ICT use by companies by company size, 2008

ICT use by companies by company size, 2008

Size of company Companies with external networks Use for sales Turnover value >= 1% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Turnover value >= 2% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Turnover value >= 5% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Turnover value >= 10% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Turnover value >= 25% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Turnover value >= 50% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via a website Turnover value >= 1% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via a website Turnover value >= 2% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via a website Turnover value >= 5% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via a website Turnover value >= 10% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via a website Turnover value >= 25% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via a website Turnover value >= 50% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Turnover value >= 1% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Turnover value >= 2% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Turnover value >= 5% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Turnover value >= 10% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Turnover value >= 25% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for sales Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Turnover value >= 50% of total turnover (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for purchase Purchase value >= 1% of total purchase (in % of total number of companies) Companies with external networks Use for purchase Purchase value >= 2% of total purchase (in % of total number of companies)
10 and more employed persons 21 19 17 13 8 5 17 15 13 9 4 3 7 7 6 5 3 2 37 33
10-20 employed persons 18 17 15 12 7 4 15 14 12 8 4 3 6 6 5 4 3 1 33 30
20-50 employed persons 22 19 18 14 7 5 19 16 14 10 4 3 6 5 5 5 3 2 40 35
50-100 employed persons 25 24 20 17 9 6 20 19 15 12 5 3 10 9 8 7 4 3 39 34
100-250 employed persons 25 23 21 18 12 9 15 13 11 8 4 2 15 14 13 11 8 5 43 38
250-500 employed persons 26 24 22 18 13 9 16 14 12 9 5 3 15 15 14 11 8 6 50 44
500 and more employed persons 27 25 22 18 13 9 19 15 12 9 5 3 16 15 14 11 8 6 58 52
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by companies. These include:
- use of computers;
- internal and external networks, including the internet;
- software and its application;
- Supply Chain Management;
- Automated Data Exchange;
- communication with government via the internet;
- the extent to which companies use the internet for buying and selling;
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
The figures refer to companies with 10 and more employed persons. Reference date is 31 December.

Data available from: 2008.

Changes as of 8 March 2019:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore

Description topics

Companies with external networks
External networks include internet or other networks than the internet,
such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
EDI is a standard for electronic exchange of structured messages between
business partners.
Use for sales
Sales via external networks, or online sales, are defined here as sales
of products ordered electronically (excluding hand typed email).
They include sales via the company website (public, generally accessible),
or via non-public systems including Automated Data Exchange (ADE).
Turnover value >= 1% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 1% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 2% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 2% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 5% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 5% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 10% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 10% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 25% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 25% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 50% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 50% or more of the total turnover of the
Via a website
Via a website (public, generally accessible).
Turnover value >= 1% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 1% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 2% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 2% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 5% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 5% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 10% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 10% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 25% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 25% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 50% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 50% or more of the total turnover of the
Via Automated Data Exchange (ADE)
Via other non-public systems, including Automated Data Exchange (ADE).
Turnover value >= 1% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 1% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 2% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 2% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 5% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 5% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 10% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 10% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 25% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 25% or more of the total turnover of the
Turnover value >= 50% of total turnover
Number of companies that sell products via external networks and where
the value of that turnover is 50% or more of the total turnover of the
Use for purchase
Purchases via external networks or electronic shopping is defined here as
placing an order electronically (excluding hand typed email).
Purchase value >= 1% of total purchase
Number of companies that purchase products via external networks and the
value of that purchase is 1% or more of the total purchase value of the
Purchase value >= 2% of total purchase
Number of companies that purchase products via external networks and the
value of that purchase is 2% or more of the total purchase value of the