Social protection benefits by functions, criteria, implementation 1994-2012

Social protection benefits by functions, criteria, implementation 1994-2012

Periods Functions social protection benefits Sickness/Health care (mln euro) Implementation Pension funds / Insurance companies (mln euro)
2012* 67,739 35,744
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table gives an overview of the social protection benefits available in the Netherlands. Social protection benefits are classified as all benefits that fall under social services, social security laws, pension insurance, social benefits paid directly by employers and social benefits in kind paid by the government to families. The benefits concern both benefits in kind and cash benefits.

Social protection benefits protect recipients against certain risks or provide in certain needs. These risks and needs are grouped into nine functions. The social protection schemes are also classified by five criteria and eleven underlying categories, as laid down in the European System of Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS) programme. This programme aims to improve the comparability of international social protection statistics. The function "Education" is not a part of social protection in the sense of ESSPROS.
However, this function is included in the table to provide a complete picture of social protection in the Netherlands. Lastly the benefits are classified by the sector providing the benefit.

In line with the regulations in the European System of Accounts (ESA95), benefits are recorded when they are claimed (accrual-based recording), not when they are paid (cash-based recording).

Data available from 1994 to 2012.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite up to 2010, revised provisional for 2011 and provisional for 2012. Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of 10 April 2015.
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Functions social protection benefits
Social protection encompasses all interventions by public or private
bodies intended to relieve households and individuals of the burden of a
defined set of risks or needs, provided that the recipient does not have
to do anything in return, and that no individual arrangement is involved.
The functional classification of social protection benefits arranges the
social protection schemes according to this set of risk and needs
(functions). If a scheme fulfils more than one function, the benefit is
divided over these functions. The sum of the benefits in all the
functions adds up to the total amount of benefits paid by all social
protection schemes in the year concerned.
Sickness/Health care
To ensure income and financial support in the case of physical or
mental illness, excluding disability. Health care is care intended to
maintain, restore or improve the health of the people protected
irrespective of the origin of the disorder.
The sector providing the social protection benefit.
Example 1: If a government employee falls ill, his salary will still be
paid by his employer (the government). This is called paid sick-leave.
After 2 years of illness, he will be eligible for the legal social
insurance benefit WIA. Benefits under the WIA are implemented by the
Institute for Employee Benefit schemes (UWV), which is a part of the
sector government.
Example 2: At the moment a person retires, he will receive his AOW pension
from the SVB, which is part of the sector government. If this person is
also entitled to an additional pension benefit, this additional pension
will be paid out by the Pension funds sector.
Pension funds / Insurance companies
Pension funds collect premiums and pay employee pensions. They are also
responsible for pensions for surviving relatives and disability
pensions. Insurance companies were responsible for industry-related
health care insurance until 2006.