Traffic performance motor vehicles; kilometres, territory 1990-2020

Traffic performance motor vehicles; kilometres, territory 1990-2020

Types of vehicle Periods Kilometres in the Netherlands Total kilometres in the Netherlands (million km) Kilometres in the Netherlands Kilometres by Dutch vehicles (million km) Kilometres in the Netherlands Kilometres by foreign vehicles (million km) Kilometres by Dutch vehicles Total kilometres by Dutch vehicles (million km) Kilometres by Dutch vehicles Kilometres in the Netherlands (million km) Kilometres by Dutch vehicles Kilometres abroad (million km)
Total motor vehicles 2011 128,286.0 122,071.1 6,214.9 142,927.2 122,071.1 20,856.1
Total motor vehicles 2012 127,896.2 121,744.2 6,152.0 141,354.9 121,744.2 19,610.7
Total motor vehicles 2013 127,233.2 121,058.9 6,174.3 140,850.0 121,058.9 19,791.1
Total motor vehicles 2014 127,680.2 121,228.0 6,452.2 141,383.4 121,228.0 20,155.4
Total motor vehicles 2015 129,615.8 122,988.4 6,627.4 143,026.0 122,988.4 20,037.6
Total motor vehicles 2016 133,256.1 126,275.7 6,980.4 146,589.1 126,275.7 20,313.3
Total motor vehicles 2017 135,175.4 128,017.1 7,158.4 148,524.6 128,017.1 20,507.5
Passenger car 2011 102,956.4 98,190.0 4,766.4 114,538.4 98,190.0 16,348.4
Passenger car 2012 103,122.1 98,397.6 4,724.5 113,722.8 98,397.6 15,325.2
Passenger car 2013 103,211.2 98,482.6 4,728.6 113,821.0 98,482.6 15,338.4
Passenger car 2014 103,699.1 98,707.1 4,992.0 114,511.0 98,707.1 15,803.9
Passenger car 2015 105,088.9 99,968.7 5,120.3 115,913.1 99,968.7 15,944.4
Passenger car 2016 107,708.1 102,394.2 5,313.9 118,725.4 102,394.2 16,331.2
Passenger car 2017 108,936.1 103,515.6 5,420.5 120,025.7 103,515.6 16,510.1
Delivery van 2011 17,056.1 16,373.9 682.2 17,056.1 16,373.9 682.2
Delivery van 2012 16,649.0 15,983.0 666.0 16,649.0 15,983.0 666.0
Delivery van 2013 16,309.2 15,656.8 652.4 16,309.2 15,656.8 652.4
Delivery van 2014 16,295.5 15,643.7 651.8 16,295.5 15,643.7 651.8
Delivery van 2015 16,544.3 15,882.5 661.8 16,544.3 15,882.5 661.8
Delivery van 2016 17,144.3 16,407.1 737.2 17,144.3 16,407.1 737.2
Delivery van 2017 17,668.4 16,908.7 759.7 17,668.4 16,908.7 759.7
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2011 2,489.8 2,360.0 129.8 2,999.6 2,360.0 639.5
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2012 2,397.1 2,269.5 127.6 2,867.0 2,269.5 597.5
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2013 2,208.6 2,072.4 136.3 2,733.3 2,072.4 660.9
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2014 2,142.6 2,002.7 139.9 2,649.4 2,002.7 646.7
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2015 2,175.6 2,037.0 138.6 2,595.0 2,037.0 558.0
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2016 2,224.1 2,075.3 148.9 2,587.7 2,075.3 512.4
Lorry (road tractor not included) 2017 2,251.0 2,113.2 137.8 2,562.1 2,113.2 449.0
Road tractor 2011 4,623.3 4,062.5 560.8 6,825.9 4,062.5 2,763.4
Road tractor 2012 4,610.8 4,053.7 557.0 6,662.7 4,053.7 2,609.0
Road tractor 2013 4,408.7 3,848.4 560.3 6,566.2 3,848.4 2,717.8
Road tractor 2014 4,477.5 3,903.0 574.6 6,559.3 3,903.0 2,656.3
Road tractor 2015 4,747.8 4,129.8 618.1 6,618.4 4,129.8 2,488.6
Road tractor 2016 5,106.8 4,423.9 682.9 6,774.9 4,423.9 2,351.0
Road tractor 2017 5,199.9 4,455.3 744.6 6,880.8 4,455.3 2,425.5
Special purpose vehicle 2011 499.3 447.3 52.0 777.6 447.3 330.3
Special purpose vehicle 2012 473.7 420.1 53.6 747.5 420.1 327.4
Special purpose vehicle 2013 453.5 379.4 74.1 721.6 379.4 342.2
Special purpose vehicle 2014 441.6 369.7 71.8 695.0 369.7 325.3
Special purpose vehicle 2015 436.3 369.0 67.2 684.9 369.0 315.8
Special purpose vehicle 2016 461.5 384.5 77.0 700.0 384.5 315.5
Special purpose vehicle 2017 465.5 389.8 75.7 691.9 389.8 302.1
Bus 2011 661.0 637.4 23.7 729.5 637.4 92.2
Bus 2012 643.5 620.2 23.3 705.8 620.2 85.6
Bus 2013 641.9 619.2 22.7 698.6 619.2 79.5
Bus 2014 624.0 601.8 22.2 673.2 601.8 71.4
Bus 2015 622.9 601.3 21.6 670.3 601.3 69.0
Bus 2016 611.3 . . 656.7 . .
Bus 2017 654.5 . . 695.6 . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on traffic performance (vehicle-kilometres) of passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries, semi-trailers, special purpose vehicles and buses.
Vehicle-kilometres of Dutch vehicles have been broken down by Dutch vehicles on Dutch territory and Dutch vehicles on foreign territory.
In addition, there are figures on the total distance covered on Dutch territory. A distinction is made between kilometres covered by Dutch vehicles and kilometres by foreign vehicles.
From 2016 up the kilometres driven by busses are no longer devided in kilometres driven on Dutch or on foreign roads.
The vehicle population used to estimate the kilometres is based on the vehicle fleet statistics. The population of the figures in this table is based on the old selection method of the vehicle fleet. The difference between the old and the new selection method is described in a methodological report, see paragraph 4. The data series of vehicle kilometres estimated for the old population ends with 2020. The data series based on the new population is available starting from 2018. The way in which the vehicle kilometres are estimated has not changed, only the population.

