genotmiddelenindustrie 2012* 52,816 38,902 -1.1 135.8 .
10 Voedingsmiddelenindustrie 2012* 48,205 35,187 -1.0 137.0 .
11 Drankenindustrie 2012* 2,713 2,167 0.8 125.2 .
12 Tabaksindustrie 2012* 1,898 1,517 -6.0 125.1 .
13-15 Textiel-, kleding-, lederindustrie 2012* 2,716 2,374 -1.8 114.4 .
16-18 Hout-, papier-, grafische industr. 2012* 9,190 7,986 -1.8 115.1 .
16 Houtindustrie 2012* 1,663 1,429 -6.2 116.4 .
17 Papierindustrie 2012* 4,374 3,640 0.0 120.2 .
18 Grafische industrie 2012* 3,153 2,919 -1.8 108.0 .
19 Aardolie-industrie 2012* 44,826 22,758 -0.2 197.0 .
20-21 Chemie en farmaceutische industrie 2012* 52,787 36,928 5.9 142.9 .
20 Chemische industrie 2012* 47,107 31,908 6.2 147.6 .
21 Farmaceutische industrie 2012* 5,680 5,040 4.0 112.7 .
22-23 Kunststof- en bouwmateriaalindustr 2012* 9,435 7,782 -3.1 121.2 .
22 Rubber- en kunststofproductindustrie 2012* 5,445 4,387 -1.6 124.1 .
23 Bouwmaterialenindustrie 2012* 3,990 3,402 -5.1 117.3 .
24-25 Basismetaal, metaalprod.-industrie 2012* 20,838 16,305 -1.6 127.8 .
24 Basismetaalindustrie 2012* 7,596 5,137 -0.3 147.9 .
25 Metaalproductenindustrie 2012* 13,242 11,249 -2.3 117.7 .
26-27 Elektrische en elektron. industrie 2012* 14,802 13,222 1.8 111.9 .
26 Elektrotechnische industrie 2012* 11,852 10,886 3.5 108.9 .
27 Elektrische apparatenindustrie 2012* 2,950 2,372 -4.5 124.3 .
28 Machine-industrie 2012* 14,261 13,044 -3.1 109.3 .
29-30 Transportmiddelenindustrie 2012* 10,651 9,471 -8.2 112.5 .
29 Auto- en aanhangwagenindustrie 2012* 7,102 6,285 -12.1 113.0 .
30 Overige transportmiddelenindustrie 2012* 3,549 3,199 0.8 110.9 .
31-33 Overige industrie en reparatie 2012* 10,116 9,101 1.8 111.1 .
31-32 Meubel- en overige industrie 2012* 4,667 4,180 1.3 111.6 .
31 Meubelindustrie 2012* 1,988 1,741 -1.0 114.2 .
32 Overige industrie 2012* 2,679 2,447 3.1 109.5 .
33 Reparatie en installatie van machines 2012* 5,449 4,921 2.3 110.7 .
D Energievoorziening 2012* 27,093 20,742 -0.3 130.6 2,375
35 Energiebedrijven 2012* 27,093 20,742 -0.3 130.6 2,375
E Waterbedrijven en afvalbeheer 2012* 8,511 7,203 2.0 118.2 1,549
36 Waterleidingbedrijven 2012* 793 728 1.4 108.9 .
37-39 Afvalbeheer 2012* 7,718 6,473 2.1 119.2 .
F Bouwnijverheid 2012* 47,058 40,566 -7.1 116.0 1,764
41 Algemene bouw en projectontwikkeling 2012* 20,412 17,746 -9.4 115.0 .
42 Grond-, water- en wegenbouw 2012* 9,370 7,766 -1.9 120.7 .
43 Gespecialiseerde bouw 2012* 17,276 15,056 -6.8 114.7 .
G-I Handel, vervoer en horeca 2012* 94,895 81,254 -1.0 116.8 12,957
G Handel 2012* 54,113 47,545 -1.9 113.8 .
45 Autohandel en -reparatie 2012* 8,043 6,994 -2.2 115.0 .
46 Groothandel en handelsbemiddeling 2012* 33,439 29,114 -1.6 114.9 .
47 Detailhandel (niet in auto's) 2012* 12,631 11,442 -2.5 110.4 .
H Vervoer en opslag 2012* 31,706 26,167 0.9 121.2 .
49 Vervoer over land 2012* 10,294 8,414 -1.2 122.3 .
50 Vervoer over water 2012* 4,406 3,741 3.1 117.8 .
51 Vervoer door de lucht 2012* 9,842 7,719 2.7 127.5 .
52 Opslag, dienstverlening voor vervoer 2012* 5,305 4,625 0.7 114.7 .
53 Post en koeriers 2012* 1,859 1,638 -1.3 113.5 .
I Horeca 2012* 9,076 7,543 -1.4 120.3 .
55 Logiesverstrekking 2012* 2,702 2,305 -2.1 117.2 .
56 Restaurants en cafés 2012* 6,374 5,237 -1.1 121.7 .
J Informatie en communicatie 2012* 26,245 24,478 -1.9 107.2 4,146
58-60 Uitgeverijen, film,radio en t.v. 2012* 7,113 6,543 -3.7 108.7 .
58 Uitgeverijen 2012* 3,151 2,940 -5.6 107.2 .
59-60 Film,radio en t.v. 2012* 3,962 3,603 -2.2 110.0 .
61 Telecommunicatie 2012* 10,496 10,087 -1.4 104.1 .
62-63 IT- en informatiedienstverlening 2012* 8,636 7,839 -1.0 110.2 .
62 IT-dienstverlening 2012* 8,085 7,337 -1.3 110.2 .
63 Diensten op het gebied van informatie 2012* 551 502 2.4 109.8 .
K Financiële dienstverlening 2012* 35,791 32,431 -4.4 110.4 4,159
64 Bankwezen 2012* 23,487 20,487 -7.2 114.6 .
65 Verzekeraars en pensioenfondsen 2012* 10,369 10,351 1.9 100.2 .
66 Overige financiële dienstverlening 2012* 1,935 1,869 -1.5 103.5 .
L Verhuur en handel van onroerend goed 2012* 29,869 19,649 -2.5 152.0 21,157
68 Verhuur en handel van onroerend goed 2012* 29,869 19,649 -2.5 152.0 21,157
M-N Zakelijke dienstverlening 2012* 51,324 45,762 -0.9 112.2 6,732
M Specialistische zakelijke diensten 2012* 31,982 28,942 -2.4 110.5 .
69-71 Management- en technisch advies 2012* 22,005 19,949 -2.7 110.3 .
69-70 Managementadvies en holdings 2012* 15,347 14,112 -0.9 108.8 .
69 Juridische diensten en administratie 2012* 3,516 3,241 -1.0 108.5 .
70 Holdings en managementadviesbureaus 2012* 11,831 10,871 -0.9 108.8 .
71 Architecten-, ingenieursbureaus e.d. 2012* 6,658 5,848 -6.4 113.8 .
72 Research 2012* 1,878 1,631 -0.4 115.2 .
73-75 Reclame, design, overige diensten 2012* 8,099 7,358 -2.3 110.1 .
74-75 Design en veterinaire diensten 2012* 3,539 3,226 -0.5 109.7 .
73 Reclamewezen en marktonderzoek 2012* 4,560 4,135 -3.7 110.3 .
74 Design, fotografie, vertaalbureaus 2012* 3,375 3,072 -0.4 109.8 .
75 Veterinaire dienstverlening 2012* 164 153 -1.2 107.2 .
N Verhuur en overige zakelijke diensten 2012* 19,342 16,807 1.9 115.1 .
77 Verhuur van roerende goederen 2012* 4,859 3,936 -0.2 123.5 .
78 Uitzendbureaus en arbeidsbemiddeling 2012* 3,116 2,760 -3.2 112.9 .
79 Reisbureaus, reisorganisatie en -info 2012* 5,751 5,204 10.3 110.5 .
80-82 Beveiliging en ov. zak. diensten 2012* 5,616 4,950 -0.8 113.5 .
80 Beveiligings- en opsporingsdiensten 2012* 403 364 -0.8 110.8 .
81 Schoonmaakbedrijven, hoveniers e.d. 2012* 2,746 2,369 -1.3 115.9 .
82 Overige zakelijke dienstverlening 2012* 2,467 2,218 -0.3 111.2 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents data about the macroeconomic production process.
For the industries (economic activities) the output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components are given.

