ICT use by companies by sector of industry (SIC 2008) and size of company

ICT use by companies by sector of industry (SIC 2008) and size of company

Sector of Industry SIC 2008 Size of company ICT specialists and users on 31 December Staff working with a computer (in % of total number of employed persons) ICT specialists and users on 31 December Staff working with internet (in % of total number of employed persons) ICT specialists and users on 31 December Teleworkers (in % of total number of employed persons) Companies with external networks Internet, type of connection Analogue and ISDN modem (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Internet, type of connection Broadband Total broadband (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Internet, type of connection Broadband ADSL, SDSL etc. (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Internet, type of connection Broadband Cable (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Internet, type of connection Broadband Other high-quality fixed connections (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Internet, general applications Training and education (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Internet, facilities offered Product catalogues and price lists (in % of total number of companies) Companies with software/ICT applications Open source software Office and business applications (in % of total number of companies) Companies with software/ICT applications ICT applications for order processing Sales Invoicing and accounting systems (in % of total number of companies) Companies with software/ICT applications ICT applications for order processing Purchases Payment and accounting systems (in % of total number of companies) Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Transport documents (in % of total number of companies) Supply Chain Management (SCM) With suppliers Expected demand or inventory level (in % of total number of companies) Supply Chain Management (SCM) With customers Expected demand or inventory level (in % of total number of companies)
D-E Public utility, sewerage and waste 10 and more employed persons 66 61 24 18 92 71 5 37 19 26 14 51 43 15 5 4
D-E Public utility, sewerage and waste 250 and more employed persons 74 71 31 20 100 61 20 93 56 57 13 70 76 34 26 9
G Wholesale and retail trade 10 and more employed persons 65 51 16 26 88 82 7 17 23 36 14 56 50 24 15 8
G Wholesale and retail trade 250 and more employed persons 56 38 14 25 97 67 8 78 44 58 28 80 77 46 46 35
H Transportation and storage 10 and more employed persons 49 37 17 24 81 71 6 15 10 9 12 44 33 35 7 8
H Transportation and storage 250 and more employed persons 60 42 25 22 100 82 4 86 56 31 27 62 65 59 29 39
I Accommodation and food serving 10 and more employed persons 34 27 6 28 72 61 17 4 3 36 11 25 20 3 4 3
I Accommodation and food serving 250 and more employed persons 34 32 14 14 100 86 13 52 25 57 34 62 34 13 26 31
J Information and communication 10 and more employed persons 96 93 46 16 97 76 8 42 40 36 40 45 35 13 9 5
J Information and communication 250 and more employed persons 96 92 45 20 100 56 14 84 81 62 55 63 59 19 27 22
N Renting and other business support 10 and more employed persons 72 68 13 24 84 75 6 11 13 16 15 39 31 5 4 4
N Renting and other business support 250 and more employed persons 77 75 12 20 96 74 8 52 39 18 17 50 43 5 8 11
Q Health and social work activities 10 and more employed persons 66 57 11 25 86 75 10 23 19 25 13 27 22 4 3 2
Q Health and social work activities 250 and more employed persons 66 57 10 17 99 73 12 74 36 26 19 28 40 9 13 9
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companies. These include:
- use of computers;
- internal and external networks, including the internet;
- software and its application;
- Supply Chain Management;
- Automated Data Exchange;
- communication with government via the internet;
- the extent to which companies use the internet for buying and selling;
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
The figures refer to companies with 10 and more employed persons. Reference date is 31 December.

Data available from: 2008.

Status of the figures:
The figures are final.