For the 2020 data a correction factor was implemented to correct for the ‘smoothing effect’ caused by the method. The smoothing effect smoothes out yearly variation in the data and this results in a distorted picture of periods of time when mobility patterns suddenly change drastically, like happened in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Data available from: 1990 to 2020

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table up to and including 2018 are definitive. Figures over 2019 and 2020 have a provisional status.

Changes as of 10 November 2022:
None, this table has been discontinued.
This table is followed by the table Traffic performance motor vehicles; kilometres, type of vehicle, territory, see paragraph 3.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

Description topics

Kilometres in the Netherlands
The total distance travelled (in km) in the Netherlands by vehicles with a Dutch registration plate and vehicles with foreign registration plates.
Total kilometres in the Netherlands
The total distance travelled (in km) in the Netherlands by vehicles with a Dutch registration plate and vehicles with foreign registration plates.
Kilometres by Dutch vehicles
Kilometres by foreign vehicles
To calculate the total traffic performance of delivery vans on Dutch roads, it is necessary to estimate the traffic performance of foreign delivery vans in the Netherlands. In the absence of data on foreign delivery vans, it has been assumed that this concerns mainly border traffic. That is why the traffic performance of foreign delivery vans in the Netherlands is set equal to the traffic performance of Dutch delivery vans abroad.
Kilometres by Dutch vehicles
The total distance travelled (in km) in the Netherlands and abroad by vehicles with a Dutch registration plate.
Total kilometres by Dutch vehicles
The total distance travelled (in km) in the Netherlands and abroad by vehicles with a Dutch registration plate.
Kilometres in the Netherlands
Kilometres abroad
To calculate the total traffic performance of delivery vans on Dutch roads, it is necessary to estimate the traffic performance of foreign delivery vans in the Netherlands. In the absence of data on foreign delivery vans, it has been assumed that this concerns mainly border traffic. That is why the traffic performance of foreign delivery vans in the Netherlands is set equal to the traffic performance of Dutch delivery vans abroad.