Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources ,1990-2018

Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources ,1990-2018

Sources Periods Emissions NOx (million kgs) Emissions PM10 (million kgs) Emissions SO2 (million kgs)
Total mobile sources 1990 421.1 29.03 71.11
Total mobile sources 2000 351.0 23.04 75.70
Total mobile sources 2005 327.8 20.04 70.52
Total mobile sources 2010 269.6 14.94 36.94
Total mobile sources 2014 236.2 11.70 23.91
Total mobile sources 2015 241.0 11.03 12.38
Total mobile sources 2016 234.3 9.75 5.84
Total mobile sources 2017 228.5 9.38 5.60
Total mobile sources 2018* 223.8 9.15 5.60
Road traffic, total 1990 255.1 17.32 12.78
Road traffic, total 2000 155.0 10.52 2.99
Road traffic, total 2005 130.8 8.46 0.23
Road traffic, total 2010 107.6 6.63 0.18
Road traffic, total 2014 85.1 5.02 0.17
Road traffic, total 2015 84.2 4.90 0.18
Road traffic, total 2016 80.5 4.67 0.18
Road traffic, total 2017 77.1 4.53 0.18
Road traffic, total 2018* 72.7 4.26 0.19
Total inland shipping 1990 30.7 1.36 1.94
Total inland shipping 2000 30.0 1.36 2.17
Total inland shipping 2005 28.1 1.18 2.03
Total inland shipping 2010 24.6 0.96 0.52
Total inland shipping 2014 27.6 0.96 0.01
Total inland shipping 2015 27.9 0.96 0.01
Total inland shipping 2016 27.4 0.92 0.01
Total inland shipping 2017 27.9 0.93 0.01
Total inland shipping 2018* 27.9 0.93 0.01
Fishing 1990 6.1 0.34 1.43
Fishing 2000 6.7 0.35 1.52
Fishing 2005 4.6 0.22 1.00
Fishing 2010 3.2 0.14 0.39
Fishing 2014 2.4 0.10 0.19
Fishing 2015 2.5 0.09 0.08
Fishing 2016 2.6 0.09 0.04
Fishing 2017 2.6 0.09 0.04
Fishing 2018* 2.6 0.09 0.04
Railways total 1990 2.2 0.06 0.10
Railways total 2000 2.8 0.07 0.12
Railways total 2005 2.6 0.06 0.11
Railways total 2010 2.6 0.06 0.02
Railways total 2014 2.2 0.06 0.00
Railways total 2015 2.3 0.06 0.00
Railways total 2016 2.2 0.06 0.00
Railways total 2017 2.1 0.05 0.00
Railways total 2018* 1.8 0.05 0.00
Aviation 1990 1.4 0.04 0.11
Aviation 2000 2.8 0.06 0.20
Aviation 2005 3.1 0.06 0.22
Aviation 2010 3.1 0.05 0.21
Aviation 2014 3.3 0.05 0.23
Aviation 2015 3.4 0.05 0.23
Aviation 2016 3.5 0.05 0.24
Aviation 2017 3.7 0.05 0.25
Aviation 2018* 3.7 0.11 0.25
Seagoing shipping, inland 1990 12.8 0.94 7.41
Seagoing shipping, inland 2000 16.4 1.23 10.05
Seagoing shipping, inland 2005 18.0 1.11 10.03
Seagoing shipping, inland 2010 20.7 0.91 5.42
Seagoing shipping, inland 2014 20.8 0.77 3.92
Seagoing shipping, inland 2015 21.7 0.64 1.11
Seagoing shipping, inland 2016 20.8 0.53 0.94
Seagoing shipping, inland 2017 20.8 0.53 0.94
Seagoing shipping, inland 2018* 20.8 0.53 0.94
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 1990 75.7 5.20 44.33
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2000 94.4 6.49 55.40
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2005 105.7 6.50 53.79
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2010 81.9 4.59 29.91
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2014 71.9 3.43 19.36
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2015 77.5 3.13 10.74
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2016 77.6 2.35 4.40
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2017 74.9 2.17 4.15
Seagoing shipping on continental shelf 2018* 74.9 2.17 4.15
Mobile machinery, total 1990 37.1 3.78 3.01
Mobile machinery, total 2000 42.8 2.95 3.24
Mobile machinery, total 2005 34.8 2.46 3.12
Mobile machinery, total 2010 25.9 1.60 0.30
Mobile machinery, total 2014 22.9 1.32 0.02
Mobile machinery, total 2015 21.7 1.21 0.02
Mobile machinery, total 2016 19.7 1.07 0.02
Mobile machinery, total 2017 19.3 1.02 0.02
Mobile machinery, total 2018* 19.3 1.02 0.02
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by mobile sources. These are actual emissions in or above the Netherlands and on the continental shelf (see paragraph 2). It also contains the emission factors derived from these emissions (in grams of emission per kilogram of consumed fuel).
Mobile source emissions are caused by the combustion of motor fuels, the evaporation of fuel and load residues (VOC), wear of tyres, brake linings and road surfaces (PM10), and the wear of railway overhead contact lines, including emissions caused by friction and spark erosion of the current collectors.
The emissions are calculated by multiplying data on activities, for instance vehicle kilometres and fuel consumption, by emission factors.

Data available from 1990 to 2018.

Status of the figures:
The 2018 data is provisional; all other data are final. The status of the figures will not be changed, because this table has been discontinued.

Changes as of 18 March 2020:
None, this table has been discontinued.

Changes as of 11 September 2019:
Adding provisional figures of 2018.

Changes as of 26 February 2019:
- Replacement of 2017 provisional figures by definitive figures.
- Based on TNO data the NOx emission factor for diesel trains has been raised for the entire time series.
- As a result of recent measurements by TNO adjustments have been made to the set of emission factors for road traffic
- There have been minor corrections of the road vehicle mileages of recent years. Obviously this has consequences for the emissions of the years concerned.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is succeeded by Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

See general explanation with this publication.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO and NO2, calculated as NO2).

Nitrogen oxides are formed in the engine by the combustion of nitrogen from ambient air. Nitrogen oxides cause acidification and play a role in smog generation. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is detrimental to health.
Particulate matter (PM10 = particulates with diameter smaller than 10 micrometres).

Almost 80 percent of the PM10 emission by mobile sources is caused by diesel fuel combustion. About 15 percent originates from various wear processes like the wear of tyres, brake linings and road surface. Detrimental to health, penetrates deeply into the lungs.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2 and SO3, calculated as SO2).

SO2 is formed by the combustion of sulphur in fuels. Causes acidification.