Wholesale trade sector; development of stocks, 2005-2012

Wholesale trade sector; development of stocks, 2005-2012

Periods Stock index figures (2005 = 100) Change of stocks (%)
2012* 119.6 -0.3
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Wholesale trade, stock index figures, change of stocks
Base average quarter stock 2005 = 100
2005 - 2012; 2005 1st quarter - 2012 4th quarter
Changed on July 05 2013.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Stock index figures
The stock index describes the volume of wholesale trade stocks in the report period against prices in the base period (2005 = 100). The stocks consist of goods and services manufactured, created or bought in the current or a former period and being stored for sale, use in the production process or other use in the future. The stocks include raw materials and semi-manufactured products, current activities, finished products and commodities.
Change of stocks
The change of stocks indicates the growth rate as a percentages in a particular period (month, quarter, year) with respect to the same period in the previous year. Statistics Netherlands calculates this on the basis of non-rounded figures. The stocks consist of goods and services manufactured, created or bought in the current or a former period and being stored for sale, use in the production process or other use in the future. The stocks include raw materials and semi-manufactured products, current activities, finished products and commodities.