National Accounts; approaches of domestic product (GDP); 1969 - 2012

National Accounts; approaches of domestic product (GDP); 1969 - 2012

Periods GDP from the output Value at current prices Output basic prices (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Intermediate consumption (-) (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Difference imputed and paid VAT (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross domestic product (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices Total gross value added (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices F Construction (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices J Information and communication (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices K Financial institutions (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices L Real estate activities (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices M-N Business services (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices O-Q Government and care (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at current prices Gross value added basic prices R-U Culture, recreation, other services (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Output basic prices (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Intermediate consumption (-) (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Difference imputed and paid VAT (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross domestic product (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices Total gross value added (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices F Construction (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices J Information and communication (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices K Financial institutions (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices L Real estate activities (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices M-N Business services (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices O-Q Government and care (mln euro) GDP from the output Value at prices of 2005 Gross value added basic prices R-U Culture, recreation, other services (mln euro) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Output basic prices (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices Total gross value added (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices F Construction (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices J Information and communication (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices K Financial institutions (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices L Real estate activities (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices M-N Business services (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices O-Q Government and care (%) GDP from the output Volume changes on previous year Gross value added basic prices R-U Culture, recreation, other services (%) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Output basic prices (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices Total gross value added (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices F Construction (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices J Information and communication (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices K Financial institutions (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices L Real estate activities (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices M-N Business services (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices O-Q Government and care (2005=100) GDP from the output Price indices 2005 =100 Gross value added basic prices R-U Culture, recreation, other services (2005=100) GDP from the generation of income Value at current prices Gross domestic product (mln euro) GDP from the generation of income Value at prices of 2005 Gross domestic product (mln euro) GDP from the final expenditure Value at current prices Gross domestic product (mln euro) GDP from the final expenditure Value at prices of 2005 Gross domestic product (mln euro)
2012* 1,195,892 657,855 1,040 599,338 538,037 9,072 26,551 100,150 24,544 46,385 31,551 59,499 122,210 13,821 1,021,785 530,055 . 547,538 492,196 9,811 23,006 99,131 25,265 39,822 34,982 53,019 106,803 11,489 -1.3 -1.1 0.3 -8.2 -1.1 -1.9 -3.0 1.5 -1.2 0.3 -1.0 117 109.3 92.5 115.4 101.0 97.1 116.5 90.2 112.2 114.4 120.3 599,338 547,538 599,338 547,538
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

In the national accounts gross domestic product is approached from three points of view: from the output, from the generation of income and from the final expenditure. Gross domestic product is a main macroeconomic indicator. The volume change of gross domestic product is a measure for the economis growth of a country.

This table presents annual data on the output components, the final expenditure categories and the income components of gross domestic product of the Netherlands.

The above mentioned macroeconomic variables are presented in:

- Value at current prices, mln euro
- Value at prices of 2005, mln euro
- Volume changes on to previous year, %
- Price indices 2005 = 100

Data available from 1969 to 2012

Status of the figures:
The figures concerning 2011,2012 are (revised) provisional. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table is replaced by table National Accounts; approaches of domestic product (GDP). See paragraph 3.