The subjects in this table are the same as the titles of the tables in the chapter output, intermediate consumption and generation of income in the printed edition of the National accounts. The industries are classified
according to the Standard industrial classification 2008 (SBI 2008). The sectors are classified according to the European system of national and regional accounts (ESA 1995).

For a number of subjects (transactions) the industry figures does not equal the macroeconomic total because certain parts of transactions cannot be allocated to a specific industry.
The following transactions cannot be attributed to individual industries:
- goods and services n.e.c. (not elsewhere classified)
- difference imputed and paid VAT
Transactions not allocated to a specific industry are given under the heading: not by industries.

The above mentioned macroeconomic variables are presented in:

- Value at current prices, mln euro
- Value at prices of 2005, mln euro
- Volume change relative to previous year, %
- Price indices 2005=100

Data available from 1969 to 2012

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011,2012 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table is replaced by table GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by activity. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Value added from the output
Approach of gross value added at basic prices as the difference
between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers'
prices). Gross is including consumption of fixed capital.
Value at current prices
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reporting year concerned.
Intermediate consumption (-)
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the
production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of
purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi
manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits
by accountants.
Value at prices of 2005
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reference year 2005.
Intermediate consumption (-)
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the
production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of
purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi
manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits
by accountants.
Volume changes on previous year
The weighted average of the changes in the quantity and quality of the
components of a certain goods or service transaction or balancing item,
annual percentage changes.
Intermediate consumption (-)
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the
production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of
purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi
manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits
by accountants.
Price indices
The weighted average of the price changes of the components of a certain
variable. Deflators relative to the reference year 2005.
Intermediate consumption (-)
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the
production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of
purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi
manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits
by accountants.
Value added from generation of income
Gross value added broken down by income components. Gross is including
consumption of fixed capital.
Consumption of fixed capital
Consumption of fixed capital represents the depreciation of the stock of
produced fixed assets, as a result of normal technical and economical
ageing and insurable accidental damage. Losses due to catastrophes and
unforeseen ageing are seen as a capital loss.