Vacancies;SIC 2008;private sector

Vacancies;SIC 2008;private sector

SIC 2008 Periods Unfilled vacancies (x 1 000) New vacancies (x 1 000) Filled vacancies (x 1 000)
A-U All economic activities 2023 4th quarter 348.3 292 321
A-U All economic activities 2023 yearly average/yearly total 383.7 1,289 1,322
A-U All economic activities 2024 1st quarter 368.1 331 311
A-U All economic activities 2024 2nd quarter 373.4 331 325
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2023 4th quarter 3.0 3 3
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2023 yearly average/yearly total 3.4 12 12
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2024 1st quarter 3.5 4 3
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2024 2nd quarter 3.7 4 4
B Mining and quarrying 2023 4th quarter 0.3 0 0
B Mining and quarrying 2023 yearly average/yearly total 0.4 1 1
B Mining and quarrying 2024 1st quarter 0.3 0 0
B Mining and quarrying 2024 2nd quarter 0.3 0 0
C Manufacturing 2023 4th quarter 30.9 21 24
C Manufacturing 2023 yearly average/yearly total 34.3 95 99
C Manufacturing 2024 1st quarter 33.6 25 23
C Manufacturing 2024 2nd quarter 34.8 25 24
D Energy supply 2023 4th quarter 2.4 3 3
D Energy supply 2023 yearly average/yearly total 2.3 12 11
D Energy supply 2024 1st quarter 2.3 3 3
D Energy supply 2024 2nd quarter 2.2 3 3
E Water supply and waste management 2023 4th quarter 1.6 1 1
E Water supply and waste management 2023 yearly average/yearly total 1.7 4 5
E Water supply and waste management 2024 1st quarter 1.8 2 2
E Water supply and waste management 2024 2nd quarter 1.9 2 1
F Construction 2023 4th quarter 25.5 12 13
F Construction 2023 yearly average/yearly total 25.7 54 52
F Construction 2024 1st quarter 26.0 14 13
F Construction 2024 2nd quarter 26.8 14 13
G Wholesale and retail trade 2023 4th quarter 71.4 70 79
G Wholesale and retail trade 2023 yearly average/yearly total 82.1 307 321
G Wholesale and retail trade 2024 1st quarter 74.9 74 71
G Wholesale and retail trade 2024 2nd quarter 75.8 79 78
H Transportation and storage 2023 4th quarter 16.4 14 16
H Transportation and storage 2023 yearly average/yearly total 18.3 62 65
H Transportation and storage 2024 1st quarter 16.2 15 15
H Transportation and storage 2024 2nd quarter 18.9 17 14
I Accommodation and food serving 2023 4th quarter 27.8 27 31
I Accommodation and food serving 2023 yearly average/yearly total 33.1 128 130
I Accommodation and food serving 2024 1st quarter 31.1 33 29
I Accommodation and food serving 2024 2nd quarter 30.3 33 34
J Information and communication 2023 4th quarter 19.6 15 16
J Information and communication 2023 yearly average/yearly total 21.7 63 66
J Information and communication 2024 1st quarter 20.0 17 17
J Information and communication 2024 2nd quarter 19.4 16 16
K Financial institutions 2023 4th quarter 9.6 8 8
K Financial institutions 2023 yearly average/yearly total 10.6 35 37
K Financial institutions 2024 1st quarter 9.8 10 9
K Financial institutions 2024 2nd quarter 9.6 9 9
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2023 4th quarter 3.0 3 3
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2023 yearly average/yearly total 3.0 12 12
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2024 1st quarter 3.1 3 3
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2024 2nd quarter 2.7 3 3
M Other specialised business services 2023 4th quarter 38.4 26 28
M Other specialised business services 2023 yearly average/yearly total 41.0 114 116
M Other specialised business services 2024 1st quarter 39.2 28 27
M Other specialised business services 2024 2nd quarter 38.7 27 28
N Renting and other business support 2023 4th quarter 26.1 26 29
N Renting and other business support 2023 yearly average/yearly total 29.2 114 117
N Renting and other business support 2024 1st quarter 28.2 30 28
N Renting and other business support 2024 2nd quarter 28.4 29 29
O Public administration and services 2023 4th quarter 0.7 1 1
O Public administration and services 2023 yearly average/yearly total 0.8 3 4
O Public administration and services 2024 1st quarter 0.9 1 1
O Public administration and services 2024 2nd quarter 0.8 1 1
P Education 2023 4th quarter 2.7 3 3
P Education 2023 yearly average/yearly total 3.0 13 13
P Education 2024 1st quarter 3.5 4 3
P Education 2024 2nd quarter 3.7 4 4
Q Health and social work activities 2023 4th quarter 57.2 48 49
Q Health and social work activities 2023 yearly average/yearly total 59.9 201 202
Q Health and social work activities 2024 1st quarter 61.5 55 51
Q Health and social work activities 2024 2nd quarter 62.3 51 50
R Culture, sports and recreation 2023 4th quarter 4.9 6 7
R Culture, sports and recreation 2023 yearly average/yearly total 6.1 30 30
R Culture, sports and recreation 2024 1st quarter 5.5 7 7
R Culture, sports and recreation 2024 2nd quarter 6.0 7 6
S Other service activities 2023 4th quarter 6.7 6 7
S Other service activities 2023 yearly average/yearly total 7.0 29 29
S Other service activities 2024 1st quarter 6.7 6 6
S Other service activities 2024 2nd quarter 6.9 7 7
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Unfilled, new and filled vacancies in the private sector Selections: Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2008 (SIC 2008), size of enterprises, periods.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector at the end of each quarter.

Data available since 1997, quarter 1.

Status of the figures:
All figures in this table are final.

Changes as of 14 August 2024:
Figures of the second quarter of 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Figures of the third quarter of 2024 will be published in November 2024.

Description topics

Unfilled vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector at the end of each quarter.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average calculated as follows:
Vacancies 4th quarter previous year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarter year under review, weight 2.
Vacancies 4th quarter year under review, weight 1.

Vacancies, annual average = Total number of vacancies/8
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
New vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector at the end of each quarter.
New and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were filled in that same quarter.
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average.
Filled vacancies
Filled vacancies including cancelled vacancies.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private sector at the end of each quarter.
New and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were filled in that same quarter.
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the four quarters.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average.