Changes as of 8 March 2019:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore

Description topics

ICT specialists and users on 31 December
ICT stands for information and communication technology.
An ICT specialist is an employee who may specify, design, develop,
install, administer and manage ICT systems, including network management
and conducting evaluations and ICT research, such as a software developer,
system administrator or a 'head IT department'.
An ICT user is an employee using a computer and standard packages (such as
word processing, spreadsheets, databases) and/or office-related software
(such as accounting packages, CAD/CAM packages, SPSS) at work.
Staff working with a computer
Number of employed persons who work at a computer at least once a week.
Staff working with internet
Number of employed persons regularly using a computer with internet
access for their work.
Number of employed persons who regularly, at least half a day a week,
work outside their place of work and have access to the ICT system of the
company. The employed person must have access to files and/or software,
not just email.
Companies with external networks
External networks include internet or other networks than the internet,
such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
EDI is a standard for electronic exchange of structured messages between
business partners.
Internet, type of connection
The use of internet by companies broken down by type of connection. A
company can use more than one type of connection.
Analogue and ISDN modem
Number of companies that use either an analogue modem, connected to a
telephone line or an ISDN connection for their internet connection. ISDN
is Integrated Services Digital Network.
Companies that use ADSL, SDSL etc., cable (radio and tv cable) or other
high-quality fixed connections such as glass fibre and leased lines for
their internet connection.
Total broadband
Number of companies that use ADSL, SDSL etc., cable (radio and tv cable)
or other high-quality fixed connections such as glass fibre and leased
lines for their internet connection.
Number of companies that use ADSL, SDSL or VDSL for their internet
connection. (A/S/V)DSL is an abbreviation for (Asymmetric/Symmetric
/Very-high-bitrate) Digital Subscriber Line.
Number of companies that use the RTV cable for their internet connection.
RTV cable is the cable that transmits radio and TV signals to households.
Other high-quality fixed connections
Number of companies that use other high-quality fixed connection than
ADSL, SDSL etc. for their internet connection. Examples include fixed
connections with a large bandwidth such as glass fibre and leased lines.
Internet, general applications
Use of internet by companies for one or more of the following general
applications: education and training and financial services.
Training and education
Number of companies that use the internet for training and education
(e.g. e-learning).
Internet, facilities offered
Supply of facilities/equipment by companies on the internet, such as
after sales support and information about the company and its products.
Product catalogues and price lists
Number of companies that provide product information through catalogues
with products and prices on the internet (via a website).
Companies with software/ICT applications
ICT applications: special software with a limited application (e.g. an
accounting package).
Open source software
Open source software is not necessarily free of charge and is
characterised by three aspects:
1 the source code of the software is freely available, at least in part;
2 everyone can add to it or improve it;
3 everyone can distribute it.
Office and business applications
Number of companies using open source software for office and business
applications. Examples are the Star Office and Open Office word processing
packages, AbiWord, Gimp, LDAP and the Firefox web browser.
ICT applications for order processing
Use of related software and hardware for processing the received sales
and/or purchase orders placed in other companies. The orders do not have
to be sent/received by computer.
Invoicing and accounting systems
Number of companies whose sales order processing system within the
company is automatically (without human intervention) linked to the ICT
system for sending invoices and accounting.
Payment and accounting systems
Number of companies whose purchase order processing system within the
company is automatically (without human intervention) linked to the
payment and accounting system.
Automated Data Exchange (ADE)
Automated Data Exchange is the electronic data exchange between companies
through internet or another network, in an agreed format (e.g. XML,
EDIFACT). Hand typed emails are excluded.
Transport documents
Number of companies using Automated Data Exchange to send or receive
transport documents (e.g. a consignment note).
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Supply Chain Management is the integration of a company's business and
ICT system with that of its business partners to coordinate the
availability and supply of products/services. This is electronic data
exchange on expected production, stock, demand, supply, product
development etc. and can be done via:
- the internet or another network;
- Automated Data Exchange.
Hand typed emails are excluded.
With suppliers
Expected demand or inventory level
Total number of companies using SCM with suppliers on expected demand,
inventory levels or production plans.
With customers
Expected demand or inventory level
Total number of companies using SCM with customers on expected demand,
inventory levels or production plans.