Motor fuels for transport;delivery weight, volume, 1946-Aug 2016

Motor fuels for transport;delivery weight, volume, 1946-Aug 2016

Type of delivery Periods Motor fuels for transport petajoule Road transport Total road transport (PJ) Motor fuels for transport petajoule Water transport Total water transport (PJ) Motor fuels for transport petajoule Air transport Total air transport (PJ) Motor fuels transport physical units Water transport Heating and other gasoil Total heating and other gasoil (mln kg) Motor fuels transport physical units Water transport Fuel oil Low-sulphur fuel oil (mln kg) Motor fuels transport physical units Water transport Fuel oil High-sulphur fuel oil (mln kg) Motor fuels transport physical units Air transport Kerosene type jet fuel (mln kg) Motor fuels transport by volume Automotive LPG (mln litres) Motor fuels transport by volume Motor gasoline Total motor gasoline (mln litres) Motor fuels transport by volume Transport diesel Total transport diesel (mln litres)
Total deliveries 2015 September* 34.8 41.8 14.5 189 173 651 333 29 441 546
Total deliveries 2015 October* 37.5 40.0 14.5 183 195 591 332 31 458 604
Total deliveries 2015 November* 35.9 41.1 12.2 173 186 636 280 27 432 587
Total deliveries 2015 December* 35.9 56.6 12.5 209 151 1,012 288 27 460 564
Total deliveries 2016 January* 33.8 41.0 12.2 148 155 691 281 26 416 541
Total deliveries 2016 February* 33.9 40.7 11.5 131 119 737 263 25 417 545
Total deliveries 2016 March* 37.1 47.5 12.7 190 106 874 291 28 451 600
Total deliveries 2016 April* 35.5 43.7 13.5 150 165 746 311 27 454 554
Total deliveries 2016 May* 35.5 45.7 14.3 156 176 775 328 27 442 564
Total deliveries 2016 June* 35.3 51.0 14.1 164 193 880 323 27 457 543
Total deliveries 2016 July* 33.9 48.1 15.9 148 196 824 366 24 436 528
Total deliveries 2016 August* 34.9 51.0 15.9 199 182 855 365 32 459 528
Deliveries for final consumption 2015 September* 34.8 1.2 0.1 29 3 29 441 546
Deliveries for final consumption 2015 October* 37.5 1.1 0.1 27 3 31 458 604
Deliveries for final consumption 2015 November* 35.9 1.2 0.1 29 2 27 432 587
Deliveries for final consumption 2015 December* 35.9 2.0 0.1 46 3 27 460 564
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 January* 33.8 1.0 0.1 24 3 26 416 541
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 February* 33.9 1.2 0.1 28 2 25 417 545
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 March* 37.1 1.7 0.1 37 3 28 451 600
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 April* 35.5 1.1 0.1 26 3 27 454 554
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 May* 35.5 1.2 0.1 27 2 27 442 564
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 June* 35.3 1.6 0.1 37 2 27 457 543
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 July* 33.9 1.0 0.1 23 3 24 436 528
Deliveries for final consumption 2016 August* 34.9 1.0 0.1 23 3 32 459 528
Deliveries for bunkers 2015 September* 40.6 14.3 160 173 651 330
Deliveries for bunkers 2015 October* 38.9 14.3 156 195 591 329
Deliveries for bunkers 2015 November* 39.9 12.1 144 186 636 278
Deliveries for bunkers 2015 December* 54.6 12.4 163 151 1,012 286
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 January* 40.0 12.1 124 155 691 278
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 February* 39.5 11.4 102 119 737 261
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 March* 45.9 12.5 153 106 874 288
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 April* 42.6 13.4 124 165 746 308
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 May* 44.5 14.2 129 176 775 326
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 June* 49.4 14.0 127 193 880 321
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 July* 47.2 15.8 126 196 824 363
Deliveries for bunkers 2016 August* 50.1 15.8 176 182 855 363
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides information on deliveries of motor fuels for transport in the Netherlands. Deliveries are either for consumption in the Netherlands and international road transport, which is called final consumption, or for international sea and air transport, which is traditionally called bunkering.

The table gives figure for all modes of transport. Agricultural and mobile equipment is excluded. Figures for relevant motor fuels are given by transport category. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel. Biofuels are products produced from agricultural crops.

Deliveries of motor fuels are expressed by energy (petajoules) and physical units (million kg or million kWh). Deliveries for road transport are also published in volume (million litres). This table includes figures (in petajoules) on total transport, total road transport, total water transport, total air transport and total rail transport. This is not possible for physical units, due to different units (e.g. kg and kWh) are not countable.

