Enterprises; sizeclass and legal form, 2006-2010

Enterprises; sizeclass and legal form, 2006-2010

Economic activity (NCEA 2008) Periods Legal form General partnership (number)
A-U All economic activities 2010 128,970
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2010 8,865
01 Agriculture 2010 8,530
02 Forestry and logging 2010 80
03 Fishing and aquaculture 2010 260
B Mining and quarrying 2010 35
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2010 0
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2010 30
09 Mining support activities 2010 5
C Manufacturing 2010 7,385
10 Manufacture of food products 2010 1,635
11 Manufacture of beverages 2010 35
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2010 5
13 Manufacture of textiles 2010 295
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2010 180
15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2010 60
16 Manufacture of wood products 2010 365
17 Manufacture of paper 2010 25
18 Printing and reproduction 2010 785
19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2010 0
20 Manufacture of chemicals 2010 50
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2010 10
22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2010 145
23 Manufacture of building materials 2010 270
24 Manufacture of basic metals 2010 35
25 Manufacture of metal products 2010 945
26 Manufacture of electronic products 2010 105
27 Manufacture of electric equipment 2010 100
28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2010 200
29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2010 90
30 Manufacture of other transport 2010 195
31 Manufacture of furniture 2010 700
32 Manufacture of other products 2010 655
33 Repair and installation of machinery 2010 490
D Electricity and gas supply 2010 115
35 Electricity and gas supply 2010 115
E Water supply and waste management 2010 115
36 Water collection and distribution 2010 5
37 Sewerage 2010 5
38 Waste collection and treatment 2010 90
39 Remediation, other waste management 2010 15
F Construction 2010 14,215
41 Construction buildings, development 2010 4,635
42 Civil engineering 2010 890
43 Specialised construction activities 2010 8,685
G Wholesale and retail trade 2010 39,220
45 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2010 4,785
46 Wholesale trade (no motor vehicles) 2010 9,165
47 Retail trade (not in motor vehicles) 2010 25,275
H Transportation and storage 2010 6,880
49 Land transport 2010 3,375
50 Water transport 2010 2,350
51 Air transport 2010 25
52 Warehousing, services for transport 2010 490
53 Postal and courier activities 2010 640
I Accommodation and food serving 2010 15,695
55 Accommodation 2010 1,990
56 Food and beverage service activities 2010 13,705
J Information and communication 2010 3,275
58 Publishing 2010 420
59 Film, TV and music production etc 2010 190
60 Programming and broadcasting 2010 0
61 Telecommunications 2010 165
62 Support activities in the field of IT 2010 1,930
63 Information service activities 2010 570
K Financial institutions 2010 1,915
64 Financial institutions, no insurance 2010 15
65 Insurance and pension funding 2010 5
66 Other financial services 2010 1,895
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2010 2,300
68 Renting, buying, selling real estate 2010 2,300
M Other specialised business services 2010 12,020
69 Legal services, administration etc. 2010 2,285
70 Holding companies (not financial) 2010 2,925
71 Architects, technical services etc. 2010 2,000
72 Research and development 2010 160
73 Advertising and market research 2010 2,760
74 Other specialised business services 2010 1,825
75 Veterinary activities 2010 70
N Renting and other business support 2010 5,400
77 Renting and leasing of tangible goods 2010 860
78 Employment activities 2010 810
79 Travel agencies, tour operators etc 2010 445
80 Security and investigation 2010 185
81 Facility management 2010 2,780
82 Other business services 2010 320
O Public administration and services 2010 5
84 Public administration and services 2010 5
P Education 2010 2,275
85 Education 2010 2,275
Q Health and social work activities 2010 2,965
86 Human health activities 2010 1,790
87 Residential care and guidance 2010 280
88 Social work without accommodation 2010 890
R Culture, sports and recreation 2010 1,500
90 Arts 2010 240
91 Libraries, museums, zoos etc 2010 35
92 Lotteries and betting 2010 25
93 Sports and recreation 2010 1,200
S Other service activities 2010 4,795
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on the number of enterprises and
institutions broken down by the National Classification of Economic
Activity 2008 (NCEA 2008, based on NACE Rev 2.0). Besides the breakdown
by NCEA, the number of enterprises is broken down by size class or legal
form. The number of enterprises is rounded by a multiple of 5. The data
refer to the situation on 1 January of the year concerned.

Data available from: 2006

Status of the figures:
All data recorded in this publication are definite.

Last changes:
Data broken down by NCEA 1993 have been converted to data broken down by
NCEA 2008.

When will new figures be published?
Changes as of 20 April 2012:
This table has been stopped.
Two points in the processing of the data have changed:
- the statistical unit has been changed.
- the check on economic activity of an enterprise has been broadened. As a consequence of this, more entrepeneurs have entered the population of Dutch enterprises.
Due to these changes, the figures are no longer comparable to those of the previous years. Therefore a new table has been started from 2007 onwards.

Description topics

Legal form
Form of juridical registration
General partnership
This class includes
- General partnership (firm)
- Commandite partnership
General partnership (firm)
Agreement with no legal personality between two or more partners to run a
business. The partners contribute business capital, which is separated
from their personal assets ('separate estate'), and which may be used
solely for the business. Each partner has unlimited liability, including
personal assets, for obligations entered into by the partnership, even if
these are entered into by another partner.
Commandite partnership
The partners in this partnership are either controlling or silent.
The controlling partner has the unlimited liability, including
personal assets, for obligations entered into by the partnership
unlimited. A silent partner is only financially involved and has a
limited liability towards his financial contribution in the partnership.