Description topics

GDP from the output
The approach of GDP from the output.
Value at current prices
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reporting year concerned.
Output basic prices
Output covers the value of all goods produced for sale, including unsold goods, and all re-ceipts for services rendered. Output furthermore covers the market equivalent of goods and services produced for own use, such as own account capital formation, services of owner-occupied dwellings and agricultural products produced by farmers for own consumption. The output of such goods is estimated by valuing the quantities produced against the price that the producer would have received if these goods had been sold.
Output is valued at basic prices, defined as the price received by the producer excluding trade and transport margins and the balance of taxes and subsidies on products. This is the price the producer is ultimately left with.
Intermediate consumption (-)
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits by accountants.
Gross value added basic prices
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
Total gross value added
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
F Construction
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering
Trade, transport, hotels, catering
J Information and communication
Information and communication
K Financial institutions
Financial institutions
L Real estate activities
Renting, buying and selling of real estate
M-N Business services
Business services
O-Q Government and care
Government and care
R-U Culture, recreation, other services
Culture, recreation, other services
Difference imputed and paid VAT
Imputed VAT differs from VAT actually paid to the government. This is due to acquittals, bad debts, fines, the Regulation for small entrepreneurs and VAT evasion.
Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.
Value at prices of 2005
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reference year 2005.
Output basic prices
Output covers the value of all goods produced for sale, including unsold goods, and all re-ceipts for services rendered. Output furthermore covers the market equivalent of goods and services produced for own use, such as own account capital formation, services of owner-occupied dwellings and agricultural products produced by farmers for own consumption. The output of such goods is estimated by valuing the quantities produced against the price that the producer would have received if these goods had been sold.
Output is valued at basic prices, defined as the price received by the producer excluding trade and transport margins and the balance of taxes and subsidies on products. This is the price the producer is ultimately left with.
Intermediate consumption (-)
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits by accountants.
Gross value added basic prices
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
Total gross value added
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
F Construction
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering
Trade, transport, hotels, catering
J Information and communication
Information and communication
K Financial institutions
Financial institutions
L Real estate activities
Renting, buying and selling of real estate
M-N Business services
Business services
O-Q Government and care
Government and care
R-U Culture, recreation, other services
Culture, recreation, other services
Difference imputed and paid VAT
Imputed VAT differs from VAT actually paid to the government. This is due to acquittals, bad debts, fines, the Regulation for small entrepreneurs and VAT evasion.
Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.
Volume changes on previous year
The weighted average of the changes in the quantity and quality of the components of a certain goods or service transaction or balancing item, annual percentage changes.
Output basic prices
Output covers the value of all goods produced for sale, including unsold goods, and all re-ceipts for services rendered. Output furthermore covers the market equivalent of goods and services produced for own use, such as own account capital formation, services of owner-occupied dwellings and agricultural products produced by farmers for own consumption. The output of such goods is estimated by valuing the quantities produced against the price that the producer would have received if these goods had been sold.
Output is valued at basic prices, defined as the price received by the producer excluding trade and transport margins and the balance of taxes and subsidies on products. This is the price the producer is ultimately left with.
Gross value added basic prices
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
Total gross value added
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
F Construction
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering
Trade, transport, hotels, catering
J Information and communication
Information and communication
K Financial institutions
Financial institutions
L Real estate activities
Renting, buying and selling of real estate
M-N Business services
Business services
O-Q Government and care
Government and care
R-U Culture, recreation, other services
Culture, recreation, other services
Price indices 2005 =100
The weighted average of the price changes of the components of a certain variable. Deflators relative to the reference year 2005.
Output basic prices
Output covers the value of all goods produced for sale, including unsold goods, and all re-ceipts for services rendered. Output furthermore covers the market equivalent of goods and services produced for own use, such as own account capital formation, services of owner-occupied dwellings and agricultural products produced by farmers for own consumption. The output of such goods is estimated by valuing the quantities produced against the price that the producer would have received if these goods had been sold.
Output is valued at basic prices, defined as the price received by the producer excluding trade and transport margins and the balance of taxes and subsidies on products. This is the price the producer is ultimately left with.
Gross value added basic prices
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
Total gross value added
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). Industries are classified according to the standard classification of economic activities SIC 2008.
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
F Construction
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering
Trade, transport, hotels, catering
J Information and communication
Information and communication
K Financial institutions
Financial institutions
L Real estate activities
Renting, buying and selling of real estate
M-N Business services
Business services
O-Q Government and care
Government and care
R-U Culture, recreation, other services
Culture, recreation, other services
GDP from the generation of income
The approach of GDP from the generation of income (compensation of employees, operating surplus / mixed income (gross), taxes on production and imports less subsidies).
Value at current prices
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reporting year concerned.
Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.
Value at prices of 2005
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reference year 2005.
Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.
GDP from the final expenditure
The approach of GDP from the final expenditure (final consumption
expenditure, fixed capital formation (gross), changes in inventories,
exports and imports).
Value at current prices
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reporting year concerned.
Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.
Value at prices of 2005
The amounts are expressed at prices of the reference year 2005.
Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices). The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.