Research and development (R&D); key figures, 2002-2010

Research and development (R&D); key figures, 2002-2010

Periods R&D expenditures: own staff Total R&D expenditure (mln euro) R&D expenditures: own staff Companies (mln euro) R&D expenditures: own staff Institutes (mln euro) R&D expenditures: own staff Institutes for higher education (mln euro) Full-time equivalents: own R&D staff Total full-time equivalents (x 1 000) Full-time equivalents: own R&D staff Companies (x 1 000) Full-time equivalents: own R&D staff Institutes (x 1 000) Full-time equivalents: own R&D staff Institutes for higher education (x 1 000)
2002 8,747 4,543 1,164 3,040 91.5 47.0 13.7 30.8
2003 9,146 4,804 1,216 3,126 90.2 44.5 14.3 31.4
2004 9,470 5,071 1,253 3,146 95.7 50.0 13.6 32.1
2005 9,772 5,169 1,216 3,387 93.6 48.6 12.7 32.3
2006 10,175 5,480 1,260 3,435 97.8 52.8 12.8 32.2
2007 10,342 5,495 1,259 3,588 93.7 49.2 12.1 32.4
2008 10,502 5,263 1,259 3,980 93.4 48.0 12.2 33.2
2009 10,408 4,900 1,327 4,181 87.8 42.3 11.4 34.1
2010 10,892 5,218 1,279 4,395 100.5 54.1 11.4 35.0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on research en development (R&D) activities carried out by own staff, of companies, institutes and the higher education sector with 10 and more employed persons in the Netherlands. Outsourced R&D is excluded.

The figures include:
- R&D expenditures: own staff;
- own R&D staff in full-time equivalents.
Figures relate to:
- companies;
- institutes, consisting of:
* research institutes;
* central government institutions;
* health care and welfare institutions;
* other institutes.
- institutes for higher education, consisting of:
* publicly financed universities;
* university hospitals or parts thereof;
* institutes for higher professional education (hbo).

Data available from 2002 to 2010.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite.

Changes as of 23 December 2016:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Will this table be replaced?
This table will be continued as: Research en development; kerncijfers per sector van uitvoering (Dutch only). For more information see section 3.

Description topics

R&D expenditures: own staff
Expenditures on research and development (R&D) conducted by own staff at
companies, institutes and institutes for higher education.
Total R&D expenditure
Total expenditure on R&D conducted by own staff in companies, institutes
and institutes for higher education with 10 and more employed persons.
Companies with 10 and more employed persons.
Public research institutes with 10 and more employed persons.
- research institutes;
- government institutions;
- health care and welfare institutions;
- other institutes.
Institutes for higher education
Institutes for higher education with 10 and more employed persons.
- publicly financed universities;
- university hospitals or parts thereof;
- institutes for higher professional education (hbo).
Full-time equivalents: own R&D staff
Number of employed persons involved or partially involved in R&D
activities of the company or institute in terms of full-time equivalents
(fte's). E.g. a full-time worker who works on R&D for two days a week
accounts for 0.4 fte.
Total full-time equivalents
Total number of full-time equivalents of own staff in companies,
institutes and institutes for higher education sector.
Companies with 10 and more employed persons.
Public research institutes with 10 and more employed persons.
- research institutes;
- government institutions;
- health care and welfare institutions;
- other institutes.
Institutes for higher education
Institutes for higher education with 10 and more employed persons.
- publicly financed universities;
- university hospitals or parts thereof;
- institutes for higher professional education (hbo).