Data available from:
From 1946 up to and including August 2016

Status of the figures:
All figures from 1946 to December 2013 are definite.
Figures from January 2014 onwards are provisional.

Changes as of 2 December 2016
None, this table has been stopped. For more information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Motor fuels for transport petajoule
Amounts of substances, expressed in petajoules, combusted for the propulsion of vehicles transporting persons or goods, including motor gasoline, transport diesel, kerosene, natural gas, electricity and fuel oil. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel.
A joule is a unit of energy equivalent to 0.24 calories. A Petajoule (PJ) equals 1,000,000,000,000,000 joules (10 to the power of 15) and is equivalent to 31.6 million cubic metres of natural gas or 278 million kilowatt-hours of electricity.
Road transport
All passenger and freight transport on public road by car, auto bus, goods vehicle, motorcycle, moped, etc.

Excludes transport on own premises and consumption of mobile equipment, such as tractors and mobile machinery for construction (which typically do not operate on public roads).
Total road transport
Total deliveries of motor fuels for road transport, namely automotive LPG, motor gasoline, transport diesel, natural gas and electricity.
Water transport
All passenger and freight water transport, like inland water and sea water transport. Excludes fishing.

For the period 1955-1960 fishing is included in the deliveries of gasoil to water transport.
Total water transport
Total deliveries of motor fuels for water transport, namely gasoil and fuel oil.
Air transport
All passenger air and freight air transport.
Total air transport
Total deliveries of motor fuels for air transport, namely kerosene type jet fuel, aviation gasoline and gasoline type jet fuel.
Motor fuels transport physical units
Amounts of substances, expressed in million kg or million m3, combusted for the propulsion of vehicles transporting persons or goods, including motor gasoline, transport diesel, kerosene, natural gas, electricity and fuel oil. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel.
Water transport
All passenger and freight water transport, like inland water and sea water transport. Excludes fishing.

For the period 1955-1960 fishing is included in the deliveries of gasoil to water transport.
Heating and other gasoil
Oil for use outside road transport, for example for lighter ship engines, diesel trains and other diesel engines, such those as used in agriculture and construction. The distillation range of heating gasoil lies between 180 and 380 degrees Celsius, for other gasoil the boiling point is up to 540 degrees Celsius. Other gasoil is mainly used in manufacturing. Gasoil used in agriculture is also called red diesel, a reference to the dye added to indicate no excise is due on it. The properties are almost identical to transport diesel.
Total heating and other gasoil
Total of deliveries for use in inland water transport, sea transport and water transport traders. For the period 1955-1960 fishing is included in the deliveries of gasoil to water transport.
Fuel oil
Heavy oil which remains after the distillation in the refinery. For use mainly as fuel in cross-border shipping (bunkers), but also in industry and the production of electricity and heat.
Low-sulphur fuel oil
Fuel oil with a sulphur content of 1 percent or less.

For use mainly as fuel in cross-border shipping (bunkers), but also in industry and the production of electricity and heat.
High-sulphur fuel oil
Fuel oil with a sulphur content of more than 1 percent.

For use mainly as fuel in cross-border shipping (bunkers).
Air transport
All passenger air and freight air transport.
Kerosene type jet fuel
Fuel for aircraft with an aviation turbine power unit.

Kerosene is a medium heavy oil with a distillation range between 150 and 300 degrees Celsius. Certain specifications make it suitable for use in aviation.
Motor fuels transport by volume
Amounts of substances, expressed in million litres, combusted for the propulsion of vehicles transporting persons or goods, including automotive LPG, motor gasoline and transport diesel. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel.
Automotive LPG
Motor fuel consisting of propane and butane. Often called LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). In summer, the proportion propane/butane is about 60:40, in winter 70:30.
Motor gasoline
Fuel for spark ignition engines of cars. It is a mixture of light oils and additives.

The light oil in motor gasoline normally consists of molecules with five to twelve carbon atoms. The distillation range lies between 35 and 215 degrees Celsius. Additives are additions to modify fuel properties and to reduce CO2 emissions from motor gasoline.
Total motor gasoline
Total of the motor fuels unleaded 95 and super unleaded 98 (both unleaded) and normal and super (both leaded).
Transport diesel
Fuel for diesel engines for road transport (cars and goods vehicles). Called diesel at the petrol station.
Total transport diesel
Total of low-sulphur and high-sulphur transport diesel.