Consumer prices; average prices of consumer goods, 2000 - 2018

Table explanation

This table contains the average annual prices of a selection of goods since 2000. The average price is calculated for a chosen quantity which you can find in the subject explanations. The quality of some goods changes over the years. The purpose of this table is to present the price of products currently in demand and to give insight into the average price for that year. Alterations are mentioned in the subject explanations.

Data available from 2000 to 2018.

Status of the figures:
All values are definite.

Changes as from 7 November 2019:
This table will no longer be updated.

When will new figures be added?
Does not apply.

Description topics

Eating and drinking in cafes/restaurants
Products from the CPI:
Division 11000 - Hotels and restaurants
Cup of coffee
1 cup kopje of espresso
Glass of beer
1 glass or beer in a pub
Glass of red house wine
From 2015 1 glass of red house wine in a restaurant; before in a pub
1 frikandel, typical sausage shaped Dutch snack made of minced meat
1 Pizza Margarita